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February 17th, 2019



netpost; ray palmer

I have been publicly naked more often in the months I've resided here than during my entire life previously. I can only apologise if I offended anyone. It's taken me this long to deal with my embarrassment.

Please let me keep my clothes on for the foreseeable future, Atlantis.



[No Subject]

Mythical lands and multiple universes are not outside the realm of possibility when you know very well your feet are on the ground. As I said when I arrived, I do understand a fight and if my universe needs me to hold lacking existence at bay, then so be it. I've seen this fight before and I want to be on the right side of it. All the better when none of mine are h

Erik Lehnsherr, at your service. You will have little trouble from me unless you pursue it.



17 February | Charlie Montgomery

I think my birthday wish is for warmer weather. I know, I know, can't get a weather wish! A girl can dream though.

Tango isn't usually the style of dancing I go for, but I think it'd be fun to try tonight.

Who is coming? The more the better! It'll be fun.

PLOT: Charlie's Birthday. She turns 28



17 February | Erin Troy

It's really fun watching Quidditch again, I can't wait to play!

It's weird, I almost feel like I've been on an island before playing Quidditch.

I took some in-depth notes on how both the teams did yesterday and will be sending over a small folder to both of you going over what I saw, suggestions for how to play both teams and more. You should get them any minute.

About 3 minutes after this is posted both are delivered a small binder with the team colors and inside will find detailed thoughts on each player from Team 5 & Pegastars



[No Subject]

left for Faye this morning )

left for Atreus this morning )

[ Plot: 10 characters are compelled to do random acts of kindness. ]



17 February | Bella Hartley

Someone just bought my juice but they were gone before I could say thank you!

Thank You, kind stranger!

PLOT: This is open to anyone to be the nice stranger!




It seems like a good night for a family dinner, if everyone's free. Bring a friend if you want, but i think it would be nice to get everyone together now that Clarice is back from the mission and no one is stuck in medical.

If my cooking isn't enough to entice you, Zingo really wants to see you all.

*OOC: This includes Lorna, Clarice, Marce, Dash, Violet, Lauren, Keller and anyone I'm forgetting who'd count as part of the extended fam.



netpost: astrid thorsdottir

My first mission, commentating on a quidditch match - February has been a month of adventures and I am definitely a fan!

As Charlie Montgomery already mentioned, it's tango night! Who wants to join me for a night of dancing and drinking?

Kára Calrissian
You were fantastic up there yesterday, Kára! You better be coming tonight! First drink's on me!



netpost: leonard mccoy

At least you idiots managed to avoid any serious injuries while you were flying around on brooms this time.

You settling back in okay?

Hey, you.



[No Subject]

What a great match! Well done to everyone involved, even if my husband lost.



February 17 | Wanda Maximoff

[Alicia Spinnet]
Do you want to come over and stay here for a couple of days? We have an extra room, and you're free to bring Laura and any of the animals.

[Lorna Dane]
Hello. I know we haven't spoken much since you arrived here, and part of that is my fault. You had a lot going on when you first came to Atlantis, and I didn't want to add any stress to that. Though, with Erik showing up again, I thought we could try to get to know one another if that's something you would like to do.



february 17 :: lucian bole

Quidditch almost makes me feel I'm back home.

tracey davis.
I feel we should celebrate.



05 February | Challenge | Will Zimmerman & Emilia Spinnet

will zimmerman & emilia Spinnet
Low | Complete

Come on Rooster, let me buy you a drink )



january mission log

january mission - team 21
Clarke Griffin + Peter Quill + Jemma FitzSimmons +
Reyna Pevensie + Hope Mikaelson
--- )



[No Subject]

I feel a little bit like I was asking for something like this to happen by "retiring" from superheroics (can you ever really retire from that???) - like the universe is laughing at me, all you thought you were done? SURPRISE. But I guess if the multiverse has to surprise me like this, at least it also brought my fiancé here AND this is a place we've never been before. Atlantis is so cool.

Oh, right. I'm Teddy. I would've said hi earlier but I missed Valentine's Day and had to make it up to Billy. 😏 (Billy Kaplan, he is the previously mentioned fiancé. I really like that word.) What else am I supposed to say? I like Pokémon and A Song of Ice and Fire, I'm a weird alien hybrid and my families hate each other I grew up in New York City, and since we're staying, I guess I'm going to get a Real Job (!!!) and actually have time to learn how to cook more. Watch out, world.



[No Subject]

Hey there! So, the past week has been really weird and I want to deal with that in productive ways instead of holing up and being a stereotypical teenager who plays Halsey and cross stitches edgy sayings on the back of her denim jacket. Also, it was Valentine's Day and I'm basically not with the love of my life anymore and necromancy really doesn't work in Atlantis. Sorry, I got off track. I would maybe just go ahead and start feeling sorry for Ambrose and Salem. You know how it goes.

There is a lot going on. There's a lot of different people and we all have these issues that impact us and we've been made to hide ourselves or run. The adults (and us, kind of) get to be educated and get to fight against the COS. But the COS comes to Atlantis too! And I'm not saying that we should fight. But we were really good at organizing things for the people who were in comas. I was wondering if there are any social / social justice clubs or organizations here in Atlantis? Like, ones that help people get stuff they need when there is a big drama happening and groups that celebrate all of our differences?

I think that's something we could do as younger people, if it's not already there. Or if you think it wouldn't be really dumb. There's that too.

Um. So hey.

I really appreciate that you didn't send me back. I'm going to show you that you can trust me.

I can go on Josie's birthday ski trip? RIGHT?