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November 2019



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Mar. 7th, 2019



7 March - Message to Laura Howlett

Message to Laura Howlett )

Mar. 5th, 2019



5 March | D'Artagnan netpost

I don't know what came over me, since the meaning of my name has never made much of an impact on me, but I decided to do a little research on it today.

It turns out that D'Artagnan means "from Artagnan", a town in the Southwest of France.

But I am from Lupiac, in Gascony, not Artagnan. Why in the world did my parents name me this? I'm afraid I have more questions now than I did in the beginning.

[ TWO CHARACTERS EACH decide to do some research to learn what their name means.]

Mar. 2nd, 2019



March 2 | Valkyrie

My dog is a winter of coat and of color and I lost her in the snow
much to my horror!

It's not all that sad she did it on purpose but this shit is why she should be a tortoise.


another long post getcha green eggs and ham )


Heard it told round the rounds it's your birthday this time around. I don't have a present in the form of an object but there's something else I'll give that is nothing to scoff at. Give it to you on a boat, give it to you on a moat, give it to you in a van, give it to you on your nan.

You that kinda man?

OOC: It's talk like Dr. Seuss day for Val so... I did my best? PS: He made up words a lot, esp to rhyme with other words so those that are there and aren't in the dictionary? That's why.

Feb. 27th, 2019



text message: Logan to Val

Text to Val )

Feb. 24th, 2019



log: trouble 7 (Valkyrie's ole switcheroo)


Valkyrie smirked slowly but thoroughly as if trying to imitate The Grinch cartoon or Tim Curry despite knowing neither. )

Feb. 21st, 2019



netpost: D'Artagnan

Musketeers )


Right then. Who wants to explain Quidditch to me? I've heard a lot of chatter about it around Atlantis, and I am interested in attending a game were one to occur sometime soon.

Feb. 18th, 2019



netpost message: Logan Howlett

[Message to Daisy Johnson] )

Feb. 14th, 2019



14 Feb netpost and messages: Logan Howlett

Athos )
Lorna Dane )

Don't really care much for this Hallmark holiday. Hitting the bars to drink until I pass out. You're welcome to join in just don't expect much conversation.

Feb. 5th, 2019



netpost: D'Artagnan

The oddest thing just happened to me. I was outside, complaining about the weather and how I wished it were sunny, and it suddenly turned sunny around me. Just me. And even talking about it here just made it sunny indoors.

I don't know what's going on but I'm assuming this is Atlantis magic at work. The snowstorm was — you've got to be kidding me?! — the sunny weather is very nice. That's better.

Well, let's make the most of this. Anyone that wants good weather is welcome to come join in outdoors.

[plot: Anyone ONE CHARACTER EACH brings up weather today, whatever weather they say happens within a 5-foot radius of them.]

Jan. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

I make my way back here only to have my wife leave the way I did a few weeks ago.

I don't understand how this happened.

Someone please distract me with alcohol and good news.



Netpost: Logan Howlett

Folks here sure know how to welcome a fella.

The name's Logan. Just arrived on Saturday. Don't think I know anyone, but figure that's just a matter of time.

Got some training lined up for this afternoon if anyone's interested. Fair warning, I don't hold back.

Dec. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

Perhaps I'm hallucinating a bit, but I believe the snow is actually paper.

It's falling from the sky as if it were snow, but it's not.

Is anyone else seeing this??

Dec. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

I have to admit that I've always enjoyed the snow. The stillness of it all, and how sound can be completely absorbed by it. Even blizzards are nice simply for the cover it provides. But there's also the whole aspect of being safe inside, cuddled under a blanket with something warm to drink. I don't think I ever really appreciated the latter back home. Snow was always more practical for me than anything else.

Dec. 20th, 2018



Dec 20

I am pleased to announced that I, D'Artagnan, have completed all the necessary requirements for staying in Atlantis. I have even been assigned the job of Combat Field Agent to Team 12. I cannot imagine doing anything else, and I hope to serve proudly.

Team 12, I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.



[No Subject]

Hello, Atlantis. My name is Rachel Turner and I just arrived here. A few of you might know me, and I have to say it'll be nice to see you face-to-face again.

[Message to Claire Callahan]

I've been informed that I need to set up counseling sessions with you.

Is this really necessary, or can we maybe hand wave it all and save both of us some time?

Dec. 19th, 2018



Log: Neal & Rebecca/Rachel

december 19

Neal knew that this was something he needed to do alone. )

Dec. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

I've been meaning to ask about these Advent Calendars in our room. Constance and I both have one, and she explained that it it enchanted somehow and it has been giving our gifts since the beginning of the month. I received quite a lot when I first arrived, and today I received this:

Fake cut for picture )

It's a nice jacket, but not really practical when it's freezing out. And it doesn't seem to provide any sort of armor should I wear it into battle. What is the purpose of it then?

Dec. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

I want ice cream! I'm not sure what flavor yet though, maybe mint chocolate.

Who wants to join me?

What's your favorite ice cream flavor, Atlantis?

[Plot: Volunteers feel a strange urge to get ice cream today. Lots and lots of ice cream.]

Dec. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

I've woken up in unusual beds before, but never ones quite as nice as this.

Nor have I woken up to fantastical sights such as these. I'm not sure if I can believe it, or if I can believe that my beautiful wife is here along with my best friends. Perhaps once I am done with this intake meeting I can see them for myself. In some way.

Or maybe I'll fall back asleep and wake up back at the garrison in Paris.

Either way, my name is D'Artagnan, and I am one of the King's Musketeers. Hello, Atlantis.

Nov. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Wanda ✦ Alicia ✦ Logan
Alicia and Wanda "bond" with wolves

Could wolves even be sarcastic? )