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March 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

John Constantine & Jim Kirk
Outside Dive

For somewhere that was fighting a whole war against people who wanted to rob the world of creativity. It seemed far too normal )




march 27

The following arrive and depart today March 27th.
The following have arrived in Atlantis today:
  • Violet Parr
  • Dash Parr
The following have left in Atlantis today:
  • Arthur Pendragon - Glitch
  • Jez Redfern - Told Iliana, Keller + Reyna
*keep in mind that with glitches, all your character knows ICly is that they didn't tell them they were leaving. Whether they chose to leave without saying anything or a glitch happened is purely for OOC knowledge.



Network Post: Dash Parr

Hello, Atlantis! This is seriously cool!

Was that seriously King Arthur who just left or like the guy down the street who thinks he's Christopher Columbus but really stocks shelves at the grocery store?

I'm Dash Parr, the coolest of the Parr siblings. My sister Violet is here, too. She's a nerd, but don't hold it against her. We're here to help in the war, I guess, although, you really need to do something about your age limits.



[No Subject]


It's really my own fault for thinking this place was surprisingly normal for a hub of creativity. But then you wind up on a giant waffle and you reevaluate your opinion.

If I was alone up here I would take my chances jumping off and set the bloody thing on fire.



[No Subject]

I don't... I just... listen, one day you're trying to get your math homework done because you're being lazy about it, then you find a coin and you pick it up, and you're in Atlantis of all places. That's pretty crazy to begin with. Like, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it; I get how realities and dimensions work, theoretically at least, so I can sorta try to grasp it. It's about out of this world, but I'm cool with it.

And then I am told I may be from a comic book, or a movie, or the back of a cereal box or something, so... that's a bit disheartening.

...But then today I am now on a giant waffle. I don't... it's warm and soft and fluffy, so it feels kinda nice actually, but I'd really like to get down now. How do you even... are there regulations for this? There has to be regulations for this. I'm pretty sure a waffle with people laying on it completely goes against every health code on the planet.

Alright, well, I'm tired of ... waffling about, so I'm going to figure this out.



[No Subject]

Enjolras & OPEN
Coffee Me Better
Discussion of Addiction and withdrawl symptoms

He hated to say it but Coffee Me Better actually surpassed the Musain in that regard. )



[No Subject]

We've had a lot of new arrivals lately and after talking to Clarice I decided it might be fun to get some people together to teach anyone interested to play pyramid. So what I need is anyone who can play and wants to help teach people to speak up and also anyone that wants to learn to play to speak up so I can try and arrange something.



[No Subject]

The streets of Atlantis
Warning for mentions of violence and torture

When nightmares woke her she chose to take to the streets because at least out there she wasn't alone. )



[No Subject]

Hi, I'm Violet. My brother Dash already introduced himself, guess I probably should too.

What's the highschool like? What about combat training? If they know what kind of powers Why bring us if



[No Subject]

Is anyone interested in a figures class? Sketching and the like, I mean. I would love to have a model and then anyone who's interested in drawing too. Mostly pencil sketching but I'd have some charcoal available too, if you want.



[No Subject]





[No Subject]

It occurs to me that I forgot to announce that I have started working part-time, with people to train their abilities. For those that don't know me. I am Charles Xavier, and used to run a school for gifted youngsters. So, I am well versed in helping people learn how to use their abilities to the best of their ability.

[Erik and Raven]
They have asked me to the guardian, for the two young people who have just arrived. We have all moved to Tower One #207.

[Violet and Dash Parr]
My name is Charles Xavier. Those in charge have asked me to be your guardian while you are here. Of course, if your parents arrive then that will change.

I was thinking we could have pizza and get to know one another tonight? And possibly rent a movie. Is there anything you'd like to watch?



[No Subject]

It's odd to think I'm no longer a teenager. Even though we were lucky in New Rome to see plenty of demigods and legacies live to be abel to go to college and even have kids of their own, once I became praetor I thought it wouldn't be in the cards for me. (Especially given some of the adventures we had). But I'm happy to have made it to twenty. Happier still to have a husband who insists on convincing me of the joys of amusement parks.

Thank you Atlantis, for letting me enjoy a birthday.



[No Subject]

[Friends & Family]
So, more or less, I'll be turning 55 on Saturday. Lauren's insisting I celebrate by hosting a petting zoo painting party (I don't even know what that is). I'm not sure I can achieve that, but I would love to have all of you over to celebrate. No need for presents, I've got everything I need. But there will be dinner and games for the kids and kids-at-heart. And I hear a rumor there might even be cake.