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Posts Tagged: 'christine+chapel'

Apr. 6th, 2019



april 06 :: aleksandra belikova

I spent all day yesterday looking for dandelions... Thanks Atlantis. I know you have something to do with that! Now I have a massive amount of dandelions and I don’t know what to do with that. Plus, my cat keeps making a mess when she plays with them. And Ro follows her.

Apr. 3rd, 2019



March 3/Christine Chapel

I should have stopped being surprised at the things Atlantis gives us but I wasn't expecting to ever see the stethoscope I had in nursing school again. I thought I'd lost it years ago. And to beat that, it was wrapped in one of Lauren's baby blankets that I never expected to see again so she got something too.



Network Post: Henry Ferris

I am not certain what to think about receiving my old aviator's uniform. I suppose it has its uses. It's a good warm coat, if nothing else.

Mar. 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

With all the puppies running around yesterday, I'm surprised Lauren didn't try to talk us into another dog. Thankfully she seems to be happy with a little sister. She's a great big sister, she's very protective of her and I found her sitting on the floor next to her bed reading to her. Emily was sound asleep and Lauren was proud of herself but I didn't have the heart to tell her that Emiily as already asleep when she started.

Mar. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

Uh. I have no idea why I regressed back to Riverside Iowa Jim Kirk the other day, but I'm sorry for putting my duties on other people.


Do you have anything planned for Admiral Pike Chris's birthday? I want to throw him a surprise dinner party or something. I can hire you a babysitter, if you want.

[Jim's friends/Pike's friends]

I'm trying to plan something for Pike's birthday at the end of the month. I don't have exact dates yet, but it'd be awesome if you could come to it. A meal and drinks or something easy like that?

Mar. 10th, 2019



netpost: leonard mccoy

I know this sounds like a broken record, but it bears repeating - no one should be going out alone, especially after dark. If you're not one of the lucky ones hunting these bastards, stay the hell home until they're caught.

That was a suggestion for everyone else, but for you, it's a direct order. We only go out when we have to and when we do have to go out, we use the buddy system and we call for a security escort. No exceptions.

Feb. 27th, 2019



netpost: christopher pike

A very happy birthday to my brilliant and gorgeous wife today. If you see Nurse Chapel around, be sure to wish her a happy birthday.

We'll be doing a small get together this weekend to celebrate Christine. Probably Sunday dinner.

Come by at 5:30 to babysit?

Jim agreed to babysit tonight. So you and I have a night to ourselves with no vomit or poop.

Jan. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm getting so tired of all this snow. Who has weather-controlling powers? Can we make it spring yet?

Hey, how's mama and baby doing? If I wanted to swing by with some food, what time's best?
Something Ezio asked me a couple months ago has been nagging at me. Wanted to see what you thought about it before I dive in.

Jan. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

Announcing )

Jan. 1st, 2019



netpost: christopher pike

I certainly didn't drink enough to have this sort of headache. Not your best move, Atlantis.

As much as I enjoyed having people here, even knowing it was temporary doesn't make their departure any easier.

How are you doing, love?

Dec. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

It’s my birthday so you’re all going to tolerate me being sappy for a moment, thank you.

The last few years have been a roller coaster, to say the least. A lot of highs that took my life places I never expected, and a lot of really low lows that did the same. More lows than anything else, the kind that spiral and you feel out of control. And then I came here and got to meet all of you (or see you again), got to have my mom meet all of you, got to spend the holiday with people I care about instead of staring at the walls of a hospital like every other year (which I didn’t hate, but this was a nice new normal, too), and that is a gift I’ll never take for granted. I feel really lucky to know all of you, and so I wanted to say thank you for making Atlantis one hell of a place to be.

Okay, I’m done. Carry on.

Dec. 26th, 2018




various dates / compilation

Multiple Character Mistletoe Drabbles! )

Dec. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Mid December
Christine Chapel+ Christopher Pike
Their house | G
Choosing a baby name

Like the pine trees lining the winding road, I got a name )

Dec. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

I always loved the winter constellations in the Mojave. On a clear night, you could see thousands of stars. Orion was just a fixture in the sky. I've learned the stars here and they're just as comforting, but they're still not what I expect to see on the solstice.

How does it feel to have had another birthday, old man?

Trek folks, family, friends, plus ones, etc
Do folks have Christmas plans? If not, feel free to join us for a lowkey celebration. Maybe we can even do a white elephant gift exchange or something?

Dec. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

As if Atlantis didn’t have enough goddamn people running around.

Hey, you. I know you’re probably really tired of being pregnant by now. You doing okay, otherwise?

Claire Callahan
You free for dinner sometime this week?



netpost: christopher pike

I can't decide if Atlantis sent an older version of my daughter to freak me out or to reassure me since there's another child on the way. Sometimes I think cadets were easier than children. I'm pretty sure it sent my best friend to smack me upside the head though.

I did appreciate getting blueprints of the Enterprise, though. As much as the Mojave is my retreat space and where I spent some time as a kid, the Enterprise will always be home, even if she wasn't mine all that long.

Thank you, Atlantis, sometimes you're not all that bad.

I love you .

Also, I promise to take all nighttime feedings and diaper duties. Since you've been doing the lion's share of work thus far.



001. Phil Boyce [NPC]

Now that I've been briefed both by the good people at intake and also by Admiral Pike Chris, I figure I'd introduce myself.

Dr. Philip Boyce, most recently working at Starfleet Command and, it looks like currently, here at Atlantis in time for my birthday and the holidays.

Jim Kirk

Admiral Pike told me you're around. How are you feeling since the last time I had to help McCoy bring you back from death?

Care to get a drink?

Dec. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

[OOC: After her parents have come to meet her in intake]

Hi, past Atlantis, I'm Lauren Chapel-Pike. You probably know me a a precocious 6 year-old so surprise!

Please tell me you're here, too. And not 6 year-old you but like you you, because this is so freaking weird!

Nov. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

Decided I needed another roommate. Meet Tonka.

not an IC cut, image inside )

Nov. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

I swear, if anyone calls me Clairebear today, I will sit on you.