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November 2019



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Mar. 28th, 2019



netpost; ray palmer

Wow. Okay.

Ah, not what I expected when I woke up this morning. Luckily my clothes sort of fit... Oversized shirts are cute, right? And I guess my pants can be considered boyfriend fit? Maybe?

I'm Ray, by the way. Hopefully they'll let me on the base, I have work!

Mar. 23rd, 2019



Post-Quid netpost; Kal-El

Congratulations Kangaroos!!

I wish I could have been up there with you. But hopefully you heard my barks of encouragement. Everyone flew so well, on both teams, it was a brilliant match to watch.

Dash, that catch was fantastic.

Mar. 7th, 2019



netpost; clark kent| Kal-El

I haven't made a collage in years. This is definitely a step up from any of my school projects though. I'm glad I decided to give it a try, though at first it looked like I was attempting to make ransom notes, the number of newspapers I'd cut up. Its oddly therapeutic, fitting textures, colors and contrasts together... takes my mind off things almost as well as flying. I'm lucky Olson remembers Kon from Breck, so he doesn't mind having him around.

Speaking of flying, I'm looking forward to my first Quidditch match this weekend.

Feb. 27th, 2019



netpost; dylan dog

Glad to see I'm not the only one who had a friendly polar bear approach them this morning. Not sure if hugging a couple of cubs and their Mom is a valid excuse for clocking on five minutes late though.

Feb. 23rd, 2019



netpost; ray palmer

I know it's not quite as fun as Quidditch. But I decided to enter the Tennis tournament. I haven't played for a few years but it's a work out at least, right?

I may regret my decision tomorrow morning.

Feb. 17th, 2019



netpost; ray palmer

I have been publicly naked more often in the months I've resided here than during my entire life previously. I can only apologise if I offended anyone. It's taken me this long to deal with my embarrassment.

Please let me keep my clothes on for the foreseeable future, Atlantis.

Feb. 14th, 2019




January Mission - Team 5
Armel Chevalier - Sara Lance - Antoine Triplett - Abby Griffin - Kal-El/Clark Kent
mission stuff | complete

Team 5 Mission - The 100 )

Feb. 12th, 2019



netpost; dylan dog

Found a penny. Let's see how the day works out.

[Buffy Summers]
How are you doing, after your Trouble?

Feb. 11th, 2019



netpost; kal-el/clark kent

I can't believe how clumsy I am. I'm so sorry... wasting that milk.

Poor cow... she'll be so disappointed.

Feb. 2nd, 2019



log: kidnapped scenes

January 19-22 - kidnapped scenes
Eliot Black-Lupin + Alicia Spinnet + Kal-El/Clark Kent
+ Clarke Griffin + Shania Andor
Kidnapping, Torture, Etc | Complete
Where is the notebook? )

Jan. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

13th Nov 2018
Faith LehaneRay Palmer
Before the Sadie Hawkins Dance )

Jan. 25th, 2019



netpost; clark kent | kal-el

I think I've had enough excitement for a few months, at least. What are that chances of Atlantis giving me a pass on the weird stuff for a while?

Not sure the mark they gave me really fits my image, but trying to blast it with my heat vision feels like too much of a challenge just now. I dread to think how many deadlines I've missed at the paper.

Ray, thank you for looking after Olson. Dylan, I hope you're recovering.

Thank you to the team who rescued me and my fellow captives, and to all at medical who looked after us once we got home.

Jan. 9th, 2019



netpost; ray palmer

So, Wednesday is hump day. Time to celebrate it being midweek. I intend to, anyone is welcome to join, more than welcome..

(Ray is currently possessed by HUITACA the South American Goddess of Happiness, Pleasure and Drunkenness. She's amoral but popular ;) and when she came to town, it was always party time.)

Jan. 8th, 2019



netpost; dylan dog

Judging by the network, I'm not the only person being followed today. I have some experience tailing people, but I'd like to think I'm better than whoever it is following me like a badly attached shadow.

If you're reading this, whoever you are, I'm sorry my daily routine is pretty boring, you'd probably have a better chance of fun if y'know, you actually came and spoke to me.

Dec. 30th, 2018



netpost; clark kent/kal-el

Olson made the journey from Breckentale to be my gift this Christmas. As I recall he isn't fond of fireworks, so we may be hiding away for New Year's Eve.

Dec. 23rd, 2018



netpost; ray palmer

I woke up this morning with a Family Tree on my bed. It's beautifully done. But it's more up to date than I am because my stupid brother, Sydney, is married, with kids!

I hope everyone here in Atlantis has a great Christmas!

Dec. 9th, 2018



netpost; nine

Atlantis, fantastic! Being here without a TARDIS, not so fantastic. Having two of me in the same place, potentially catastrophic.



netpost; dylan dog

I can't really remember much of being this small, but I have all my adult memories, so I guess that doesn't matter.

Jumping on the bed is taking up a lot of my time. But I'm going to get hungry at some point. Housemates, don't freak out at the kid in the kitchen. It's just me, Dylan.



netpost; kal-el/clark kent

Well, this is embarrassing, but I'm stuck under a mistletoe.

Would anyone be willing to help me out?

Nov. 23rd, 2018



netpost; clark kent

There's something wrong with my eyes. Considering I can shoot heat blasts from them usually, that's saying a lot.

Wearing sunglasses hasn't helped.