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Posts Tagged: 'lauren+strucker'

Jun. 7th, 2019



Network Post: Henry Ferris

I sincerely apologize to the person* I bumped into this morning. I am usually more considerate. I have been running terribly late all day.

PLOT: One character each keeps telling everyone they are late today. Volunteers welcomed!

May. 14th, 2019



14 May | Violet Parr

I have a lot of questions right now.

Also, surprise? I'm back!



[No Subject]

Rumors of my death etc etc etc

I'm physically fine apparently. But I hate everything. Except you. If you are reading this, I do not hate you.

May. 9th, 2019



Network Post: Clint Barton (Atlantis)

Yeah, I'm done.

We get the rest of our people out. We find where COS is hiding, and we blow it sky high.

Apr. 10th, 2019



17 March | Lauren Strucker & Brent Hartley

Lauren Strucker & Brent Hartley
"Sounds like that means we’ll both win either way"
CHALLENGE - tin, alluring, loss, vein, hospitable
Read more... )

Apr. 1st, 2019



16 March | Fred & Lauren

fred burkle & lauren strucker
"We accidentally scared the neighbor’s cat with that thing one time when we were testing out how far it could shoot things of various weights."
16 march | scrapebooking
Read more... )



1 April | Lauren Strucker

I guess this is one way to start the second quarter.

I'm going to miss living with all of you

HEART 14 (Armel Chevalier)
Anything I should know about living with you guys?

Mar. 26th, 2019



Network Post: Clint Barton

Taco Tuesday is still on, right? There hasn't been a sour cream shortage or a run on salsa, has there?

[Team 16: Peter Quill + Lauren Strucker]
Hey Team. I've had a glimpse, but let's talk abilities, specialties. What have you been working on with your previous teams, and what do you want to get better at?

[Peter Quill]
Looks like we're teammates again. Glad to have you.

Hey. Doing all right?

[Jill Dragomir]
How are you doing? Things settling down?

[Teddy Altman]
Nice shapeshifting. You ever want to come along again, you're welcome.

[MCU Avengers]
Everybody the right shape and not stranded on the moon? Let's get tacos.



March 25 | Valkyrie

[CHARLIE 2 - TEAM 8 | TEAM 16]
[John Proudstar, Lily Potter, Steve Harrington | Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Lauren Strucker]
Okay welcome to the Valkyrie Corner. Yes I was one, yes one of those valkyries, the name is the thing and I wear it to honour them, glad that's out of the way.

So. If you have a problem, come to me. Or go to your team leader and they'll come to me. Anyway, come to me before you solve problems with punching, self destruction or going over my head. I'm not approachable-looking and I'm most likely drunk but trust me, I know what I'm doing I've been doing it for a millennium or so. And it's fucking important to me that we win this, I have personal stakes on this now as if the normal kind wasn't enough.

Oh and I'll be checking out training once in a while to see if everything's smooth. Be safe, help each other (ego gets people killed remember that), follow orders unless they sound unbelievably stupid. Cheers!

Mar. 23rd, 2019



23 March | Lauren Strucker

I almost wish I was a puppy today.

Great games everyone.

The weather is supposed to be getting warmer soon right?

Mar. 18th, 2019



Netpost: Brent Hartley

I trust everyone is recovered from last night’s party. I have to admit, it exceeded my expectations.

You and Chuck seem awfully cozy. Do I need to give him the Big Brother Talk?

How do you feel about tacos?

Glad to have you back, roomie. We should go out tonight, catch up.



Network Post: Raksha Keller

I don't wear green.

[Brent Hartley]
Did you have fun with Lauren last night? You should call her.

[separately to Lauren Strucker and Bella Hartley]
How was the party?

[Regan Wyngarde]
I'm Keller. I was on a mission when you got here.

[Former Strigoi Teams]
Is everyone healed up?

Mar. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

17 doesn’t really feel much different than 16, but that might be because it feels like I just turned 16 weeks ago.

[OOC: A party post will be up tonight! Everyone in Atlantis will have received an invitation a couple of weeks ago!]

Mar. 14th, 2019



march 14 :: donald pierce

Happy Pi Day, I guess. No idea it had a day, but hey, at least pie was good.



[No Subject]

I've been lectured by many, many things before and I've been attacked by fauna more than once in my time, but I've never had a tree lecture me.

Out of curiosity, do any other normally non-sentient things tend to gain voices around here, or am I just having an incredibly long and bad trip?

Mar. 3rd, 2019



netpost | marcos diaz

Uh, how's it going, Atlantis? I've met some pretty important people already, but I'm Marcos, for those who don't know. I trust you've been taking good care of my daughter. She's been the best part of this place so far (sorry, John).

Feb. 25th, 2019



Network Post: Raksha Keller

The Carnival food is all right if you don't ask what's in it. The clowns are creepy.

Which of you put them up to this?

Cut for image )

*[OOC: Considering she's not that social, if she's talked to you, you count.]

Feb. 17th, 2019




It seems like a good night for a family dinner, if everyone's free. Bring a friend if you want, but i think it would be nice to get everyone together now that Clarice is back from the mission and no one is stuck in medical.

If my cooking isn't enough to entice you, Zingo really wants to see you all.

*OOC: This includes Lorna, Clarice, Marce, Dash, Violet, Lauren, Keller and anyone I'm forgetting who'd count as part of the extended fam.



[No Subject]

Mythical lands and multiple universes are not outside the realm of possibility when you know very well your feet are on the ground. As I said when I arrived, I do understand a fight and if my universe needs me to hold lacking existence at bay, then so be it. I've seen this fight before and I want to be on the right side of it. All the better when none of mine are h

Erik Lehnsherr, at your service. You will have little trouble from me unless you pursue it.

Feb. 14th, 2019



14 February | Lauren Strucker

I can't remember the last time I was on a Ferris Wheel or how relaxing it can be. Still a little cold for it, but not as ba as it has been.

PLOT: A Ferris Wheel shows up in Atlantis Park today.