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April 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

So glad the teenage thing skipped me. The whole being five was one thing, but I really don't want to deal with teenage me anytime soon.



[No Subject]

First with the hugging people, and now with the kissing people on the cheek. Not really my style for greeting people, but on the plus side, this time it seems to only be happening with people I consider friends.

[Erik Lensherr & Charles Xavier]

I saw Raven left, and I wanted to say I'm sorry about her being gone.



[No Subject]

To anyone that I came in contact with over the last few weeks as Angelus, I apologize. A simple apology doesn't make it alright, and if there's anything I can do to try to make things right, please let me know.

[Re-ensoulment team]

Thank you for all that you did to help give me back my soul. I appreciate it more than you know.

[Lorna Ramon]

I'm sorry that my first introduction to you was through him. I don't know how long I'll be here, but I'd like to get to know you or meet you again properly if you're alright with it. I understand if you aren't.

[Buffy Summers]




[No Subject]

March 23
Angelus + Rocco Spinnet
Angelus' Cell | PG13
Rocco gets the fun job of babysitting Angelus for a while
Gdoc Complete

You've never heard of Bewitched? )



Network Post: Raksha Keller

Is everyone back to the right age again?

Mason, thanks.

[Roomates: Darcy Lewis, Donald Pierce, and Paul Stamets]
I'm sorry if five-year-old me shredded any of your things. I was still learning to keep my claws to myself at that age. I'll pay for it or replace it.



[No Subject]

Well, that was awkward. Glad to be back to normal.

Really, Atlantis, does anyone enjoy being a teenager?

[Steve Rogers]
Sorry about that. Didn't mean to fanboy all over you.

On the list of things I'd rather you and the team not see - high school me was up there. Any chance you can just forget those two days?

.. also, you crafted quite the story about this boyfriend of yours.



[No Subject]

Do I want to go and make shrimp scampi or not? Is anyone else going along?

I am so glad you're back to normal now. Not that teenage you wasn't cute but I much prefer my wife to be adult.



[No Subject]

Saturday 28th April
Google Doc

Can it be you fear to die? )



april 29th :: donald pierce

Since it's such a nice day today, I was thinking maybe you wanted to go for a walk today?



[No Subject]


She put her foot down slipping flying into the air and landing on her butt )



[No Subject]

This has been one hell of a week. Best friends leaving, turning into a five year old and going to kindergarten with my daughter who isn't even old enough to go yet since she's only four, then my husband reverts to his teen self.

Does it count as conntributing to the deliquency of a minor if you buy a beer for a fifteen year old who isn't really fifteen? Probably not, this is Atlantis after all. I can't help but wonder how much of this Laruen will remember when she grows up.



[No Subject]

I'd had enough of being a teenager when I was one. I didn't need to relive it, not once, but twice. At least it only lasted a couple of days this time. It was nice to not remember for a while, though



[No Subject]

Anyone else going to the photography workshop today?

[Friends & Family]
I love that we get to be creative here. Without having to hide it.