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Posts Tagged: 'kady+orloff-diaz'

Apr. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

Here’s to hoping April’s a better month than March was. I’d say the Julia-Quentin prank war was a good start. Don’t believe anything Q says. I totally won.

I’ve been recruited for a mission to embrace my innner Charmed One. Sorry not sorry if you’re jealous.

Try not to have too much fun in Atlantis without me.

Apr. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

March 27

You gotta know when to hold ‘em. )

Mar. 30th, 2019


March 30 | Kady

I fucking hate weekends.



[No Subject]

sobriety is boring anyway

Mar. 28th, 2019


March 27 | Kady

On the road again.

The road goes on forever... take a back road. Jesus take the wheel.

PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH speaks in all country music song titles today. (She's in a traffic jam I guess)

Mar. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

The weirdest thing happened to me today at lunch and I know saying something is weird around here doesn't necessarily mean anything snce it's always weird but still. I was at a salad bar and I put pecans on my salad. I couldn't eat them though because every time I tried, they screamed at me. Yes, pecans were screaming at me.

At least I know it wasn't just me because a couple of other people were having the same problem. So stay away from pecans today, I guess.

Mar. 12th, 2019



Karen Page

Here I thought the metaphorical vampires roaming the streets of New York were bad enough.

On a different note, would anyone be interested in a series of interviews featuring different residents? Something to help get to know our residents better, or rather to help me get to know some of you better. The interview would be published in the Atlantis News. Is this of interest to anyone? What sort of questions would you like to see asked? It wouldn't be anything terribly revealing unless the interviewees wanted to take it there. Anyone is free to opt out.

[Field Ops/Trainers]

Is there any place on the existing schedule of classes or training for those not listed as field of reserve agents? Just for those of us wanting to get a touch more self defense under our belts?

Mar. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

Well. At least the sun was out today, for all the good it did the temperature.

Feb. 21st, 2019


log: lucky penny

february 12
Kady + Penny

So you think you picked up a lucky penny and became a lucky Penny? )

February 21 | Kady

[Benjy Fenwick, Natasha Romanoff, Mordecai Roberts, John Proudstar, Erin Troy, Peter Pevensie, Cappie, Flounder, Evie Frye, Sydney Clarke]

Sup team, I said I'd handle the team logo and well I tried I guess? Here it is, for your approval:

cut for picture )

Benjy if I get the all good will you send this to Oliver Wood so he'll de-stress about this shit a little bit? Thanks.

Feb. 20th, 2019


February 20 | Kady

Happy birthday Syd. Thanks for everything. I don't have a present for you, I suck at that shit but buy you a drink some time?

Feb. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

I've got this friend back home, luckiest fucker you will ever meet in your life, but like, that kind of magic requires bad luck go somewhere? Basically what I'm saying is if there's somebody here with the shittiest luck today, I am actually a little sorry. Not a lot, because I am RARELY this lucky and I definitely needed an influx of cash and all this free shit. But still. Sorry.

If any of you assholes need something, you might be able to bring me wherever it is and I can get it for you. Maybe. No fucking promises!

Feb. 6th, 2019



[No Subject]

The Abominable Snowman has been freaking out over little things lately.

I think he has anxiyeti.

(Could someone please find me some acorns and seeds to eat? I'm peckish.)

Feb. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm looking for volunteers for research regarding the testing of and implementation of a restorative serum from my world that will affect my powers. My job is to try to utilize my powers (pain, and removal of) on you while under various doses of said serum. Your job is to give me a quantifiable number describing the sensation and/or lack thereof.

Before we get started, I'll need to run a few tests to get an idea of your pain tolerance and sensitivity. At no point will I produce any amount of pain in you more intense than a persistent headache (around 3-4 on the pain scale out of 10), and the pain will dissipate as soon as you quantify it. Likewise, all numbness I produce in you will be temporary. I understand that this will be uncomfortable, but it's for a good cause, and all you people are heroes and should eat up good deeds like catnip.

No one under the age of 21. No one with active reoccurring pain such as a badly-healed injury or arthritis. I won't pay you, but I might spring for doughnuts. Please leave me a comment here with questions or to volunteer. I have one open spot (Leonardo da Vinci, Penny Adiyodi, Evie Frye).

EDITED TO ADD: All spots taken. Thank you.

[ Filtered to Thor ]
Are you going to be in Atlantis during the next few weeks? Another incident is brewing. Let's not have mistletoe waiting for my return to consciousness this time.

Feb. 2nd, 2019



2 February | Claire Callahan

I don't suppose my planned outfit for the day is out of the question.

Hopefully, this means winter is coming to a close soon.

PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up as a groundhog today!

Jan. 30th, 2019


January 30 | Kady

So you know that dance plague in France 1518 where people wouldn't (couldn't) stop dancing and even died from several conditions associated with the inability to stop dancing for days?

I always thought it was a spell.

...Anyone find a counter between then and now?

Jan. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

What the hell, I missed penguins AND squirrels? All I got was having to face a self-righteous murdering asshole ~sent by God~ (choke on a dick, Eli). That is one shitty tradeoff and I would like to opt out of further newsletters, thanks.

Jan. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

[ Kady & Penny ]
You're friends of hers, so just a heads up that Syd is one of those who's in a coma. I figured you'd end up here too, so I wanted to give you a warning.

Jan. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

january 13-14 (midnight)
Kady Orloff-Diaz + Sam Diaz-Adiyodi

Sam gets her emotions back. )

Jan. 16th, 2019


January 16 | Kady

[Benjy Fenwick]
Sup Captain since you didn't say anything I guess I'll go first: I propose plum, black, black & plum, black & green, anything that isn't blue.

Since we're team 1 on the roster my only idea so far is calling us One and Done but that's kinda lame.