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July 8th, 2018



Network Post: Dash Parr

Hi, all you new people! I'm Dash Parr. My sister Violet is the one hyperventilating right now. She turns invisible and makes force fields, and I'm super fast.

And on that note! Anybody, new people or old people who are hiding in your rooms right now because you can't stop telling the truth, most Atlantis restaurants offer delivery service courtesy of yours truly, The Dash. So you can order a pizza or get your favorite donuts from Footsteps of Snoozle without leaving the apartment and spilling all your secrets to everyone on the street. Tips are welcome, but not required, but I might take the long way round the next time if someone stiffs me.

Which is- - not really kidding, but it's not like it's going to add more than a minute or so to your wait anyway because I like running.



[No Subject]

I can kind of understand physical effects, like injuries. I can grasp the concept of something going wacky and not letting us wear proper clothes, but being forced to be truthful? How does that even happen?

Half of the time I think Atlantis isn't trying to protect us at all, despite bringing us here to help.



Backdated to yesterday afternoon

I don't know why the craving for it, but that Strawberry Sundae really was good.



[No Subject]

Sometimes a person has to lie in life, and being stuck unable to lie even a little white lie, is really getting on my nerves. Just glad certain family members or people who work for me are not around or this could have been really ugly.



[No Subject]

For the record, we definitely go back to...exactly where we found the coin, right?

Also, hi. I'm Rose. I really think the wrong person picked up the coin, but she seemed pretty insistent on me being the right one. Is your hologram a bit...broken?



[No Subject]

Well, hello everyone. I'm Captain Jack Harkness. This is certainly not the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me but it might just make my top fifty. Maybe even forty. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe top sixty.



[No Subject]

Excuse me? Lying is like, my entire shtick. The only thing I don't lie about is how good I am at baking things because I've been learning since humanity found out how to harness fire.



[No Subject]

8 July
Lily Potter + Harry Potter
Possible Discussions of Death|Incomplete

Read more... )



July 7th | Backdated

[To people who consider themselves friends of Peter Parker]

So, it's Pete's birthday. I think I wanted to throw him a surprise party at ours tonight, seeing as he isn't technically legal to drink yet, so. Other kinds of party fun.




7th July
Probably low | Closed/In Progress

he hadn't really told her how far apart they were just yet, but she was going to hazard a guess at 'a while'. )



8 July :: Net Post :: Daniel Jackson

How is it already July? I guess it's true what they say: time flies when you're saving the multi-verse. Or something like that. I wasn't expecting to be painted on for my birthday, but at least the weather was nice.