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March 26th, 2019



Network Post: Marcus Cole

Even after so much time planetside and with the memories of Mark Collins, real water showers feel like a luxury. Mark, at least, knew how to swim, although it seems to come with this form, as well.

Although, now I'm hungry. Could someone point me to the stables?

OOC: Marcus is Two-toed Tom, a giant (possibly demonic) alligator that can withstand dynamite and eats - pretty much everything. Slightly backdated because it has been a Monday.



March 25 | Valkyrie

[CHARLIE 2 - TEAM 8 | TEAM 16]
[John Proudstar, Lily Potter, Steve Harrington | Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Lauren Strucker]
Okay welcome to the Valkyrie Corner. Yes I was one, yes one of those valkyries, the name is the thing and I wear it to honour them, glad that's out of the way.

So. If you have a problem, come to me. Or go to your team leader and they'll come to me. Anyway, come to me before you solve problems with punching, self destruction or going over my head. I'm not approachable-looking and I'm most likely drunk but trust me, I know what I'm doing I've been doing it for a millennium or so. And it's fucking important to me that we win this, I have personal stakes on this now as if the normal kind wasn't enough.

Oh and I'll be checking out training once in a while to see if everything's smooth. Be safe, help each other (ego gets people killed remember that), follow orders unless they sound unbelievably stupid. Cheers!



26 March | Rose Ward

BRAVO 1[Team 4: Thor Odinson, Clarice Fong, Damon Salvatore, Jemma Simmons. Team 12: Isabela, Raksha Keller, Shamara Andor]
First, I am sorry I wasn't able to meet with all of you yesterday. I'm still not completely sure what I was, but it did cause me to miss the meetings yesterday.

I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. If you are free this Saturday, I'd like to invite you out for a Bravo 1 dinner and drinks on me at the Old White Lion. If you can't make it and already have plans, don't worry about changing them, this will be a monthly occurrence, last Saturday of every month.

My background is in counterintelligence and espionage. Regardless of your speciality, I will throw in a few extra training sessions around the subjects to keep all of us sharp. They'll take shape in the form of challenges and games and the loser buys drinks sometime that week.

Let's get to work.

I'd like to meet with the two of you sometime today to get any of your ideas or things you'd like to see going forward. If we make the meeting later in the day it can migrate to the pub, do you two play darts?



Network Post: Clint Barton

Taco Tuesday is still on, right? There hasn't been a sour cream shortage or a run on salsa, has there?

[Team 16: Peter Quill + Lauren Strucker]
Hey Team. I've had a glimpse, but let's talk abilities, specialties. What have you been working on with your previous teams, and what do you want to get better at?

[Peter Quill]
Looks like we're teammates again. Glad to have you.

Hey. Doing all right?

[Jill Dragomir]
How are you doing? Things settling down?

[Teddy Altman]
Nice shapeshifting. You ever want to come along again, you're welcome.

[MCU Avengers]
Everybody the right shape and not stranded on the moon? Let's get tacos.



[No Subject]

So, I can already lift like, 10 tons. I promise I didn't need these bursting muscles just cause I ate a salad for once. They tore my favorite shirt! ... which I can fix myself, but I really want a reason to complain, and my Spidey suit stretches enough sooooo. That's all I've got.

[TEAM NUMERO UNO! (Marcus Cole, Kára Calrissian and Jesse McCree)]
HEY TEAM. So we've got a dude that thinks he's a Spider, a guy that's literally a crocodile demon thing, a cowboy that's way better at guns than I am, and an Asgardian.... is Han Solo your godfather? I really need to know because of fanfic I wrote when I was 15.

Basically I'm probably the worst team leader of all of them. Or the best, if you also hate running and like pizza parties on Fridays. Let's do some terrible icebreaker memes! I'll go first.

You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick? I pick Torn, by Natalie Imbruglia. Because it speaks to my soul.



[No Subject]

Well, at least nobody woke up today as some kind of weird aquatic animal. At least not that I've heard of so there is that.

[Alpha 1. Teams 1 and 9: Peter B. Parker, Marcus Cole, Kara Calrissian, Jesse McCree, Keith, Shania Andor, Katie Bell]

I'm Natasha Romanoff, your Lieutenant Commander. One thing that I believe in is communication. If you're having a problem, you need to let someone know because you can't fix something if you don't know what it is and our teams are small enough that if something is wrong, it can really screw up a mission.Talk to your team leader and if that doesn't resolve the problem, come to me. I believe in teamwork and I want us to be able to trust each other because without trust, someone can end up hurt or even worse, dead, when we're in the field.

Since I don't know all of you, I'd like us to have dinner together Thursday night if that's good for everyone. I'm not a very formal person so by dinner I mean pizza and beer at Stone. If that isn't a good time, we'll figure something out. Welcome to the team.




March 26
Arrivals & Departures for March 26

  • Charlie Mills
  • None

*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.

(This alert is pushed to everyone's phones at 5pm Atlantis time today)



[No Subject]

I never thought I'd be glad to wake up without tentacles, but here we are, I guess?

[Alpha 3 - Team 3 (Melinda May, Rey, Marceline Proudstar and Mia Rinaldi / Team 11 - Artemis, Bobbi Morse, Antoine Triplett and Clarke Griffin]

Sorry for the delay in getting to you all, I was evidently not myself yesterday. By not myself, I was some kind of weird anthropomorphic fish/octopus/god knows what, which sincerely hindered my ability to type this up properly.

I'm Jim Kirk and I'll be the guy leading both of your teams. There's been a big shake up with people leaving and teams changing lately, so I'd like to do some exercises for us to get to know each other properly and as a team - training, ice breakers and learning whatever makes us all special. I'm Starfleet trained, so I mainly use that as my basis for leading, but I am somebody who's open to suggestion if you have an upper hand in whatever scenario we're in.

I'm figuring you all know the drill by now, but any questions or comments?



March 26 | Evie Frye

After lunch I appeared to begin suffering from a rather strange condition in which my forearms and hands have swollen to frankly ridiculous sizes and thus I cannot train or do much of anything so I am directing myself to medical in hopes of fixing whatever this is posthaste. Apologies to my new team.



March 26 | Charlie Mills

Well, as retreats go, I guess it beats Utah.



march 26 :: steve rogers

BRAVO 3 (Team 6 :: Taisia Belikova, Sara Lance, Evie Frye | Team 14 :: Rose Belikova, Caroline Salvatore, Sirius Black)
Teams, I'm Steve Rogers and I'm your Lieutenant Commander. I know changes aren't always easy, but we'll try to make it as smooth as possible. I believe teams need to trust each other and know each other in order to work well. If you have any problems, my door is always open to you but you should always talk to you Team Leader before coming to me.

I was also thinking we could go out to dinner on Friday, to start getting to know each other. What do you say?