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June 9th, 2019



Network Post: Raksha Keller

[OOC: Backdated to Saturday June 8th. After being called up, but before leaving.]

Animal instincts are strong, but there are ways to adjust if you haven't been one before. It usually only lasts a day or two, anyway. At least no one has turned into

[Family (Brent and Bella Hartley, Clarke and Madi Griffin) + Roommates (Daisy Johnson, Sam Wilson, & Alexios of Sparta)]
I'm going on mission. Be careful.



Net Post Jyn Erso/ Backdated to June 8

Well at least no one is a dog today? Unless I missed something.

[MJ and Marcel]

I'm going to be gone on a mission for a few days. Probably for a week at least. I don't know if we'll be able to communicate or not but if we can, I'll check in.


Apparently I'm going off to hunt some puppies from a cartoon land. Marcel will be at home but would you mind checking in on MJ while I'm gone? I don't know if we'll have comms access or not, I'll check in if we do.

I love you. I'll see you when we get back.



june 08 :: wendy darling (BACKDATED)


Sometimes I wish my brothers were here. They'd love this place.

charlie mills.
I'm going on a mission. Could you feed Nana?

I left some food on the fridge to last until Tuesday. You just need to heat it up.




This is going to be interesting.


Don't freak out. I'm going on this mission with the team - I'll be back as soon as we're done and I'll be fine. Feel free to stay at my place if you'd prefer it.



june 09 :: betty bayer

I just had a very oppinionated discussion with a doorknob. This place still manages to surprise me every day.

henry ferris.
You were amazing yesterday at Quidditch.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - All of the doorknobs in Atlantis today are talking, and they've all got a lot of opinions about everything. ]



Open Net | Clark Griffin

[NOTE: Spoilers for The 100 through mid 4x3 likely in the comments.]

There has to be a better way to catch up with life at home. I guess at least this time wasn’t 6 years worth.

I think it’s time we talk about the last thing you both remember and how much more you want to know.

Got time for your favorite patient? Before you freak out, it’s just a cut hand. Might need stitches.