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February 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Cheers to everyone who's been patient with us trying to figure out what's going on with these-- issues. Troubles. We've found that some of them have actually got "cures", ticks to figuring out what makes them manageable or going away. We're still sorting out how to get rid of them entirely, but if you've got something odd going on and you don't have police or volunteers working with you, please check in with us at the police station. I'm probably overstepping my boundaries but

How are you feeling today?

Will you still think I'm brilliant if I get kicked off the police for stepping on toes?

Also sorry I've been a ruddy friend lately, it'll be back to normal soon? ??



9 February - Delivered to Ian Malcolm

NOTE: This is a love note, it has some suggestive things in it

Delivery )



[No Subject]

Open Love Letter to Evie Frye, because Ashe gives no fucks )

[ ooc - THREE CHARACTERS EACH have the urge to write love letters today to people. ]



Netpost 01: Leo Spinnet

Happy Sunday Atlantis!

[Plot: 5 CHARACTERS when they get on an elevator today turn into an umbrella, don't worry, it only lasts 6 hours. You can still speak.]



[No Subject]

[ Delivered by grumpy house elf to one Peter Quill, handwritten in excellent penmanship ]

Love Letter to Peter Quill )

[ An hour later, delivered by an EVEN GRUMPIER version of the same house elf to one Peter Quill, handwritten in stressed-out penmanship ]

Addendum )

[ ooc - THREE CHARACTERS EACH have the urge to write love letters today to people. ]



February 9 & 10 | Duke Crocker

[Sabrina & Ambrose Spellman]
(posted late Saturday)
I need a favor - a big one. Remember that whole thing we talked about a while ago at the bar?

[Claire Callahan]
(posted mid Sunday morning)
They keep coming, but it's going to be alright. I'm going to fix everything before it gets even more out of hand.



Log: Getting Rid of the Troubles

february 10

You’re sure you’re up for this? )

[ooc note: All troubles will disappear after Duke's death around mid-day today!]



9 February | Letter to Dash

Letter to Dash )



9 February | Letter to Phil FS

sent to phil fitz-simmons )



[No Subject]

[ Left on the doorstep of Mitch's apartment, smelling of iris and amber ]

Love Letter to Mitchell Turner )

[ ooc - THREE CHARACTERS EACH have the urge to write love letters today to people. ]



004. James Potter

WELL it's a GOOD thing that RED is my FAVORITE COLOR.

But now I'm curious: what's YOUR favorite color?

[Everything ONE CHARACTER EACH puts on today turns red.]



netpost | billy kaplan

Uh, hey Atlantis? As much as I love traveling across dimensions, I'd like to think I'm usually in A LOT more control. I'm Billy, retired Avenger, retro-reincarnated son of the Scarlet Witch, and uh -- bartender at [insert name of gay bar here]. My specialty is reality warping, so expect all the glitter.



[No Subject]

a suggestive letter to Chuck Hansen )



[No Subject]

letter to Charlie Montgomery )



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone. If we haven't met yet, I'm Sam.

Between the fear coma, the kidnapping, and the Troubles, there may be some of you in need of someone to talk to. I wanted to remind you that there are counseling services available here in Atlantis. My schedule still has plenty of room for those in need, and I'd love to see if I can help.

Please let me know.

[ ooc; APD received a basketful of samosas this afternoon with a little note thanking them for their hard work and wishing them well on the rest of the Troubles mission. ]



Feb 9 | Valkyrie | Virtual love letter


''Love letter'' in that it's a message instead )



Feb 9 | Evie Frye | Love Letter

[OOC: Letter delivered by post, wax-sealed and perfumed. Written with perfect penmanship.]

Love letter to Quentin Coldwater )



February 10 | Emily Fields

We have a few new, season treats down at Coffee Me Better for this week only! Leading up to Valentine's Day, we'll have a few cupcakes, cookies, and truffles along with the usual Red Hot coffees and lattes for you to pick up. They're a perfect gift to your special someone or a special friend that means a lot to you. They're tasty enough to gift to friends of all kinds! Or snag a few for yourself. I certainly have taste-tested a few.

pictures within )

[Friends (feel free to assume)]
You're all already getting some delivered tomorrow morning. But if you want more...

[Sara Lance]
I sure hope you don't have any other plans this Thursday.



Feb 9 | Leanne Mao | Love Letter

[OOC: Left in Regulus' house's mailbox, addressed to him.]

To: Regulus Black. )



February 9. Letter to Melinda May

Delivered to Melinda May on Saturday )



Backdated to 9 February

Love letter to Rhy Maresh )



[No Subject]

backdated to just after this part where duke dies but before he is revived!
I am turning myself into you as the proper authorities in this case. You are the proper authorities, right? I killed someone. Duke Crocker is dead and I can't revive him ...

He asked me to help him rid Atlantis of Troubles and he told me it meant killing him. We did so with the thought that I might have the ability to magically resurrect him and it didn't work. I completed the spell properly. I tried multiple times but he's been gone for about ... ten minutes. I can't do it. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I should have known.



Backdated Love Letter to Kaylee Frye

Speed-delivered to Kaylee Frye on Saturday, 9 February )



Backdated Love Letter to Alicia Spinnet

Delivered to Alicia Spinnet on Saturday, 9 February )



[No Subject]

February 9: Delivery for Bella Hartley )