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Posts Tagged: 'taisia+belikova'

Nov. 4th, 2019



placeholder - post battle | Taisia & Rose + Taisia & Tobais


Sep. 22nd, 2019



belikova girls - august 10th

"food, the threads place, food"
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Sep. 3rd, 2019



Sept. 3rd | Fili

Kili! Where are you? I have tried the most amazing beverage! It is very fruity and I believe they call it a [...] smoothy. Ale is much better but this is also good. I never thought I would enjoy fruits this much.

This place is quite strange. Do most of you not hunt for your meals? There are so many taverns in which meals are so easily prepared. I admit it smells good.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



netpost: tobias eaton / four

What's with all the rhyming today?

I'm not usually a fan of big parties, but it's my birthday and I thought maybe we could just grab some drinks of something to celebrate.

Stone, 7:00?
[*feel free to assume - if you want your character to be friends with Four, I'm happy to say they are!]

Aug. 31st, 2019



august 31 :: aleksandra belikova

taisia belikova.
Danny's back.

I think I need a drink. Or 20.

Aug. 10th, 2019



August 10th

Regardless of whether Atlantis is a myth, I'm not sure what good a tailor like me is going to be in a war.

I'm Roxanne Morton, but please call me Roxy.

What kind of people are we fighting against exactly?

Aug. 1st, 2019



30 July | Tai & Rogers

steve rogers + taisia belikova
"I think I’m going to go before I tell you about the time--"
30 july | coffee me better
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August 1 | Rose Belikova

I'd apologize for Ivan trying to hug every talking teddy bear he sees in Atlantis today, but I'm not actually sorry because it's hilarious.

We are way overdue for a girls night. What's your schedule like this month?

Lissa's wedding is coming up way too fast - how about a mom/daughter shopping trip? We can start with breakfast. This weekend, assuming none of us get pulled away for something or turned into something weird?

Jul. 23rd, 2019



21 July | Taisia & Alex

belikova sisters
"You get the bottle, I’ll grab the booth"
21 July | Dive
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Jul. 15th, 2019



July 15 | Abe Mazur

Hellooooo again, Atlantis!

I'll be running stuff from my office today (it's so BIG), and if you bring me something fun, you get FREE BEER. I get to decide if it's fun because I'm the boss, and I make the rules. It's today only - don't be greedy.

Jul. 5th, 2019




Did you know Superstition says it is bad luck to turn a loaf of bread upside down or cut an unbaked loaf.

Neither did I, just one of the fun things I was told while picking up bread for a fun training exercise, there is bread everywhere.

Sara, Jemma, get ready, today's training is going to be AMAZING.

Jun. 22nd, 2019



June 22 | Tobias Eaton

I've never had a pet before, but someone dragged me to the pet adoption event yesterday and I couldn't resist this little guy.

cut, not filtered )

Jun. 17th, 2019



Net Post/Jyn Erso

I'm glad to be back from the mission but it was really sort of fun. I also never knew hanging out with a giant caterpillar smoking a pipe would make so giddy. I've never felt quite like that before.



june 17 :: aleksandra belikova

Once I realized it was my smile that was power up things, it was pretty fun!

Also, I hate Mondays.

[ PLOT :: JUNE 15 ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH. Every time you smile you seem to power up everything electronic around you, careful though you don't want to start any fires! ]

Jun. 14th, 2019



May mission

taisia belikova + sara lance + Jemma simmons
"I liked watching Groundhog Day, never wanted to do the whole thing"
may 6-11 | Mission
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Jun. 10th, 2019



june 10 :: aleksandra belikova

Erm... I'm tiny and stuck in a bottle in the middle of the pond. Now I know how Alice in Wonderland felt.

Anybody could come get me out, please?

[ PLOT :: ♆ - 10 CHARACTERS wake up and are well, a little small and they are stuck in a bottle! The bottle is floating in the pound in the housing complex! ]

Jun. 5th, 2019



backdated | 6/2 | Rose Hathaway

New trails and free ice cream? It's like Atlantis loves me or something.

What do you think, kiddo? Up for exploring our new trails together?

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Tony Stark | June 3rd

It's been a long couple of days.

I'd like to introduce you all to Morgan Stark. She could do with some buddies to help her settle in and I know some people here have kids, but I'm not 100% on just throwing her in daycare and leaving her alone just yet.


I don't want to talk about it

[Bella Hartley]

Hey. I know having a kid around the house and then Peter both under my care is probably a bit of whiplash for you, but just let me know if you ever want to like...have friends over, or have a party. I have places I can take Morgan to give you some space if needs be.

That being said, she'll be very happy to meet you.

[Later edited to Natasha]

I doubt you feel like talking because I sure don't, but. Solidarity.

Morgan still needs your kickass influence in her life.

May. 30th, 2019



29th May

49 years old. God fucking damn.

May. 27th, 2019



27 May | Taisia Belikova

Freaking finally! It's sunny!

I'm thinking water gun tag after training today! Yeah, I know it's only in the 60s, but it'll be fun!

Anyone in?

Consider preparing for it part of our training today