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Posts Tagged: 'davina+claire'

May. 6th, 2019



Network Post: Mordecai Roberts (Atlantis)

I've a dislike of I've never understood this form of entertainment.

[Tony Stark + Charlie Montgomery]
We have our work cut out for us. Miss Montgomery, I apologize in advance. We're going to be keeping you very busy coordinating.

Our tasks as I understand them:
  • Disrupt that broadcast so we can get it off our screens.
  • Find a method of communication that doesn't involve these tablets. I'm going to task some of magic research on that.
  • Tracking. Any information we can feed to Command as to where they might look.

    I'd like to set up committees for each task with members from all teams, if that suits you.

  • [Remus Lupin + Harry Potter]
    I'm sorry. I know you both have family inside. I'm sure you know Command has teams out looking for them. I want some researchers and specialists on every tracking spell our worlds can come up with. That information will help the field agents find them.

    Second, we need to find away to turn off that broadcast. We'll be working with Technology and Engineering for that task. You know best to who to assign.

    In the meantime, we need a secure method of communication that doesn't record the tablets. They obviously aren't secure at the moment, and working around the broadcast isn't going to help anyone. We've used mirrors in my world, but I'm sure there are other methods. I'd like a team on that, as well. Give me any suggestions you have.

    Thank you.

    [Magic Department]
    You should be receiving your specific assignments from your LCDRs shortly if you haven't already. Our role is support for the field agents. Everything we do is going towards bringing our friends back.

    [Katie Bell]
    I'm terrible at I wonder if we oughtn't swear off birthdays.

    May. 2nd, 2019



    May 2 | Kol Mikaelson

    I never thought I'd have children, not in the traditional sense, but I suppose it's fitting that someone would start off gifting me a child that's stuffed to see if I can manage to keep it in one piece.

    [Davina Claire]
    Congratulations, it's a girl. Will we be celebrating Mother's Day soon?

    [Hope Mikaelson]
    Happy birthday, love. I'm very thankful to be able to spend this one with you. Your father will no doubt be requesting some time with you today, but what do you say to lunch with your favorite uncle?

    [Elijah & Klaus Mikaelson]
    It's a miracle. The two of you have been here nearly a month, and I've not heard the lamenting of our friends from Mystic Falls accusing either of you of killing, threatening, or cutting off of anyone's fingers. A truly remarkable feat, brothers. Congratulations.

    Apr. 27th, 2019



    27 April | Davina Claire

    Baseball and thunderstorms aren't usually things that should go together. Or at least that's what I've heard.

    PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up on a baseball pitch and must play a game with the others to leave.

    Apr. 2nd, 2019



    2 April | Davina Claire

    (After arrival/departures)

    Well, I'm pretty sure we all would have rather kept the people who left over who just came in.

    I'm on my way home.

    Have you spoken to him?

    Mar. 30th, 2019



    Challenge | Davina & Billy

    davina claire & billy Kaplan
    "Uh, hey, Davina?"
    late march | street
    Challenge: faded, scream, massive, quarrel, porter
    Read more... )

    Mar. 24th, 2019



    March 24 | Kol Mikaelson

    I hope everyone had a nice celebration of Wrap Up In a Blanket and Eat Brownies Day. I sure did.

    PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH spends the day trying to tell people about a holiday that they made up.

    Mar. 15th, 2019



    15 March | Davina Claire

    I'm going home before I hurt someone.

    I don't know what's wrong with me today, but it's safer if I'm just not around anyone.

    Happy Birthday.

    Kol will drop off your present tonight, but I'm going to have to pass for safety reasons.

    PLOT: ♆ - No matter what ONE CHARACTER EACH feels like everything they do is wrong today.

    Mar. 10th, 2019



    [No Subject]

    Not all attacks are happening at night, the Strigoi can enter buildings and houses if they aren't properly warded. Magic teams are going about doing just that - if you've got magic and you're not on a team but want to help, that's where we can use you. and if you've got religious symbols, please put them out where it's visible.

    Be alert at all times, and minimize walking about in public, especially alone.

