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Apr. 24th, 2019



Log: Henry Ferris and William Laurence

Way backdated...Early November
Henry Ferris + William Laurence + NPC Temeraire
G | Complete

Most veteran aviators, men of the world though they were, could not claim to have seen half as much. )

Apr. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

Today is my birthday and I am stuck dressed as a pencil while attending an art festival. What an odd brand of humor you have, Atlantis.

Apr. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

April 6th

I just wanted to see if you were drowning yourself in pizza or boxing up your stuff before you left or…what. )

Apr. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey so- are some of the April Fools Day pranks still laying around or did someone forget to pick up some invisible piece of magic? Cause I just twisted my ankle getting stuck in-- IDK. An invisible box with superglue at the bottom? I can't go anywhere and Dol can't get to me.



[No Subject]

My bird looks like a penis rainbow with wings. Sorry. I took everyone else's posts as a hilarious challenge and ... well, here we are!

It did, in fact, smack me in the side of the head before flying away to harass the rest of the base.

Apr. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Cleaning up after toddlers is a full time job.

Which is why I've decided, what's the point? Why bother?

I think I'd rather just pour one out for Athos, instead. He'll be happier at home, though, with no shortage of wars to fight. Still

Apr. 6th, 2019



[No Subject]

This place sucks sometimes, you guys know that righ I mean, don't get me wrong, I have extremely nice legs. Very defined calves. Muscular thighs. But I don't know that everyone wants the neighborhood friendly guy-that-swings-from-building-to-building wearing a kilt the "proper" way. Right? So I'm just gonna wear my suit under it. ... Is there a Scottish fairy that's going to pinch me or curse me or something? Do I gotta go.. you know, traditional?

Hey, cool, I can check off "do a caber toss in my spidey suit AND KILT" on my bucket list today.

Mar. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

sobriety is boring anyway

Mar. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

Another day? I can hide for only so bloody long.

Mar. 28th, 2019



Log: Albus & Marlene


March 28
time. Morning | location. Marlene’s house
rating. PG | status. COMPLETE
Genderswap! Albus needs help. HE’S NOT GOOD AT THIS.

You went from a seven to a nine and a half, well done. )

Mar. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

So, I can already lift like, 10 tons. I promise I didn't need these bursting muscles just cause I ate a salad for once. They tore my favorite shirt! ... which I can fix myself, but I really want a reason to complain, and my Spidey suit stretches enough sooooo. That's all I've got.

[TEAM NUMERO UNO! (Marcus Cole, Kára Calrissian and Jesse McCree)]
HEY TEAM. So we've got a dude that thinks he's a Spider, a guy that's literally a crocodile demon thing, a cowboy that's way better at guns than I am, and an Asgardian.... is Han Solo your godfather? I really need to know because of fanfic I wrote when I was 15.

Basically I'm probably the worst team leader of all of them. Or the best, if you also hate running and like pizza parties on Fridays. Let's do some terrible icebreaker memes! I'll go first.

You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick? I pick Torn, by Natalie Imbruglia. Because it speaks to my soul.

Mar. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

My bigo brother is getting married tomrrow! Ive adored Fenris since i met him--

well, mostly, I know he didnt trust me much but he liked me soon enough and then well

That was a long time ag, and i am very very glad hes offically joining our family. I can promise itll be a v. pretty ceremony and i will have my best notsad face on because who could be sad when you're two favortte people are getting married? not me

well see you all there!

[OOC: "Bachelor" party at the Hanged Man tonight for friends of Hawke & Fenris, which mostly just involved drinking and cards! Feel free to assume your character was invited/there if friendly with them.]

Mar. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

PSA, for those who care: Baby El and I turn one year older tomorrow. I like chocolate cake, purses, gadgets, alcohol, and blankets. I am more than happy to accept pampering of any kind and surprise parties are 👍, so bring it on.

Mar. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

Healing is remarkable, you know. At home, it would have taken me weeks to recover from a broken rib, but here? I just received my clean bill of health.

You know what that means, tesoro? You can stop being so gentle with me in bed. Please.

Mar. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

We tracked and trapped Stefan. He's currently in a bodybind and John is bringing (carrying) him in - we'll need to keep him in a secure location where he can't escape, so Caroline and Damon can do their thing. But it's mostly in their hands now.

No major injuries to report on my team, but I think we could all use some sleep when things wind down.

Unless we find out info that there's more hiding, I think it's over now. But still keep your guard up for a little while? Please?

Mar. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Anne was one of the recently attacked - they were bold enough to go after her during the day, though it was indoors.

She's stable and I've got the wound wrapped but the bleeding is only slowed - we could use an escort to the hospital, if anyone is available. [Location]

Anne was attacked while she was out - we're headed to medical now. It's not nearly as bad as it could've been, but she'll need stitches for sure.

Porthos - you're both still fine? I have some crosses in a box upstairs, if you want to put them out. They're said to help.



[No Subject]

Not all attacks are happening at night, the Strigoi can enter buildings and houses if they aren't properly warded. Magic teams are going about doing just that - if you've got magic and you're not on a team but want to help, that's where we can use you. and if you've got religious symbols, please put them out where it's visible.

Be alert at all times, and minimize walking about in public, especially alone.

Stefan is currently considered a threat risk, and we've got a team tracking him. He can't enter houses without permission, but he can openly walk in daylight, so don't bloody trust him. We're doing everything in our power to get him back to normal.

[STRIGOI TEAM 4 (Caroline, Damon and John Proudstar)]
I won't stay at the hospital long - the one attacked this morning is my bo b - er, best mate. He'll be alright, just in the hospital for a little while. I'll catch back up with you in a few minutes.

I've got a few thoughts on magic that can help us trap him, but we could use a list of all of his abilities?

Scorpius was attacked this morning. He's- Well, he's alive, but bad off. As much as I want to, I can't stay at the hospital right now, can someone please come sit with him? Take turns? Please- I don't

Normally it'd take three bloody bears to wrestle me away from his bed, but I'm on the team helping to hunt the newest problem.

Mar. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

So, the photobooths are not the TARDIS, I checked. Was disappointed until I wasn't - highly recommend trying one out if you're interested in talking to your suspiciously absent wife for a little while. Or, I guess, it's totally possible you'll end up talking to my wife as well, which I still highly recommend because she's fantastic.

[MAGICIANS COLLECTIVE (Magicians + family members and significant others)]
Hi, so I don't know if you've all heard, but there are vicious vampires (Strigoi, if we're being specific - but it's not dead on to the Romanian "myths") attacking people. So far only a few serious injuries and no deaths, but they're still on the loose. It's a work in progress. I'm helping this deliciously broody Assassin try and catch them, so if I'm not around much, it's cause I'm a big fucking hero.

Anyway that's your warning - don't be the next victim, keep a silver stake on you and practice sunlight and fire spells. Kay? Kay.

I've never been one for strict fatherly curfews - but I want you inside at night. Please? The house, house. Don't start with "but father, I have magic", I know, and a few of the people attacked have been total badasses, so just humor me and stay inside or have a buddy system when you're out?

Genuinely not fucking around when I say do not get your ass hurt, Coldwater. Do not do anything dumb. Don't go be heroic vampire hunter (as hot as that would be) and don't be putting yourself in unnecessary danger. Okay? Good. Glad we had this talk.

Mar. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

march 8

When it is /healed/, we can talk again about whether it looks /cool/ or not. )