November 2015



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December 6th, 2014

[info]greasemonkey in [info]rooms

Sam A

[Sam A]

hey. you got a phone over there?

[info]fireaway in [info]rooms

quicklog: john a and helena w

Who: John and Helena
What: an intended trip to Japan
Where: hotel -> DC?
When: after the invite
Warnings/Rating: I think there will be violence and fire, just guessing. I know there'll be warnings, but not sure what.

John had no idea what he was walking into. )

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

Mass Effect: Martha J & Jane F & Bruce B

[It was a bad few weeks, to say the least, so the chance to go to the Citadel again already took a heavy weight off his shoulders. For a short time they would be absorbed into the futuristic world full of exciting advantages and advanced species. So after giving them a head's up, Bruce packed his backpack with notebooks and a change of clothes just in case, but they weren't going to be there long. He was sporting a full beard again these days, but it was reasonably groomed. He led the other two to the door he used to know like the back of his hand, and stepped into it without any hesitation.

The Citadel had a very specific feel to it, since it was a space station and had a controlled atmosphere. They stepped out of the hotel and into the Lower Wards, in a corridor not far from Chora's Den. It wasn't the nicest part of the Citadel to start in, but it was the least likely place for strangers to get questioned. Throbbing music came out of the Den, in true nightclub fashion, and Bruce gestured for them to follow him past it.] This is the seedy part, sorry. We're going to head into the Lower Markets and make our way up. Prepare yourself because this area's busy. [He smiled at them, because no time like the present to throw themselves head first into the culture. The Lower Markets were full of busy energy and the various alien species bartering and selling their wares.]

[info]allonsy_ in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Doctor & Rose

[Christmas was looming on the horizon, and while he and Martha joked about it, the Doctor was too savvy and world weary not to side eye the date a bit. Maybe the future would prove that history didn't matter much, it rarely did that, but it could happen. At the same time he wanted to take the chance to get a break with Rose. In theory getting all his people together to have adventures was entertaining, and it was that, but he no longer took all his time with Rose for granted. When they were traveling before, he didn't let himself think about what would happen when they stopped. And now they didn't have to. So he whisked her away on a surprise.

Rose liked dressing up, he remembered that, and historical meetings. He thought for sure that she'd enjoy the Elizabethan ear, he told Martha as much, so now was his turn to make up for lost chances. The TARDIS shook and hummed as it moved to the right date, and the Doctor grinned ear from ear at her as it came to a stop.] How would you like to see a play by Shakespeare live? [Maybe they could meet the man himself, if he was around, the Doctor would make sure once they got there. But at the least the visit itself would be fun.] You know where the dresses are. Unless you'd like a toga? Romans? Nah, not there, terribly rude to women. [Donna was not impressed.] Sistine Chapel? You name it and we'll go there.

[info]fixes in [info]rooms

quicklog: final fantasy people

Who: Squall, Rinoa, and Rydia
Where: Baron
What: strange meetings
When: now
Warning: probably none

he hated castles )

[info]ihavefaith in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Charles and Loki

Who: Charles and Loki
What: A friendly night out between bros? (lol)
Where: The Library Bar
When: This eveningish
Warnings: I could not even begin to imagine - but I will keep you posted if shit pops off.

[Charles was naturally curious, he was a scientist after all. He was also naturally apprehensive about megalomaniacs, with good reason, generally the curiosity generally outweighed his apprehension. It was a bad habit, and not one he often showed progress on breaking.

It was the curiosity, and the working legs, that had him in Manhattan waiting in the hotel library bar of some posh establishment that glittered with glass and the dull glow of bronze that flickered in light that was supposed to be dim candles, but was a bit more high tech. The dark wood surfaces shined and reflected here and there. For such a dark ambiance, the room sure was shiny. It was an odd juxtaposition that Charles felt comfortable in.

Comfortable in a large leather chair, that reminded him of one he might have at home, but even this one was too new, made to look old, but still too new. As comfortable as he may have been in the physical space, he wasn't entirely certain what the night would bring given the nature of the visit and the guest he was expecting.]

[info]handlewithcare in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Evie and Saint

Who: Evie and Saint
Where: Some dancing bar
When: Saturday night!
What: Adulthood?
Warnings: LOL no. But we'll let you know if/when she ends up getting him arrested.

[After what was certainly hours of sending Wren snapchats that looked like this, this, and this.

And getting any variation of this, this and this in return.

It was it finally decided that this, was worthy of this.


Then there was waiting for Saint, but he was on time. And then there was snapchatting a selfie of the both of them to Wren (like prom??) and then there was snapchatting a picture of his shoes as well. She did not hand him a prom script, who had the time? All of her prime prom script writing had been overrun by apparently hideous sweaters. When had she become hideous sweater mom?

Regardless, tonight, at the dancing bars, with her friend, she was not hideous sweater mom. She was red dress mom. She could handle red dress mom. And beer. She could handle beer. To a certain extent. Tipsy Evie was just louder Evie. And tipsy Evie was just friendlier Evie. And tipsy Evie was laugh even louder at everyone's jokes Evie. It made for an interesting evening out, but she was glad she'd decided to leave the house again. Things were looking up.]

[info]upintheclouds in [info]rooms

locked: Dick G/Jason T - Dick G/Bruce W

[Jason T]

[After this]

Hey, where are you?

[Bruce W]

Hey, Bruce.