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June 7th, 2019



Netpost | Madi Griffin | June 7

Now that I have been here for a little bit, this place is very interesting.

What I would like to know is what can you tell me about going to school? Because I haven't been yet.



Netpost: Stephen Strange | June 6

I'm not certain if the yo-yo I found on my bed this morning was meant to be some sort of cruel joke or whether it's an encouragement to continue some sort of physical therapy. Either way, the Cloak is finding it to be enormously entertaining.



Network Post: Henry Ferris

I sincerely apologize to the person* I bumped into this morning. I am usually more considerate. I have been running terribly late all day.

PLOT: One character each keeps telling everyone they are late today. Volunteers welcomed!



Fear Log: Callie & Aurora - Jan 20

Jan 20 | simulation HP world
Callie Spinnet & Aurora Sinistra
"Someone or something wishes to keep us from them and I do not wish to oblige them."
R | Complete
Warnings galore for: death, abandonment, betrayal, etc.
Read more... )



Letter to Fairydust Jones (Tallisan Lintra) June 7

Dear Fairydust,

I hope this finds you well. I haven't done anything very exciting in the last few days but that is not necessarily a bad thing given some of the things that Atlantis likes to throw at us. Mostly I have been trying not to let all the barking bother me. I don't suppose it's giving away too much information to say that I have never owned a dog so I'm not used to the noise. If I did own a dog, it would only be one which would not be as loud.

Have a good day and I hope you have a pleasant weekend.
