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Posts Tagged: 'margo+hanson'

Dec. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Close Friends*]
I did not wish to speak of it too soon, for fear that it was a cruel trick or perhaps even a dream. Or perhaps it had something to do with Valkyrie's gift? But the magic of this place has returned something to me that I thought I would never see again. But it has been nearly two days and I still have it with me.

Mjolnir has been returned to me. Luckily, I am proficient with dual-wielding, but having the means to channel my abilities so thoroughly is an interesting feeling. It also feels as if a part of me has been returned. Perhaps I am Thor, God of Hammers (though yes, Stormbreaker is also an ax).

Ah, this has been quite the holiday!

[ooc | *If you're not sure, ask, but if you think you are, you probably are]



december 27 | sirius black

[Remus Lupin, Julia Wicker, James Potter, Lily (Evans) Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Emmeline Vance, Benjy Fenwick, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Kady Orloff-Diaz, Penny Adiyodi, Quentin Coldwater, Alice Quinn, Bonnie Bennett, Wanda Maximoff, &&&& Harry Potter &&&&& Thoricorn (after some deliberation****)]
Look, I know you lot are busy with the holidays and family being here from who knows where, but we've got a, sort of, situation. My brother brought with him a locket, and although I haven't read any of those books about my godson, I get the impression that we could all work together to destroy it? I'd rather not have a bit of Voldemort's soul following me around into the new year, if you understand.

(OOC: if I missed you, and you desperately want to be involved, just comment or let me know via owl or something)

Dec. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

Is there an actual pattern these advent gift things are following? Is this like... a tradition thing?

Not that I'm complaining.

[ Eliot ]
I have some questions for you.

Dec. 15th, 2018



Net Post/Temple Roberts

So far I've really enjoyed my time in Atlantis. It's nice seeing what this place was like and could be again.

Right now though I'm stuck under some mistletoe so if anyone would like to be kind to a visitor from the future, i'd appreciate it.



RP Log: Margo & Thor - Dec 15

December 15

'I figured it might be polite to show up and ambush you' )

Dec. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

Today I got a set of flannel pajamas which will definitely come in handy as cold as it is. Unfortunately they are printed with little penguins wearing scarves so I will never wear them outside my room and no, I am not taking a picture of myself in them.


How's it going?

Dec. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

There are times I miss my fellow sorcerers and there are times I am very glad they are not here.

[Filtered to Body 1 - Alica Spinnet, Laura Howlett, Marcus Flint]
I would apologise for the unholy amounts of ice cream I've brought home with me today but since you're welcome to as much of it as you'd like, I feel like it would be redundant.

Dec. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

I am no longer a horned, winged horse. But I still have a broken device.

The Bug Lady of Mud has has been rescued by kind words for Lady Lavender and Commander Shepard. She was freed from the mud herself and was able to return us to normal. Our grand adventure is coming to an end, I believe. She claims our missing friend has been found? We are being flown back to the beach, it will be good to see you all again!

Dec. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Cut for Length | Unfiltered )

Dec. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

Been reading all your entries, Atlantis. You're all very opinionated. Just thought you should know.

Dec. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello everyone! I'm Ambrose's cousin Sabrina. We're from a town called Greendale and I'm sure Ambrose already told you everything. So, I'll just pick up with me and my list of confessions:
  • I'm a witch! Yeah, I do magic and everything. Spells, incantations, calling down hellfire. It's an exciting and scary time to be me.
  • I just signed my name in the Book of the Beast so I could get a big surge of power. I pretty much think it's awful, but if I wanted to save the town, it's what I had to do. (If you're getting some weird shades of The Crucible, you're probably right.)
  • My familiar is a black cat named Salem. No, he doesn't talk. But he protects me and he's very very good at what he does. Not that I need protection - I'm a feminist and I can take care of myself - but when you're a weirdo like me, it's good to have a second set of eyes watching your back.

  • I'm excited to meet everyone! And I'm really hoping I get to spend Christmas with you.

    Dec. 11th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    This place is strange but I'm told this is what normal looks like in the future. I don't like it I am Deimos Alexios. Kassandra's brother, for those who know her.

    Dec. 10th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    The people said I should introduce myself. I'm Marina. Sort of, more like I'm part of Marina. It's kind of hard to explain but I guess I'll be here for a while so....hi.

    Dec. 9th, 2018



    December 9 | Audrey Coldwater-Quinn

    So, do you think spending Christmas in the past will earn me an A on my physics final? Inquiring minds need to know.

    For those of you who aren't my parents (whom I've already met because, obviously?), I'm Audrey. They've told me what I need to know already, but um, wanted to say hello.

    Dec. 8th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    DECEMBER 8 2018

    I’m a Magician, I throw a great party and I look like this )

    Dec. 4th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Today is my first day in Atlantis without an anklet. I guess that calls for a celebration. I'm sure no one ca Happy Birthdays to the Hammer Brothers, too.



    [No Subject]

    WHY are all of my socks brown?? I am wearing grey and blue, this is unacceptable. This is-

    I can't live like this

    Dec. 3rd, 2018




    You two throw a bloody fantastic party, brilliant magic, this is not me just stroking your ego.... what would you say if I said I wanted to make a kind of Hogwarts Sorting Hat that we could use in Atlantis for... reason? Think you could help me out? I was going to talk to magic research, too, but I wanted your thoughts first.

    All right, you lot. Benjy and I have a task for you that might seem mad, but we need a sorting hat. The idea is to be able to sort anyone in Atlantis who wants to play quidditch. We don’t have the REAL sorting hat here, obviously, but I think if we all put our heads together, we can come up with something that’d do the job! This is sort of extra research, so it’s completely optional but I’d love anyone who wants to help!

    Dec. 1st, 2018


    December 1 | Kady Orloff-Diaz

    everybody shut the fuck up



    [No Subject]

    Taking a poll - Not being able to feel pain, superpower or hindrance?

    Because honestly, I feel a little duped. And sore, now that it's gone. :(