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Posts Tagged: '%2Aliz'

Jul. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

This is one way to keep me off social media and away from flash messages, but much better than boarding school. Which is probably where I'll end up once dad finds out about King Cobra.

I've been here a few days and was trying to get a feel for this place before introducing myself. I'm Rowan Fricks and yeah, I think that's really the only important thing you need to know about me.

Jul. 10th, 2018



july 10 :: steve harrington

Cooking in a toy kitchen was just as disastrous as doing in a real one, only the mess was easier to clean.

peter parker.
Forgive me for being a horrible friend and not doing anything for your birthday?

Jul. 9th, 2018



Posted Sunday, July 8

The three best things about today:
-agreeing to marry my best friend
-being released from medical
- turning 54.

Drinks are on me tonight at Lightening Brew.

PUBLIC: cut for length, Coulson's navel gazing and mentions of character death )

Jul. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]

Sometimes a person has to lie in life, and being stuck unable to lie even a little white lie, is really getting on my nerves. Just glad certain family members or people who work for me are not around or this could have been really ugly.

Jul. 7th, 2018



July 7 :: Erica Reyes

Today... might not be a great day... me speaking nothing but the truth might piss people off...
PLOT: For the next 48 hours, UNLIMITED CHARACTERS finds themselves speaking the truth and nothing but the truth. Yes, it is impossible to lie for these 48 hours.

Jul. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

Yesterday was probably the first time I've ever worn a bikini and I don't think I'll be repeating that anytime soon. No, there are not pictures.

Jul. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Sorry to those of you who were worried. Seems I'll be spending some more time in medical, but Atlantis has been able to reverse the inevitable.

[Team Bus]
We still owe Daisy a birthday party.

If you're in the mood to punch me, you might need to take a number.

It looks like I'll make a full recovery though.

Jul. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

This scarecrow watching me thing needs to stop. I've seen enough horror movies so if I end up dead somehow, the scarecrow did it.



Netpost; Leonard Snart

Stage three. My favorite. Expect the plan to go off the rails.

So, Atlantis, what have you got to offer?

Jun. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

Either I'm getting a headache, or there's suddenly a lot more telepaths in Atlantis.

If you've suddenly started hearing thoughts. And, would like help controlling it. Please do let me know. I would be happy to help.



Filtered to friends

Did anyone else dream about...someone important? A dream so real they were right there beside you?

It was incredibly cruel realistic.

Jun. 25th, 2018



Backdated to the 24th

You know, I've never had the urge to see how fast I could swim before.

Atlantis. It's weird, man.



[No Subject]

The mission was fun, but it's good to be back. Did we miss anything while we were gone?

[Mikaela Banes]

Are you free to meet up on Wednesday at 6:30pm? I'll be at the gym, if you're free you can show up and if not, then we'll reschedule for a different day.

Jun. 24th, 2018



netpost; ray palmer

So the catfish at the lake are feisty today. I went for a fly out over the water and almost got swallowed.

Were they always so big and angry?

Jun. 23rd, 2018



June 23 :: Kate Fuller

My name is Kate Fuller and apparently God's plan for me just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I wonder what's next, exactly. The boys are probably freaking out right about now. All this over a coin.

Anyone have anything to add to the hologram that told me why I'm here?



june 23 :: harley quinn

Is this a real place or am I dreaming? The hologram looked like something I could easily make up in a dream. And I'm also off my meds so, making this whole place up is a possibility.

I'm Harley, by the way. Harley Quinn.



[No Subject]

So, yesterday my dogs decided they were coming to work with me. Which is not always a good thing in my line of work. Luckily, the patients decided they were more than okay with it.

And then, today I found an article that tried to advise me on who I should and shouldn't date. Which is bullshit. I can decide who to date thanks. Which right now is anyone that wants to go for coffee with me.

Yes, that's a hint. Or an invitation.

Jun. 22nd, 2018



Backdated to yesterday before the party

I think my body is going to hate me for trying to do yoga on a skateboard. Don't even ask, I can't really explain the weird urge I had around that whole mess.

Jun. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

Since it's Father's Day back in my world, today seemed like an appropriate day to do this. Not to mention the fact that Lauren has told everyone she knows and a few people she doesn't know.

We're expecting a baby in January. January 8 to be exact and we're all very excited.



[No Subject]

Know what.

It was only for one day but one song being played over and over and over and over. It gets old.

I literally had to put on headphones to get to work and otherwise stayed the hell at home instead of being my usual social self till I was sure it was gone. And a couple days after.

It's not the worst song in the world but, come on. Who enjoyed that?

That's right, no one