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June 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

Sooo since there are eleventy billion newbies I thought I should just do a widespread hi.

I'm Lexi and I'm one of your bartenders at Lightning Brew. Which is only the best place in town for cocktails (and mocktails).

And cause you're new in the weird world of Atlantis you get one free.

And the trick is, you come chat to me, let me do the wise ol' bartender routine and then I make you what I think you'll like. If I'm wrong you get a drink of your choice on me but I am very rarely wrong.

So come on down!



[No Subject]


Save Atlantis June Diary Challenge! )



[No Subject]

It seems Atlantis is on a bit of an environmental kick. Yesterday, I had several people emphatically tell me how to protect the environment and today there are many people furiously gardening. In terms of Atlantis' idiosyncrasies, this is not the worst one to experience.. however, punching me will rarely convince me of your argument (even if I agree with you).



[No Subject]

I can fit four in Lola if anyone wants to join me for the drive in movie tonight.

Unless you want to go to the drive-in as a date. In which case there's only one spot open in Lola and it's yours.



[No Subject]

Either Atlantis is being Atlantis again today or Peter has figured out a fancy new way how to keep me within my radius.




[No Subject]

That skunky smell coming from the lab may or may not be due to an experiment gone wrong.

It should dissipate in a couple hours. Hold you noses in the meantime.



[No Subject]

Who's up for a summer pool party this weekend? Or a party down by the beach?



[No Subject]

With the influx of new arrivals over the last several weeks or so, I'd like to offer my welcome to you. My name is Abe Mazur, and I'm the manager of Dive here in town. Occasionally, I like to run a special in order to help getting to know our new neighbors.

One drink of your choice will be on the house in exchange for a piece of information about yourself. A somewhat notable piece of information please, not trivial items such as your favorite color or food.

Welcome to Atlantis.



[No Subject]


Save Atlantis June Diary Challenge! )



May Mission - Home Base

May Mission - Home Base Team
Featuring Samantha Carter, Roman Smith, Phil Coulson. Mentions of Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Marcus Cole. Special Guest Ba'al

Chicken usually manages to taste like chicken )



May Mission - Team 11

May Mission - Team 11 - the furlings
Featuring Daniel Jackson, Taisia Belikova & Kol Mikaelson. Mentions of Peter Quill, Clint Barton & Karl Agathon. Special Guests - The Furlings!

Well Doc Riddle Master looks like you're going to finally meet the Furlings! )



[No Subject]

A drive in theater is a new one on me. Can't say I've ever been to one. Never was the movie going kind before.



Log: Nat and Clint

March 25
Natasha Romanoff + Clint Barton
Natasha's Secret Lair | PG
Discussing life post Laura's vist to Atlantis and subsequent return

Were you stalking me or did you get lucky? )



Log: Christine and Chris

May 25
Christine Chapel ✦ Christopher Pike
Big News!

Baby baby, the stars are shining for you )



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

I've never fancied myself a gardener before today, but I found it oddly relaxing, unlike truth or dare last week. That was a little too apt. Could anyone use some extra vegetables? I've enough for more than a week of salads. Perhaps I ought to make some stew this weekend.

[Roommates: Mara Jade, Sara Lance, Samantha Carter]
Perhaps for company, if you ladies don't object?

[Team 13]
I don't know if either of you I believe the month is off to a good start over all.