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November 2019



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November 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

20 was a terrible year for me and whoever that strange fellow is with the odd hat should feel sorry for himself.

At least it seems like it was fairly short lived? Not that younger Bethany couldn't have benefitted from all of this.



[No Subject]

October 20 [Backdated]
Reinhardt Wilhelm and Eileen the Crow

After all this, I could use something hot. Or strong. Would you like to accompany me accordingly?” )



[No Subject]

With all the recent departures, I'd just like to remind all the residents of Atlantis that I and the other counselors are available. Whether you just need a listening ear or someone to talk about the strange things Atlantis likes to throw our way.

I confess, I find myself missing the jasmine tea you would make in Colorado. What was your secret?

I did make some roasted vegetables - and too many for just myself if you'd care for some dinner.



[No Subject]

If anyone sees me wandering around making weird noises at the blinds, that's normal. For my cat. NOT ME. Switching bodies with Mittens, really? Atlantis, can we not have one day of semi-normalcy? Is that so much to ask? At least I don't have to wear pants in public. Being a cat is terribly comfortable in that regard.

[ Filtered to Close Friends + Breckenridge Bros ]
If any of you had a very clear delineation between this part of your life and that part of your life, you probably know why I hesitated to say anything when I first arrived. And then Breckenridge happened, and a few days turned into a few months, and I didn't say anything once we turned back to ourselves because it had been such a long while, and maybe it didn't matter, really. But the threat of potentially turning younger made me realise that it's not fair nor safe to say nothing, and --

Well then, all right, that's a lot of words. So I'll just try to salvage this and be brief: I wasn't always as I am now. Human, specifically. My father was the King of the Gods and I the Ruler of the Storm and god of War. There was a great deal of war growing up - against the dragons, against the witches, against anyone who my father labelled a treacherous enemy. I obeyed him up to a point when his true wicked nature was revealed to me, and thereafter refused to use my power or my army to support a particularly cruel and vicious battlefield decision of his. In retaliation, he stripped me of my title, power and kicked me out of Anor Londo, and I became what you know me as now.

Which is to say: I was never a bad person, nor vicious, but nonetheless a younger version of myself in possession of my full powers and convinced that I was being kidnapped or played a cruel trick on by a bunch of humans could be... destructive. I'm sorry I said nothing earlier. I honestly don't like to think much of the before, because I very much like my life now. I hope you can forgive me for my silence on the topic.

Also, I'm a cat now. I don't know why that's happened. I hope it doesn't last long.
[ /Filter ]



[No Subject]

You’ve got to be freaking kidding me!

EDIT: If any squad leaders wouldn’t mind working with Keller and Lauren however long this lasts, I don’t think I’m going to be much good for training.



[No Subject]

I'm at a loss for words.

Getting Max to listen to me isn't easy like this, so if he gets out and anyone sees me wandering around today, could you please return me to my house? Body #22. Max will go home with just about anyone, and I'd like to know what trouble he's getting us into.



[No Subject]

I wonder if this is what being an animagus is like?

Now I kind of want to learn!



Bucky Roo Barnes - voice post

What is happening.



Netpost 09: Regina Mills

The snow outside has reminded me that my favorite time of year is a few weeks away.

Filter: Elizabeth Burke (Visible to Robin Hood)
My fiancé, Robin, and I are aware that planning an event can take time but the both of us feel we’ve waited long enough. So, we’d like to know how quickly you’d be able to help us plan a wedding that everyone will remember.

Delivery: Abe Mazur
[Around 3pm these will be delivered to Abe with a note attached. The note will say, Happy Birthday, Old Man. Try not to eat them all at once. - xoxo Your Former Sister]



05 November | Bonfire!

05 november 18

Happy 2 years )



05 November | Shuri

I've decided to work on the tablets and improve them.

Does anyone have a list of improvements of features you'd like to see?



[No Subject]

I’m suddenly rather glad I don’t have a pet. This is more fun to watch, I suspect.

So. Who is the best boy?



05 November | Alicia Spinnet (As Scuba)

When I said life must be easier as I dog, I didn't mean I wanted to be one.

Love Scuba, don't want to be Scuba.

But hey, now I get to play fetch.

Can you watch Laura until this ends?

Don't think I'll be training for a few days.



[No Subject]

Even though it's happened several times now, it's always a bit jarring when one's partner turns into a child. Though I suppose it could be practice for parenthood.

Selfishly, I'm glad we're both still human today.

Feeling back to normal today?

How are you doing?



Netpost 05: Helen Magnus

I can't say I'm enjoying this experience nearly as much as I did the time I was a tiger.



[No Subject]

With everyone seemingly turning into their pets, I cannot help but think how funny it would be if W'Kabi were here and turned into his rhino. It seems I will half to content myself with the mental picture though.

But it makes me wonder - what is the most unusual animal companion you have ever encountered?



[No Subject]

Matt remembers some new stuff from home (Daredevil Season 3 spoilers!)
PG-13 | language & a suggestive seating arrangement ;)

'… we’re here and life keeps on going, doesn’t it?' )



[No Subject]

I should have learned my lesson not to enjoy these events, but today is The Best Day because I just scratched Hawke’s ears and he kicked at the ground with his foot.

So. With the very present danger that exists in our lives here (you know, of turning into foods or pets), I’ve decided what I’d like on my grave marker should I die. In keeping with the noble tradition of the Dirty Limerick, I present my epitaph:

Here lies a pirate called Izzy
Who could make man or woman feel dizzy
She had a great rack
And could lead an attack
And nev’r passed up a chance to get busy.

What’s yours?

[ooc; the one about the epitaph]



[No Subject]

So I just learned that, in I Just Can't Wait To Be King from the Lion King, Zazu says 'This child is getting wildly out of wing', referencing of course that Zazu has a wing, not a hand, so a play on words. Which, is both clever and makes a ton of sense.

...For some reason I always thought it said wildly out of wind... and that made no sense to me.

That is all.



[No Subject]

27 october (backdated)
A helicopter tour!

'Why is it so bloody loud?' )



Earlier today before the bonfire

I'm afraid I won't be at work today. Who knows about tomorrow. This voice to text is confusing me.

How does this work? Do I have to find someone to let me out to use the bathroom? I've never been a dog before.

ooc: Rey is her dog, Marty for the next few days except for the bonfire.