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Posts Tagged: 'buffy+summers'

Mar. 27th, 2019



netpost: reyna pevensie

I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by Admiral Poseidon's restructuring and getting moved out of the field, but it seems Atlantis knew something before I did...

Which is too say, Ed and I found out this morning that we're expecting a baby. Seems a bit too good to be true, but it's proobably the best birthday present I could ask for.

Mar. 19th, 2019



Network Post | Cappie

Well, that was a mind fuck...

Oh, look, I have hair again!

So, who's missed me?

Mar. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

What happens to the vampires when they die? I hope I don't sound insensitive. I'm just very curious.

Hey. I saw that something happened to your ... uh. Is he your step-dad? Anyway. I thought that you should come over and sit with me and Salem. It's really safe. I've also been practicing my Tarot readings.

Mar. 9th, 2019



March 9 | Fred Burkle

I'm sorry to those who lost someone today.

[Lorna Ramon]
What do you say about a night in tonight? Chinese? Mexican? Sushi? Or a Mexican-Chinese-Sushi-Ice Cream combo night?

[Buffy Summers]
Please be How's the mission going?

[Strigoi teams]
These types are vampires are outside of my specific area, but I am familiar with vampires in the general sense including those that are... evil, for lack of a better word. When Angelus was in Atlantis several months ago, I privately tried working on tracking his location and movements. These vampires may have different habits and patterns, but if my old notes would help at all, I'd be glad to share them.

Feb. 27th, 2019



netpost; dylan dog

Glad to see I'm not the only one who had a friendly polar bear approach them this morning. Not sure if hugging a couple of cubs and their Mom is a valid excuse for clocking on five minutes late though.

Feb. 20th, 2019



Network Post: Henry Ferris

I don't know what caused me to feel so run down earlier this week, but I am happy to be back to myself, if less happy for the storm. Even the snow isn't so unpleasant when one can return to a warm house and a cup of hot chocolate.

[Betty Bayer]
I have found that chocolate is best in company. Would you care to join me after your shift?

Feb. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey there! So, the past week has been really weird and I want to deal with that in productive ways instead of holing up and being a stereotypical teenager who plays Halsey and cross stitches edgy sayings on the back of her denim jacket. Also, it was Valentine's Day and I'm basically not with the love of my life anymore and necromancy really doesn't work in Atlantis. Sorry, I got off track. I would maybe just go ahead and start feeling sorry for Ambrose and Salem. You know how it goes.

There is a lot going on. There's a lot of different people and we all have these issues that impact us and we've been made to hide ourselves or run. The adults (and us, kind of) get to be educated and get to fight against the COS. But the COS comes to Atlantis too! And I'm not saying that we should fight. But we were really good at organizing things for the people who were in comas. I was wondering if there are any social / social justice clubs or organizations here in Atlantis? Like, ones that help people get stuff they need when there is a big drama happening and groups that celebrate all of our differences?

I think that's something we could do as younger people, if it's not already there. Or if you think it wouldn't be really dumb. There's that too.

Um. So hey.

I really appreciate that you didn't send me back. I'm going to show you that you can trust me.

I can go on Josie's birthday ski trip? RIGHT?

Feb. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

We all know tomorrow is Valentine's Day and it's really romantic and all that good stuff. It's my first one since

But today. Today is even more important. Today is Galentine's Day. Today we celebrate the love we have for our friends. Our gal pals.

That's why tonight, I'm making waffles. Ladies, bring your favorite toppings and we can make a party out of it.

Feb. 12th, 2019



magical delivery to all teenagers

SKI BIRTHDAY INVITATION - delivered to all teens in Atlantis )



netpost; dylan dog

Found a penny. Let's see how the day works out.

[Buffy Summers]
How are you doing, after your Trouble?

Feb. 11th, 2019



[No Subject]

Um Hey, Atlantis. I'm Leon Kennedy. I'm new; just got here this weekend. So... the gist is that this is some kind of place that exists outside of time or space, populated by people from different universes? Cool, cool. What the fuck.

I was supposed to be a cop back home in Raccoon City but that uh. Didn't happen. But it looks like I'll be working in the same capacity here, so if you need any help, I'll try my best. I'm still in Medical, but I don't think they'll be keeping me much longer, so-- just wanted to say hi, figure out how this network thing works. The internet's crazy, right? Doesn't even have the dial-up noise.

Oh, and yeah, if you know anything about the incident in Raccoon City, it's bad. They're working on containing the infection but I-- it's going to take months of clean-up, even with the government's firepower. And I don't thin I'm sure they'll get things under control eventually, but until then, might wanna go to the beach for Spring Break.

Feb. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone. If we haven't met yet, I'm Sam.

Between the fear coma, the kidnapping, and the Troubles, there may be some of you in need of someone to talk to. I wanted to remind you that there are counseling services available here in Atlantis. My schedule still has plenty of room for those in need, and I'd love to see if I can help.

Please let me know.

[ ooc; APD received a basketful of samosas this afternoon with a little note thanking them for their hard work and wishing them well on the rest of the Troubles mission. ]

Jan. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

I don’t care if that was COS or Atlantis. Someone is getting punched for that shit.

Sorry I worried you guys
*feel free to assume cause Rose is friends with fucking everyone lol

Wow, that was super fun. You wanna talk about it or just hit something?

Jan. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

Oh, wow! This is so great. I've seen a lot of snow before, but I've never been on an island, and these communications are just- this is so great.

Hi! Hello. I'm Atreus, of Midgard. My father and I are here to help! Or, at least, help as much as we can - we've been pretty good so far at being problem solvers in multiple realms. That this adds to the realms is just- wow. I never expected something like this.

Is there a blacksmith here? Or a place to make arrows? Are we allowed to explore the forests? Or the mountains?



Texts to Buffy Summers

» Happy Birthday!
» Are you doing anything to celebrate?
» Note: If your answer to that is anything other than “yes, and you’re invited”, it’s incorrect.

Jan. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]


Hey. I'm Miles. Miles Morales. The housing is named after RHETI personality tests, right? I had to take one of those for a psych class back at Visions. Why couldn't we do like Hogwarts sorting or something? These questions and more on Miles FM. Sorry, I have no idea what to put in an introduction and I've never set up a dating profile, so I don't even have examples to work with. I'll be staying with my guardian, Peter Parker. Anyone have school notes to catch me up here?


Jan. 2nd, 2019



Log: Fred & Buffy

early january

Cooking was never one of her strong suits, but ordering take-out and getting it home in time so that it was still warm was one of her superpowers. )

Dec. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

Good news, friends in Atlantis! Everything is worked out and I'm going to stay around. After all, someone might need to rain down Hellfire or look after Ambrose. Maybe both. ... so, Cousin. I'm moving in with you, Dylan Dog and Anne of Austria. Are we actually living with a Queen? Wow And of course, Salem.

I'm also working at the coffee shop part time and going to school. Basically, this is my big plea for all the friends.



netpost: brent hartley

I've met a few of you already, but for those I haven't, hello. My name is Brent Hartley. My sister Bella has been here for a long time now and I've spent most of the last few weeks catching up with her. I have to say, whenever I imagined Atlantis, this wasn't what I pictured.

Are there any other surfers here? This isn't the weather for it, obviously, but I'm told it should warm up eventually.

[OOC: Anyone close to Bella would have been introduced in person by this point and since mistletoes are starting to disappear, we should probably say those mistletoe encounters I had planned for him happened as he was exploring Atlantis!]

Dec. 16th, 2018



december 16 :: steve harrington

Is anyone's food covered in chocolate today? Because mine is. And I'm not complaining.