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February 16th, 2019



16 February | Lissa Dragomir

I remember wondering what it would be like to live in a musical and watch people break out into song going about their day. I never thought about how distracting it would be, fantastic, but a little distracting. I don't think I've been as productive as normal.



16 February | Kára Calrissian


Rocking Mission! Sweet V-Day Ball! MUSIC AND QUIDDITCH ALL IN ONE DAY

We're going to crush Team 5!!!!



20-25 January | Fears | Lorna & Steve

20-25 January
Steve Rogers & Lorna Ramon

No… no… no… )



netpost: shepherd book

Given the unique realities of life in Atlantis - particularly the events of last month - those of us in mental health have decided it might be useful to have more people on staff in mental health - some part time as well as on-call folks who we can call on in case of emergency. To that effect, we'll be introducing a mental health training program next month - working around people's schedule. If you're interested, comment on this post. If you have questions, feel free to ask me or Sam or Claire. Anyone of us would be happy to talk to you about what we do.

You looked lovely at the dance the other night. Did you have a good time?



February 16th Arrivals & Departures

February 16
Arrivals & Departures for February 16

  • Erik Lehnsherr
  • Teddy Altman
  • Ianto Jones (told friends, etc)
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.

(This alert is pushed to everyone's phones at 5pm Atlantis time today)



Network Post: Dash Parr

Gumdrop pancakes yesterday and Quidditch today. Finally something decent around here! Go Team 5!

[Violet Parr]
Good luck and all that.

[After the arrivals notice]
Did you see?







3:20pm Atlantis Time

I thought practises were fun, but they’re nothing compared to a real match!

Can’t wait for the next one!



[No Subject]

Yo, I got accepted as a floating agent (I'm keeping my job at the shelter). Who wants to line up to yell at me first?

[* Basically if you think you are, you are. ASSUME AWAY! People who have been training her are included.]



[No Subject]

Slight detour to go on another mission, but I'm back for good now (I think?) and I'll be arranging D&D sessions soon. I think booking out Coffee Me Better would be better than my house because things change at random here and I'd rather not bother my housemates on a weekly basis.

Also, Happy late Valentine's day? I've never really done it before so I'm just gonna take advantage of cheap chocolates and gorge myself.

[Filtered to Command]

So, uh. On the mission, we went through this- thing. There was a spider in there (don't ask) that told me that the tattoo/carving on my arm is important for something we seek.

I don't know if it really means much, but I figured I'd let you know in case something comes up.



february 16 :: charlie weasley

I feel like I should appologize for my singing. I know I sound like a cat being killed.



february 16 :: flounder

All this singing brings me memories from back home. Ariel would've loved singing about her day.



february 16 :: steve rogers

Between song and song I somehow ended up in the shelter and this little guy came home with me.

I swear it wasn't planned.