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November 2019



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November 18th, 2018



november 17 :: charlie weasley

This is quite an interesting place.

I'm Charlie Weasley, Dragon Keeper. I'm curious to know if there are any more dragons apart from the one I brought with me.

Also, to my roommates, my dragon won't be staying with me (because that would be stupid and incredibly dangerous), just my dog Dratch and he's harmless.



[No Subject]

What's the old saying? May you live in interesting times?

That was an experience, wasn't it? I've never really quite had the look to be a bear but a literal one was taking it a bit too far. Still, I was very furry.



[No Subject]

Whoever sent that e-card thing, Howlers are meant to tell you off, not scream incoherently then say nice things to you. Still, bit of a change from most of the Howlers I've received.

18 November :: Hottie of the Month (Net Post) :: Delilah Moon

The Hottie of the Month is:
♥♥♥ NEAL CAFFREY!!! ♥♥♥


I know what you're thinking... Delilah, why did it take so long for you to pick him? Well, careful lads and ladies-- he's already taken, which should be no surprise to anyone.
He has the blue-est eyes of anyone I've ever seen. They are gorgeous pools that anyone could happily drown in.
He's got what my mother calls 'piano hands'. They're beautiful and graceful, and he's obviously quite clever with them.
He's very charming, and I've never heard him say anything mean to anyone. It makes me think that his heart is as pretty as his face.
His hair is lovely, and somehow he never gets 'hat hair', despite wearing a lot of fedoras. And he looks amazing in them as well.



10 November | Bella & Jill

10 november

Anyways, should we go shopping? )



[No Subject]

I hope I'm doing this right. Even Captain Nemo doesn't have machines like this and his Nautilus is the most remarkable vessel I've ever seen.

I'm Dr Henry Jekyll. And since I see my secret is already out, yes, Edward Hyde as well, in a manner of speaking.



november 18 :: marcel gerard

A Ouija board? Really?



log: leonard & claire

November 6th - 5:15 PM
Leonard McCoy & Claire Callahan
PG | Complete
So, is it a triple kind of day? )



[No Subject]

An Ouija Board that doesn’t do anything. That’s kind of a letdown, I half expected to be contacted by the great beyond. Really would’ve helped the hangover.



NARRATIVE: Eliot Waugh and the Ouija Board

november 18
PG-13 (language) | NARRATIVE

Fine, you needy bitch, daddy’s here. )



[No Subject]

Man, this week would be Thanksgiving back home. I'm already feeling a bit homesick, I miss my Aunt and Ned. We don't have a huge Thanksgiving, but it was family.



Emily Fields

[friends & friends of friends*]
I know that not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, but one of my favorite parts about the holidays is just being with friends and family. So... let's go for it. Let's have a mix of traditional and non-traditional Thanksgiving on Thursday for anyone interested. We can have it at the shop or I can check with my roommates to see if either of them mind us doing something there. You're both more than welcome to join!

And don't worry. There won't be any crazy food or drinks making us do weird things!

(*feel free to assume)



[No Subject]

Backdated October 27 Magic Party
Quentin Coldwater + Alice Quinn
PG | Complete

We'll just sit here and pretend not to notice each other )



[No Subject]

Not sure how to feel about the fact that Mom's message through the Ouija Board was mostly her chocolate cake recipe.

Either way, I made enough to share.



Tracey Davis

Was I supposed to be able to say no to this face? Because I'm not sure if that's physically possible.

cut for pictures )



[No Subject]

Early October Post AU
Natasha Romanoff + Clint Barton
PG | Complete

I guess we need to talk about the elephant in the hut )