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June 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

18th June 2018
Tony Stark + Stephen Strange

Sentient clothing is never a good idea. )



[No Subject]

Shuri & Okoye + Natasha
I don't know how I found myself signed up for this kissing booth, but I suspect one of the three of you is responsible.



log: clark finds abby's journal

11th June
Clarke + Abby Griffin
R Drug Use & Headaches | Complete
Trigger Warning: this post contains some references to drug use/potential addiction + the suggestion of a serious medical condition.

Was there something you wanted to tell me? )




June 19
Arrivals & Departures for June 19th

  • James Kirk
  • Neena Thurman
  • Chirrut Îmwe
  • Guinevere Pendragon (Glitch)
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.



[No Subject]

Don't forget that it's ice cream soda day tomorrow at the Bakery!

Seriously. Any flavour. Anything you can imagine, I'll make it. Think that's impossible? You wanna taste the neverending existential void that plagues human beings? I can do that, I just can't promise how you'll feel afterward. You'd probably be better to stick with like a Hot Cocoa Float (which is cheating a little bit on the 'soda' front, but cut a guy some slack).

I have other recommendations on hand.



[No Subject]

So, uh. I've heard that some people here know me and that I might not actually know some of those people in return.

Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. I'm here to help wherever I can. I'll be a Field Commander but I'm not particularly a stickler for rules.

Also, I have an engineer back home who would be really interested to know how the transporting-coin technology works.



Cisco Ramon: June Diary


Save Atlantis June Diary Challenge! )



[No Subject]

[Magic Specialists, users and researchers - basically, if you think what your character does can be classed as "magic".]

Hi. If you haven't met me yet, I'm Harry Potter - I'm the lead mage here, but I'm not exactly well versed in any magic but my own.

Whoever can meet up outside of their job, I'd like to talk to you and learn how your magic works - if you're comfortable with that. Everybody from my "universe" usually needs some kind of catalyst to power their magic - we use wands, generally, but I've read of various other methods. I'm sure Hermione could give some more insight into that, but I also know a lot of people here don't need that. We can do wandless magic but they're definitely acting as a focus to our powers and we have to learn quite extensively to be able to perform wandless magic as seamlessly as...magic with a wand.

I think if we're going to push on with this war and do the best we can with support, the potential of being able to use our magic together is pretty massive - they could react differently to each other or something, like mixing fire and petrol. Let me know if you're free.



[No Subject]

May 24th
Jemma and Leo FitzSimmons
PG - Fade to Black | Complete

I’m fine, Fitz. I just think I’ve worked out why I’ve been feeling a bit iffy lately. )



kissing booth!

19th June
Kissing this way! )



june 19 :: mikaela banes

My body hates me so much right now. Hurts so much.

Tommy said I should contact you in case I wanted to have some actual training and not what the guys at the local gym do -- which is training me like I was a soccer mom or something.

It'd be awesome if you'd train with me. I'd owe you a big one.