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Dec. 8th, 2017



Future 2 - Keiko Sulu

Where is my dio malbenita plane?


Kaj? Ĉu vi provis ĝin?

[If we get a Katsu, which I would love, I'm using Esperanto for their made-up language. She's asking "Katsu? Are you here?"]




I'm not sure if you're interested, but I've wished before for photographs and mementos from the period of time I haven't lived through in my home universe. There's things with your father in them and a text copy of John Watson's blog in there. I mean, I'm not sure if you've seen them before, but I would like to share them with you.

And...I don't suppose your father or I taught you how to throw knives? If so, I have something I'd like to give you.



Filtered From Hamish

[Shortly after this]

I need all the bloody drinks in the world.


So. My son is here. My and Sherlock's son. Born in three years time.

We should talk.

Dec. 7th, 2017


Future One - Hamish Holmes

Hello, Atlantis. I'm Hamish Holmes. For the record, I'm eighty-three percent certain I didn't do this. I blow up laboratories, not dimensions.

Has anyone started cataloguing histories to compile a list of timelines? Someone in intake or on the base?

Dec. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Atlantis decided to gift me (all of us?) a plant today for Advent. I'm not sure if the powers that be thought that through.

Nov. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm going to miss Spock.


I know it's a work day tomorrow, but what do you say about us just staying home all day?



[No Subject]

It's always tough to lose a friend and Spock will certainly be missed. Live long and prosper, my friend.

[Starfleet + ]
Spock's departure makes me realize it's been awhile since we've all gotten together. I'd be happy to make a pot or two of chili if folks want to do dinner sometime.

Nov. 11th, 2017



Backdated to November 9

Being chased by a swarm of bees. That's a new one. Luckily there's a couple of superheros on the team who got us out before anybody got stung.

I'm not sure what this mission is all about but Kara and Barry promise that it will be worth it when we find the Pooh.

Oct. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

31 October
Leonard McCoy ✦ Molly Hooper
Getting ready & a proposal
No Warnings/Kissing & Etc


Oct. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

For those that don't know, aside from doing medical work at the medbay as a doctor I'm also a medical researcher. I'm thinking it's time to update our logs on anyone with superhuman abilities since they're out of date since my return. If you're leaving Atlantis for the duration of the mission, I'll have you come in for a chat when you get back, but if you're not, please let me know when you're available. It's just a chat since I assume most of you have already tested your limits yourselves, but should you agree to any test that can be arranged later.

Also, anyone with healing arts not linked to wands, I'd be most interested in talking to you as well.



[No Subject]

As much "fun" as it was hunting down the damn clown, I'm glad I don't do missions anymore. I'm still sore.

[Bucky and Sharon (same message, separate filters)]

You're evil. A freaking month and nothing?

Oct. 7th, 2017



Pennywise Extermination Team

He's been spotted heading towards the sewer systems. Should we put an end to this?



[Forward Dated to before the thing with Pennywise and because my math sucks]

I am no photographer but thankfully there are people here in Atlantis that are. We took Ivan to have some pictures made today and I pursuaded my wife to sit for one and here is the result.

Cut for picture )



[No Subject]

My name is Hikaru Sulu and I have just arrived along with my daughter, Demora. She's four and I was wondering if there were any other children near her age here or any other children period.

I'm going to be working with Team Number Five so it's nice to meet you.



[No Subject]

Umm. I'm not really a big fan of portals.

The first time someone calls me a cow or I see a green demon with horns walking around, I'm going straight back home.



07 October : Derrick Hill : Netpost

this place is wild. lara croft is sharing my living space. edmund pevensie exists in duplicate.

i'm still not entirely convinced this isn't some controlled drug experiment, and that my hallucinations have taken a dis-associative turn.

but i also can't figure out what sort of benefit such hallucinations would have if i were being tested for some super soldier drug, so maybe the reality is simply the truth.

a philosophical conversation better suited to a beer. or twelve.

that would require my leaving this room first.

oh right. i'm derrick. hill. not that anyone was asking. shit. i'll figure out how to sign off these things better at some point. oh my god stop talking.



[No Subject]

Right. First New Orleans seventy years in the future, and then I somehow lose a year and end up in Atlantis. Lucy would be green with envy.

I'm Edmund Pevensie. I saw there's another version of me here so if it's easier, you can call me Ed for short. Pleasure to meet people.

Oct. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

I have this urge to arrange a rather child friendly Halloween movie marathon. Maybe not young children for all of it, but most?

I was thinking since we can get any movie here we could do the three Halloweentown movies with Debbie Fisher, "Hocus Pocus," "The Worst Witch," and then maybe later "Beetlejuice" and the first two Addams Family movies with Raul Julia. Make a day of it with meals and candy. Thoughts?


Speaking of the Addams Family, what would it take me to convince you you should be Gomez Addams this year?



[No Subject]

I'm very glad that I'm over my period of being lazy. That is not like me at all and now I feel like I need to find something to do to make up for being such a slug.

And this is the first time the Atlantis weirdness has gotten me. Does this mean I'm initated?

Oct. 5th, 2017




[May be stuff about clown plot in comments; set after this post]

Hey. I'm going to help out with the "capture and destroy" team. I don't know when I'll be coming in tonight. Why don't you ask Hoshi or someone to join you for dinner tonight?