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November 2019



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Posts Tagged: '%2Atara'

Apr. 2nd, 2019



Log: Octavia & Abby


The voice caught her attention, but it wasn’t until she lifted her head to see who had been assigned to her that her mood really plummeted to the floor. Abby Griffin - great. )

Mar. 31st, 2019



Log: Helen Magnus & John Proudstar

John Proudstar & Helen Magnus
[Backdated] November 14
Atlantis Base

This is all we need to catch us a nubbin )



Netpost 13: Regina Hood-Mills

I've had time to think about it and I've decided that my opinion hasn't changed. This promotion would feel more deserved if it hadn't meant our department continuing to grow smaller and smaller.

Filter: Friends & Family
I know that I've been pretty silent lately but I promise you all that I'm fine. And if you're still not convinced you're welcome to come over for dinner whenever you want.

Feb. 28th, 2019



Netpost 12: Regina Hood-Mills

It might be the shortest month but that certainly didn't stop February from feeling exceptionally long this year.

Filter: Lissa Dragomir & Roman Smith
With Tenzing having left us I imagine that your workloads have increased. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to offer my assistance with anything either of you might need.

Feb. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

Interesting story:

I was taking a walk, working on a project problem, when I "felt" someone behind me.

That someone was a polar bear. A polar bear that followed me down the beach and wouldn't leave me alone until I scratched behind its ears.

Atlantis is a hell of a place.



Netpost 06: Helen Magnus

Herc Hansen
Can I tempt you into joining me for a picnic? Or has your time as a farmer put you off anything that might remind you of that experience?

Chuck Hansen
My door is always open should you ever decide to ask me all of those questions I know you've held yourself back from asking.

Will Zimmerman
How are you, Will?

And do keep in mind that it hasn't escaped my notice that you've frequently been the victim of this cities idea of fun. So, know that I won't accept an "I'm fine" as an answer.

Medical & Science
I'd intended to do this much sooner but our fair city had entirely different plans for me. Now that things are calmer, I feel it's time that I properly introduce myself to all of you. My name is Doctor Helen Magnus and I consider it an absolute pleasure to serve as the Commander of a team of amazing men and women.

Feb. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Okay, time to stop moping. But I still need distractions.

Anyone up for F/M/K?

Feb. 14th, 2019




January Mission - Team 5
Armel Chevalier - Sara Lance - Antoine Triplett - Abby Griffin - Kal-El/Clark Kent
mission stuff | complete

Team 5 Mission - The 100 )

Feb. 10th, 2019



Netpost 01: Leo Spinnet

Happy Sunday Atlantis!

[Plot: 5 CHARACTERS when they get on an elevator today turn into an umbrella, don't worry, it only lasts 6 hours. You can still speak.]

Feb. 6th, 2019



february 6 :: harley quinn

I haven’t felt like this in a long time. I must say it feels nice, relieving almost. It feels like I can start over and forget about the past, and him. He did so many bad things to me, and I allowed them like a stupid girl who was madly in love. But now that I see things with a different perspective it shows me I can get over all those things and I can get over him.

Feb. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Should’ve figured there’d be a literal interpretation of Groundhog Day.

Does anyone want me to predict if we have 6 more weeks of winter?

Jan. 28th, 2019



Netpost 11: Regina Hood-Mills

cut for image, not filtered )

Family & Friends
I'm sure that I don't need to list for you all of the reasons why January was a terrible month. So, instead of wasting my time, I propose that we consider February 1 to be the new first official day of 2019. And in doing so, we celebrate with a party!

Text to Robin Hood
✉️ tap to load image
✉️ Happy belated one month anniversary, thief.



Mistletoe Log

late december
Helen Magnus + Herc Hansen
Low-ish | Complete

I say we give it another go. Just in case )

Jan. 25th, 2019



25 January | Alicia Spinnet

Well, least Atlantis is still Atlantis.

Sorry I haven't been able to reach out about the team.

Where were you guys at with ideas?

While stuck here my thoughts have been:
  • Cinnamon & Cayenne - The Spicy Falcons. - II
  • Wine & Clay - The Stomping Blazers (with a Blazer Horse mascot).
  • Nectar & Tuscan Red - The Foxes - I
  • Pumpkin & Canteloupe - Steaming Markhor

Personally, I vote for The Spicy Falcons but I want to hear your thoughts too.



[No Subject]

It's good to be back.

Thank you to everyone who aided in our safe return.

Jan. 24th, 2019



netpost: leonard mccoy

OOC: Posted shortly after Isabella's post, once they've been portalled to medical. Sorry this is late, but work was a thing.

FILTERED to family & significant others of the KIDNAPPED
I'm happy to report our missing agents have been found and brought home. We're keeping them overnight for observation, but I'm willing to allow a limited number of visitors. I know you're all anxious to reunite with your loved ones.

Take the rest of the day. I know you're anxious to spend some time with Clarke.

You got time to come down and look in on our newest patients? I have a feeling they're going to need a few sessions with your or Sam, whether they'll admit it or not.

Jan. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

I don’t care if that was COS or Atlantis. Someone is getting punched for that shit.

Sorry I worried you guys
*feel free to assume cause Rose is friends with fucking everyone lol

Wow, that was super fun. You wanna talk about it or just hit something?

Jan. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

Does anyone need a hug? I don't think there's much I can do for anyone right now, but I can do that.

Are you I was thinking about what you said when you got here. About selling myself short.

I think you were right.
Are you all right? The last few days have been particularly chaotic.



Netpost 03: Abby Griffin

The timing of this is terrible

I’m positive I won’t be of any use to anyone today so I’m staying home. I’ll see you all tomorrow.

Jan. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]


Rose isn't waking up. I've tried everything. Could someone come and get her? I'll be there as soon as Ivan is taken care of.

[Texts to Taisia, Alex, Abe, and Lissa]

I need one of you to come over to watch Ivan. Rose didn't wake up this morning and still isn't waking up. I've asked Medical to come and get her, I'm going over there as soon as one of you can get here. I've told him that Mommy is just not feeling well and needs to sleep rght now and he seems to be okay with that.