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December 17th, 2018



log: shamara & marceline - mistletoe + chocolate

december 16

'You had one above you, I swear. You've been rescued.' )



[No Subject]

While I always appreciate extra clothing, I don't think my outfit appropriate for the public, let alone for winter. Plus, I don't think the Qunari would approve of a Hawke wearing it.

Declan, Solaire and I have been planning food for the entire week! You're all invited to share with us, if you'd like, there's going to be more food than even I can eat, coupled with a generous amount of alcohol and movies and stories.

You don't have to come every night but it's an open invitation for all of you! The most magnificent feast is being planned for Saturday, and will more than likely leave us in a coma on the floor.



[No Subject]

Filtered to Magicians/Harry Potter People/Sydney Clarke )



[No Subject]

I guess I'm just stuck in this damn doorway forever. Unless I rip it down.

Is this what magic is like?

Dad, come get Max.



[No Subject]

I've been meaning to ask about these Advent Calendars in our room. Constance and I both have one, and she explained that it it enchanted somehow and it has been giving our gifts since the beginning of the month. I received quite a lot when I first arrived, and today I received this:

Fake cut for picture )

It's a nice jacket, but not really practical when it's freezing out. And it doesn't seem to provide any sort of armor should I wear it into battle. What is the purpose of it then?



[No Subject]

This one is for all my fellow witches and users of magic! It's a special time of year for us. And I know there's a different meaning in Atlantis than there is basically anywhere but I wanted to throw it out there to see if you had any traditions or holidays you celebrate that doesn't necessarily fall in with Christmas or some of the more mainstream holidays.

(Best wishes to you, Christmas, from my mortal side. I love you too.)

Usually, we light a Yule log and make sure to keep it burning all through Solstice so that we keep out spirits and other creatures that like to pierce the veil between the living and the dead when it is at its thinnest. We do lots of baking. We put up the tree. We have a fantastic dinner and tell stories until daybreak since we'll have made it through the longest night of the year.

Now, obviously I'm not burning a Yule log because that doesn't seem to fit in with this universe. I haven't encountered any unwarranted ghosts or spirits. Plus, we live in housing and fire can be pretty dangerous. But there are plenty of other Solstice festivities! I just wanted to see if you had any, if you were interested in any or if you'd uh just like to hang out.

[No Subject]

I appear to have woken up in a nearby forest with an urge to collect syrup. Is living here always quite this interesting? It would seem so, from the communications I've seen shared on this shared library of information. The out of doors experience here is simply breathtaking, I'd invite each of you out for a hike if I could. Can I? Would anyone care to go on a hike once I've completed my task here? Assuming there is a completion. No one has ever been trapped doing a task for eternity, have they? That would be quite the experience.

[Mordecai and Temple]
Is there cricket here? If there are already established teams, I'd be happy to watch. Otherwise, we could get together for a match?



[No Subject]

Oh, ladies! Quick thought. Are we all interested in the Christmas cookie exchange? I'd love to get the four of us together to do some baking for it. I do have Mum's shortbread recipe memorised and it is the pride of Finchley.



[No Subject]

Atlantis- You and I are gonna have words.

Does someone on base care to help a girl stuck under some mistletoe in a ladies room out?



8 December | Rose + Armel

8 December
Rose + Armel
Low | Complete

And I hear you’re not actually Gabriel )



RP Log: Alicia & Oliver - Dec 13

13 December

'Resurrection, kidnapping, aren't but were but weren't but aren't?' )



[No Subject]

Well, the good news about being a nurse is that I know exactly how long I have to spend in this stupid forest before I'm too cold to do whatever I'm supposed to do out here. I don't know what about me screams "yes, this city girl is very comfortable outdoors," but here we are.

Sorry. I'll be back, I guess.
Hey. Do you want to hang out sometime, just us? We never really got a chance to talk back home, as chaotic as everything was.



[No Subject]

Thanks for the dress combo I guess, Atlantis? It's very pretty but I'm not really sure if 'neon purple' is my colour.

[Filtered separately to Bones and Admiral Pike]

There's something I never told you that I maybe should before it comes out.



[No Subject]

It seems Atlantis wants me to copy the whole suspender look. It actually kinda works, somehow? I like it.


Maybe not on Christmas (I don't know what I'm doing on Christmas, I feel a bit lost without mum around) but sometime next week we should all have a meal or something. There's some really nice eating places we can book out and I think it would be good to...catch up? All hang out in one place?

I know you're mad at the Doctor but I don't think...the one who just arrived even remembers leaving Jack. I don't know if they talked about it yet or not, but it would still be good to have you there.

[Doctor (9)]
If you don't want to go because of weird future things, we could always get dinner or go somewhere together. It's cold as hell, but there's some interesting places to get lost in.

[Doctor (11)]
Is it weird seeing yourself again?



December 17 | Evie Frye | Group E-mail

[Julie Power's Housemates (Heart 7), Evie Frye's Housemates (Body 10), The Pevensies, Team 6, Jacob Frye, The Ryder Twins, Violet Parr, Lorna Ramon, Thor, The Auditore Siblings, Leonardo da Vinci, Cisco Ramon, Overwatch Crew (whom Julie knows), Lara Jean Covey, Peter Parker, Reyes Vidal, Lando Calrissian]

E-mail to so many people it's under a cut )



Log: Eliot & Kyna - Treehouse

december 17

Use your power wisely. )



Network Post: Lyra Erso (NPC)

I've visited some extraordinary planets, but this must be the most remarkable, if only for the chance to see my daughter grown into such an amazing woman and to celebrate her birthday with her.

OOC: Lyra Erso, mother to Jyn Erso. PB-ed by Catherine Zeta-Jones with Jeanna's approval because Valene Kane is impossible to find.