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Posts Tagged: 'charlie+weasley'

Jun. 8th, 2019



june 08 :: charlie weasley

It's a good thing I didn't have to play Quidditch today. Although it's gonna make taking care of Sora and the other dragons a little difficult.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up as Dalmatian Puppy ]

May. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but I have the polar opposite of a green thumb. Does anybody know any spells for like, keeping plants alive? Or, does anybody want some plants?

It's been an oddly relaxing day of watering though.

Image not under cut in post )

May. 28th, 2019



may 28 :: charlie weasley

Not sure how I ended up in this competition, but hey, mum would be proud watching me making my own food. And it's not bad either.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH ends up in a hamburger making competition. ]

May. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]


You guys did amazing. It doesn't always seem that way after a loss, but they just played better. Doesn't mean we played bad in the slightest and I'm treating you all to drinks.


Is everybody doing okay? It's been a shitty month and I want to, like. Check in.

May. 16th, 2019



may 16 :: charlie weasley

I guess I'll be wearing nothing but purple today.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - No matter what 6 CHARACTERS put on today their clothing turns purple. ]

May. 11th, 2019




Everyone should be able to switch away from the arena now. We finally figured out how to turn off the feed to every device. That doesn't mean you can't watch if you want to or need to, but you can turn it off now.

I'm so sorry it took so long.

THOSE THAT HELPED *(Feel free to assume)
Fantastic work! I'm so proud of all of you!

At least we got that done, I can go back to trying to help track the signal now rather than just stopping it to every device.

PLOT: The teams figure out how to turn off the automatic watch so screens in Atlantis can see other things.

Apr. 7th, 2019



7th April | Katie Bell

Hello, Atlantis - I'm sure some of you have noticed we've had a bit of turnover lately. People leaving, new people showing up. For you newer people who don't already know, I'm Katie Bell and we've got a bit of a quidditch league going, which I started up with Benjy Fenwick! If you've never seen the sport or played, we play on brooms, it's bloody fun and those of us who have experience playing are happy to teach anyone who wants to learn.

That said, we could use a few more reserves to pad the rosters, so if it sounds like something you'd like to do, please sign up! We practice on weekends, so come on down to the Pitch to see what it's all about! Spectators welcome, even if you don't plan on playing!

Apr. 6th, 2019



april 06 :: charlie weasley

Still a little chilly to be wearing anything but trousers, but when Atlantis gives you a kilt, you wear it!

[ PLOT :: ♆ - ONE MALE CHARACTER EACH wakes up with a kilt on the end of their bed, and yes, of course, you want to wear it! ]

Mar. 23rd, 2019



post-quidditch | katie bell



I’m inviting everyone to the Three Broomsticks tonight for an impromptu party!

ETA: Sorry for all the roster changes, loves. Here’s hoping we’ll be able to leave them alone for awhile!

Mar. 15th, 2019



15 March | Davina Claire

I'm going home before I hurt someone.

I don't know what's wrong with me today, but it's safer if I'm just not around anyone.

Happy Birthday.

Kol will drop off your present tonight, but I'm going to have to pass for safety reasons.

PLOT: ♆ - No matter what ONE CHARACTER EACH feels like everything they do is wrong today.



march 15 :: charlie weasley

Today is definitely not my day. Excuse me while I go and hide and wait for the day to be over.

[ PLOT :: No matter what ONE CHARACTER EACH feels like everything they do is wrong today. ]

Mar. 14th, 2019



Network Post: Molly Weasley

That was not a pleasant experience, but I am really, quite all right.

Thank you all. I know you've been overworked these past weeks, but you are all very much appreciated.

[Harley Quinn]
You're a dear. Thank you so much.

Mar. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Not all attacks are happening at night, the Strigoi can enter buildings and houses if they aren't properly warded. Magic teams are going about doing just that - if you've got magic and you're not on a team but want to help, that's where we can use you. and if you've got religious symbols, please put them out where it's visible.

Be alert at all times, and minimize walking about in public, especially alone.

Stefan is currently considered a threat risk, and we've got a team tracking him. He can't enter houses without permission, but he can openly walk in daylight, so don't bloody trust him. We're doing everything in our power to get him back to normal.

[STRIGOI TEAM 4 (Caroline, Damon and John Proudstar)]
I won't stay at the hospital long - the one attacked this morning is my bo b - er, best mate. He'll be alright, just in the hospital for a little while. I'll catch back up with you in a few minutes.

I've got a few thoughts on magic that can help us trap him, but we could use a list of all of his abilities?

Scorpius was attacked this morning. He's- Well, he's alive, but bad off. As much as I want to, I can't stay at the hospital right now, can someone please come sit with him? Take turns? Please- I don't

Normally it'd take three bloody bears to wrestle me away from his bed, but I'm on the team helping to hunt the newest problem.

Feb. 23rd, 2019



february 23 :: charlie weasley

Merlin, it felt good to play Quidditch again. And not to mention winning! I didn't realize I missed it so much.

Feb. 17th, 2019



17 February | Charlie Montgomery

I think my birthday wish is for warmer weather. I know, I know, can't get a weather wish! A girl can dream though.

Tango isn't usually the style of dancing I go for, but I think it'd be fun to try tonight.

Who is coming? The more the better! It'll be fun.

PLOT: Charlie's Birthday. She turns 28

Feb. 16th, 2019



february 16 :: charlie weasley

I feel like I should appologize for my singing. I know I sound like a cat being killed.

Feb. 11th, 2019



netpost: katie bell

Sorry for the tardiness of this announcement, loves! I had been waiting for things to calm down a bit and, well, this is Atlantis!

Right, anyway, the wombats won our poll by a landslide with gold and black as our colors!

Dinner and drinks at the Three Broomsticks to celebrate?

Feb. 6th, 2019



Network Post: Molly Weasley

[ooc: Early in the day.]

Today is the birthday of the dearest man I have the privilege of knowing. Arthur, I love you more every day, even when one of us is sporting feathers.

[Friends & Family (They are Weasleys, go ahead and assume)]
I know we can't go too late because it's mid week, but we're having a birthday dinner at the house tonight. I expect to see you all there!

Jan. 28th, 2019



netpost: bilius weasley

Oddly enough, bubble wrap is not the strangest outfit I've ever worn. That title would probably be when I showed up to work at The Prophet wearing nothing more than my boyfriend's neighbor's curtains. (Long story). I must say, it'll be an interesting day at work... so far, the joy of popping bubbles has not worn off.

[ PLOT :: ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up and everything they put on turns into bubble wrap! ]

Jan. 27th, 2019



netpost: katie bell

QUIDDITCH TEAM 7 (Bella Hartley, Kaylee Frye, Thor Odinson, Allison Argent, Quentin Coldwater, Charlie Weasley, Julia Wicker, Armel Chevalier, Gwen Stacy, Jim Kirk)
We had a clear majority on Black and Gold as our colors, but a dead tie for our mascot, so one more poll for you lot!

Poll #8074 Team 7 Mascot
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Which animal should be our mascot?

9 (90.0%)

1 (10.0%)

Not an IC cut - Images Inside )

Charlie and I would also like to have the full team out for a group dinner sometime soon! Check your schedules and let us know what night is good for you!