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Posts Tagged: '%2Aragna'

Oct. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

If I have developed an allergy to pumpkin spice, so help me, I will cry and look ugly doing it.




[cut due to mention of clown, there will be conversations about said clown in this post. It Hunting sign up]

We could use some personnel to help us )

Oct. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

That was different.

If anyone needs me, I’m going to be camping out under a pile of about 5,000 blankets.

Oct. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

Another year older today. Though I miss my friends from home, I'm so glad I'm here.


Unless you already have plans for the evening, I think I'd like to tango with you for a bit tonight.

Sep. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

Once was a little funny, but keep this up and I will find you. You don't get to keep screwing with people like this.

Filter: Zane Donovan
I swear I was going to tell you.

Sep. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

So, this is Atlantis. Not what I expected from the myths. But hi, I'm Annabelle. I'm supposed to be a Personal Appearance specialist here, which doesn't seem like much of a help with the fights, but every bit helps, I hope.

I have a question, though: are there usually grey people who can't speak walking around, or is this something that's more a fluke?

Sep. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

You + me + tacos and tequila now please.

Sep. 23rd, 2017




So, did I mention there's a movie projector on our rooftop?

Sep. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

I think Rosie has colic. Does anyone have any tips?


I think we're in for some sleepless nights. She was so fussy today the creiche called me to take her so she wouldn't disrupt anyone else.



[No Subject]

I feel like I've hit my quota for strange and unusual for the next couple of months. Thanks for the mindfuck, Atlantis.

I'm also feeling kinda objectified right now.



[No Subject]

Well, that was an experience I'd like to never have again.

and for the record, if anyone actually believed that pile of garbage, I'm not a piece of property that can be stolen.

Sep. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Not a bad picture in the gossip rag if I do say so myself. Crichton would have been Are we to expect more issues?



[No Subject]

Since someone decided that they knew the inner workings of my relationship with my wife and someone who is practically family, let me suggest a thing: watch the third movie, and then watch the first, and then

I need to punch something.


Us...we're good, right? No regrets?



[No Subject]

A little birdie told me other!Zane had a private lab in one of the warehouses. Is it still here? Do I get to play Mad Scientist this Halloween?


No joke, that'll be my costume this year, I think. I can give old Vic Frankenstein a run for his money.

For real, though. How goes it?



[No Subject]

Gotta say that I've never found myself on a hottie list before. I've been worse lists, that's for sure.



[No Subject]

For the record, I happen to like mac and cheese. Especially the kind with the dinosaur shaped macaroni.




Missing people, missions and now gossip. I trust all base personnel is remaining professional.



Atlantis Filter

I do see that I was included in this gossip post. While I cannot say that I understand it, I must clarify that no one stole Nyota from me. And it would be logical to give facts for any future gossip.

Sep. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Has anyone heard from Nyota today? She didn't come into the office.

[Jim Kirk]

You two aren't off canoodling somewhere are you?

Sep. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

Never thought I'd have to go through an introduction process again, but I suppose there are worse places to be than Atlantis. I'm Detective Kate Ashurst, and this is my second time at the rodeo with alternate universes, so apparently, I know other versions of some of you from when I was in New Orleans. So I know a few of you, I just don't know you you.

[Police Department Personell]

I see I'm a detective again. Hopefully, this will be a better experience than the NOPD. But hello. I'll come around as soon as I figure out my bloody way around Atlantis. Unless someone can help me find my way there from Tower One?

[Raven Darkholme]

I apologize in advance for the pets, if they aren't something you care for. I wasn't expecting them to come with me. But I'm apparently your roommate?