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Posts Tagged: '%2Alauren'

Sep. 27th, 2019



netpost | September 27

Thankfully, Harry's doing alright, so guess he's the boy who lived times three now.

Harry Potter
Best not make it a fourth time or I'll hex you myself.

Hannah Abbott
Thanks for everything.

Sep. 25th, 2019



September 14 | Log | Damon and Elena

Morning after the attack on Housing
Damon & Elena Salvatore
"Come back to me when we've won."
Medical | PG | Complete
Warnings: General doom and gloom
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Sep. 15th, 2019



backdated hayley/elijah log

Hayley Marshall & Elijah Mikaelson
"We do seem to always end up on the losing side. Don't we?"
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backdated klayley log

Klaus MIkaelson & Hayley Marshall
"We were protecting her. We sacrificed our own lives so she could live."
Rousseau's | Mentions of character death & booze
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Sep. 1st, 2019



log: billy & rose

Mid August - Gryffindored
Billy & Rose
"It was late...probably the best time for mischief"
Atlantis City | G
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Aug. 23rd, 2019



netpost | elena salvatore

I swear everything I do today ends up going wrong. If you need me, I'll be at home, attempting to binge-watch 90s rom-coms with my dog (unless, of course, that goes wrong too!).

[Did you have plans? Are you organized? Well, if you are today everything is just going wrong for ONE CHARACTER EACH.]

Aug. 20th, 2019



mission log | caroline & sirius

Sirius Black & Caroline Salvatore
Scooby Doo Land | PG
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Aug. 11th, 2019



netpost | Hayley Marshall

Hey y'all. I can't seem to sleep tonight. Too man So, I was thinking -- any Dauntless up for a round of Capture of the Flag? I'm thinking two teams, two flags, the entirety of Atlantis as the playing field? Might even invite some of you other Factions in, if you promise to play by the rules.

Aug. 6th, 2019



Netpost | August 6

Man, all I want to do is braid flowers in my hair. When did it become such a downer being here? It used to be all peace and love, man. Man, my daughter's going to grow up with this hugest chip on her shoulder if we don't fight the Power.

[OOC: I think it is flower child day. If it isn't, please pretend I can read calendars.]

Aug. 1st, 2019



netpost | Ginny Potter

So, Atlantis? Good to have a change of scenery, isn't it? I've been thinking I needed to add 'mythical island getaway' to my otherworldly adventures.

Anywho, Ginny here. They've got me posted at the Atlantis News for the time being. I'm looking forward to meeting you all.

Jul. 31st, 2019



netpost | hayley marshall

Hey Atlantis, next time you want help with whatever bullshit you've got going on, maybe text a girl first? The whole magic-coin-turned-teleport is way overdone. I'm hoping you at least have done me a solid and brought my daughter here, too? She's small, quite mouthy, loves chess. Ask her dad about that last one.

Jul. 20th, 2019



netpost | Billy Kaplan

Woo! Surprised I caught the snitch. Was bit busy checking out that good looking keeper on the other side. Me = ๐Ÿ’€

Good work Falcons keeping me in check and y'know being infinitely better at Quidditch. I love you? Like, platonically and all. Did I mention that keeper has my heart? ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

Jul. 9th, 2019



netpost | marcos diaz

Look, I'm not going to write this much again. I know it isn't easy being here. I'm sure, if you're like me, you all have your own problems back home. But I'm glad my daughter gets to grow up in a world where she's not persecuted for being what she is. So, thanks Atlantis for making that happen.

If you need anything -- extra training, homemade buneolos, a drink -- I'll be here.

Lorna Dane
That goes double for you. I don't do boats, but tacos?

Jul. 1st, 2019



May | Log | Damon & Elena

Late May | Evening
Damon & Elena Salvatore
"We're happy here, aren't we?"
Their house | PG | Complete
No particular warnings. Talk of the Arena
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Jun. 23rd, 2019



netpost | Billy Kaplan

It's about time I learned to dance properly. Anyone up for tango night at Trocution? Promise I can play damsel-in-dance well.

Jun. 22nd, 2019



netpost | Sirius Black

I'm starting to see the benefits of all these parties.

[James Potter]
I recall you promising to be the best mate / man / master of ceremonies?

Jun. 19th, 2019



backdated to june 18 (yesterday)

Be sure to wish my amazing husband a happy birthday today. He's very into public celebrations.

Salvatores + Bonnie & Rocco + Josie
We're spending the night in, but family dinner this weekend?

Jun. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

I feel like I should be chasing a fire truck or something.

Jun. 3rd, 2019



netpost | marcos diaz

Having a child is exhausting.

Lorna Dane
Date night?

May. 27th, 2019



netpost | billy kaplan

Teddy Altman
Look, I um -- I know we retired to figure out ourselves, and like, be normal young adults (wow - when did we almost stop being teenagers??????). But if Atlantis has taught me anything, it's that we've got to do what is necessary to help others? And I think the best way to do that is not for me to be retired? Because I can help people????? Y'know, besides making beautiful sparkling drinks and looking fine?

I did just call myself fine.

Please ignore that last part.

So, yea, tl;dr -- I am signing up to be a (floating) field agent. Yay???

(P.S. P.S. Please tell me you're okay with this, or I'll retract my future application.)