    Stefan is currently considered a threat risk, and we've got a team tracking him. He can't enter houses without permission, but he can openly walk in daylight, so don't bloody trust him. We're doing everything in our power to get him back to normal.

    [STRIGOI TEAM 4 (Caroline, Damon and John Proudstar)]
    I won't stay at the hospital long - the one attacked this morning is my bo b - er, best mate. He'll be alright, just in the hospital for a little while. I'll catch back up with you in a few minutes.

    I've got a few thoughts on magic that can help us trap him, but we could use a list of all of his abilities?

    [HP VERSE]
    Scorpius was attacked this morning. He's- Well, he's alive, but bad off. As much as I want to, I can't stay at the hospital right now, can someone please come sit with him? Take turns? Please- I don't

    Normally it'd take three bloody bears to wrestle me away from his bed, but I'm on the team helping to hunt the newest problem.

    Feb. 16th, 2019



    [No Subject]

    Slight detour to go on another mission, but I'm back for good now (I think?) and I'll be arranging D&D sessions soon. I think booking out Coffee Me Better would be better than my house because things change at random here and I'd rather not bother my housemates on a weekly basis.

    Also, Happy late Valentine's day? I've never really done it before so I'm just gonna take advantage of cheap chocolates and gorge myself.

    [Filtered to Command]

    So, uh. On the mission, we went through this- thing. There was a spider in there (don't ask) that told me that the tattoo/carving on my arm is important for something we seek.

    I don't know if it really means much, but I figured I'd let you know in case something comes up.

    Feb. 14th, 2019



    14 February | Davina Claire

    It's really good to be home, but it was nice to feel a little more useful.

    Should we go tonight?

    TEAM 9 - MISSION - Melinda May, Clarice Fong, Temple Roberts, Bobbi Morse
    It was good working with all of you.

    I just hope for no more spiders for the next few days.

    Feb. 4th, 2019



    february 4 :: betty bayer

    I went a little overboard with my baking and made a few extra batches of cookies. Would anyone want some?

    henry ferris, octavia blake & davina claire.
    Don't you think I have forgotten about you. You have your own cookie batches waiting for you!

    Are you back to your own body? I hope you had a nice time yesterday with me.

    I bakes some cookies, would you like some?

    Jan. 6th, 2019



    Kol Mikaelson

    And they say wishes don't grow on trees. Do they say that? Who knows. Apparently, they've never visited Atlantis.


    Uh.. Love? We may have a situation.

    Jan. 5th, 2019



    january 05 :: betty bayer

    Well, this makes work a lot harder. I guess I won't be doing anything until I go back to my actual body.

    Jan. 4th, 2019



    4 January | Davina Claire

    It's a little hard to get to work when every single door asks me stupid trivia questions.

    I'm going to be late today.

    Dec. 22nd, 2018



    22 December | Davina Claire

    Days like today that seem like endless blizzards is when I start to miss New Orleans and San Francisco.

    But, the hot chocolate does somehow taste better when it's snowing.

    Dec. 13th, 2018



    december 13 :: marcel gerard

    I apologize to my roommates for the terrible music I'm playing on the violin. It's definitely not my forte. I wish Gia

    [ PLOT :: MARCEL wakes up this morning with a violin in his room and an urge to learn how to play it. ]

    Dec. 9th, 2018



    Dec 9: Roman Lockehart

    So hey Atlantis. Looks like I'm going to be visiting for a while. I'm Roman Lockehart and I was sound aslssep, woke up feeling weird and now I'm here so that was my day.

    At least, my best friend is here so that makes things better.

    [Alex Belikova]

    Wanna give me a tour?

    Nov. 26th, 2018



    log :: betty bayer & davina claire

    november 11


    Nov. 25th, 2018



    November | Davina + Marcel

    early november
    davina claire + marcel gerard
    low | complete

    I highly doubt it, D. But whatever brought you back, I’m glad it did )



    24 November | Kol & Davina Wedding

    24 november
    Kol + Davina + Guests
    Low | IC/OOC
    Finally Getting Married. )