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Posts Tagged: 'claire+temple'

Nov. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Matt remembers some new stuff from home (Daredevil Season 3 spoilers!)
PG-13 | language & a suggestive seating arrangement ;)

'… we’re here and life keeps on going, doesn’t it?' )

Nov. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

I wasn't sure what to make of this place at first, but I gotta say, it hasn't disappointed me yet. Less than ideal without my family, but I think they'd all be disappointed in me if I didn't stay to help out.

That said, does anyone go running in the mornings? And if so, do you want a buddy? My sister and I used to keep each other in check. It's good motivation, and with all the hot as hell people here, I figure someone else is bound to be interested in staying in shape. Don't let me down, Atlantis.

I had a good time getting to know you the other night. So if you ever wanted to get to know each other better... I'd be down for that. Just thought I'd say so.

Nov. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

When I was pregnant with Lauren, I remember craving bread.It didn't matter what kind it was as long as it was bread. This time I've been craving candy corn but that isn't a huge surprise since I love it anyway and last year I ran around with a bucket the day it rained candy corn and it was awesome. This year I didn't go ut because I can't run very fast these days. Thankfully the party last night had candy corn shots of the virgin variety. I got to have a few and got some advice that really wasn't anything i didn't already know and when we got home there was a giant bag of candy corn on the bed!

Yes, I have hidden it from Lauren because it's mine. Does that make me a bad mother? She went trick or treating so she got plenty of candy.



[No Subject]

Happy November, everyone. Last night was pretty great, huh?

It would have been worth it if we’d gotten rid of him, but I’m really glad our month of probation is officially over now.

Oct. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

When I arrived here, I thought I'd just remain in a position similar to the Grey Wardens, and a full time Agent fit that. But after so long in Breck and the chance to live a calmer life, I think I'd rather step away from being a full time soldier.

It's an odd feeling, given I've lived and breathed that life for so long now. But I enjoyed my time as a nurse a great deal, and the extra hours I've worked at the hospital since being back have been something I look forward to, in comparison to the training hours that I've come to slightly dread. I've decided to put in for a transfer to work at the hospital full time as a healer, and act only as a reserve agent.

Now would be a good time to boost my morale and tell me I'm not going against the Warden code, due to the lack of Darkspawn and Blight here and the precedence this war takes. My mind has been wrestling with that for a few weeks now. Please and thank you!

Oct. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

A note to all my trainees that Halloween festivities or indulgences will not excuse you from classes. And anyone who shows up noticeably hungover will get to play with the battle ropes.

Are you both free this evening? There is a wine tasting at Cava. Ezio, you should bring someone with you.

Oct. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Claire Temple & Matt Murdock
Late Sept / Early October
Claire's new room in Atlantis
PG-13 for smoochin'

God forbid. )

Oct. 21st, 2018



18 September | Challenge - Claire + Will

18 SEPTEMBER - challenge
Claire Temple + Will Zimmerman
pg | comomete

You think you can catch it or what? Aren’t they supposed to be… pinker? )

Oct. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

One of the things I loved about New York was that there was always something to do, but it looks like Atlantis rivals it for things to do and weird shit going on. I’m impressed. I’ll take turning into a hot old lady for a day over some of the other shit we dealt with.

Hey. I was thinking it might be nice to have a little dinner, all of us, to get to know each other better. No reason why we have to be nearly strangers, you know? Maybe we could make something familiar, some favorite from home. Share a bottle of wine, etc.
Let’s go to that festival.

Oct. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

I suppose I deserve this for talking about how upsetting compulsions can be. Not to mention the whole Apple of Eden business. And well, most of my twentie Among other reasons. Very well, off with the bandage.

There has been a mishap on the magic floor and the only sound that will come out of my mouth now is that of an ass. A literal one. Make your jokes quickly and then help me sort this out, all right? Using this device to communicate will grow weary to say the least.

[OOC: base plot for FLOORS ABOVE GROUND + B3-B8, but this is an open post.]

Oct. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]


Oct. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

Thank you, Atlantis, for answering a question I’ve had all my life: yes, Claire, you will look like your abuela one day.

But it really did not need to be today.

Is this normal? How long is it going to last? I swear if I’m stuck like this, someone is going to pay.

Sep. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]


23 September
time. Morning | location. Breckentale
rating. PG | status. Complete
Matt and Claire wake to find themselves in a precarious position.

Take your time. )

Sep. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

I've been trying to figure out how to phrase this without being completely awkward, but my head's swimming so I'll just throw it out there.

My name is actually Claire. If anyone knew Em in that other place, please let me know. I remember faces, but I don't know any of your real names.

Sep. 24th, 2018



[No Subject]

16 september (backdated)
Hints of another life sneak in.

'What's on the menu?' )

Sep. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Okay, is anyone going to explain what’s going on around here? People have been talking about how things make more sense now, which is great for them, except things have gotten more and more confusing for me and I’m getting real tired of feeling like we’re the only clueless ones.

Sep. 18th, 2018



[No Subject]

Things are different lately, right? I mean, all the things people are talking about. I don't know what to make of it.

So I wanted to check in.

Sep. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Friends - Feel Free to Assume ]

Hey, just as an FYI, I somehow managed to shock Gary this afternoon?? I have no idea how and the wiring in our apartment is fine - I called the landlord who grunted at the place, which strikes me as a fine assessment - but I guess I'm going to get checked out as soon as I can make an appointment. What causes lightning strikes to happen in one's hands??

Anyway I'm so sorry again Gary; I promise it won't happen again and if it does I'll try to change it up a little so you're not bored.

[ Filter ]

Sep. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

26 august (backdated)
Em drives Micah home after his match.

'Well first off I’m getting a new manager.' )

Sep. 4th, 2018



Netpost | Everleigh Kent (Emmeline Vance)

As nice as it is to be back, I do miss that weekend in Denver! I will say that it's nice to be back at work though, ah paperwork, how I've missed you.

Weird story today in the paper. Something about England and magic, honestly I didn't give it a second look, totally weird though!

[PLOT: Emmeline is delivered a newspaper today with a story about the world they are originally from, but they just think it's part of the daily news.]