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April 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

I've been told this place is neither closer to Lawrence or Paris than it is to Metropolis. In fact, it's rather nowhere we know. I once thought knew a place like that. That's interesting.

But it looks like I've arrived at a rather inappropriate time. I'm sorry for your losses.



[No Subject]

Well, I guess I got a slight promotion. If anyone needs a drink, let me know. I've got one good ear to listen with. The other one's a bit uh, deaf.

I'm sorry about Anders.

Anything I can do?

What hoops do I need to jump through to get an appointment?



Delivered 4/6, mid-morning

Delivered to Wanda Maximoff )

Delivered to Alicia Spinnet )



Text to Emilia Spinnet

» Hey



[No Subject]

All right. Listen up, kiddos. We're headed to my world this time. I'm not going to sugar coat it. In my world, we are the prey. Titans are not nice and they don't care who you are. Let me state it simply if you didn't get it: Titans eat people. Just because they can. They are terrifying the first time you see them in person.

That being said, we do have a way to fight back. Five years ago, they broke through the walls that were built to keep them out. We needed to fight or humanity would be lost. Through sheer luck, we found a way to block the hole that they made, but they are still a threat. If you're going to this mission, you need to learn our mobility gear and how to kill the Titans. I'm not necessarily in charge, but I don't care. I don't want anyone to die because they didn't listen.

Back home, I'm second in command with the Survey Corps. I'm in charge of the special operations squad. We are the front lines. So, comment here if you are on this mission. You will need to learn how to fight to survive.



[No Subject]

Well, little girl dream accomplished. I totally got to ride a Pegasus yesterday.



[No Subject]

A kilt? Really? Well, you know what they say. When in Atlantis...


Is it just me or is it starting to feel a little crowded?



[No Subject]

My legs look amazing in this. Perhaps the scots had something right after all.



[No Subject]

[Team Five (Rose Hathaway, Mara Jade, Iliana Dominick)]
Training for our upcoming mission to titan starts today. I want all of you to listen to Levi and ask him any questions you might have. ANd if there's anything you thing we ought to know before going out, now would be the time to share.

[Sharon, Peggy, Bucky]
Heading out on this mission soon. Folks got time for a group dinner beforehand or should that wait for after?

You going to be okay? I.. worry

I saw your post and if you've got the time, I'd love to pick your brain about Titan. I want to make sure we're as prepared as we can be.



[No Subject]

I would like to have my jeans back.



[No Subject]

Almost four year olds and kilts do not really go together.

We should probably have another dinner.

But might as well get the big stuff out of the way first. Christine and I have a daughter. She's almost four, her name's Lauren, and she's pretty much the best thing ever.



[No Subject]

Birthdays seem to be even worse in alternate realities - it's becoming a trend.

All those offers for sparring and drinking? I'm ready to cash in on them. Too much free time on my hands.

*feel free to assume




alicia + peter
16 february

Capt. Rhino has a good ring to it, )




alicia & reaper
17, March [pre party]
lightning brew

it’s not every day i get the chance to steal a warship )




- Alright!
- We're off not to see the wizard but apparently Titans.
- I'd like to see all of you at 14:00 at the base for a debrief

- Our first mission out and we get creepy Titans?



[No Subject]

I've been tagged for the upcoming mission. Try not to cause too much trouble with Mazikeen while I'm away.
[Friends (including Laura)]
I'll be away on a mission soon.



[Team Eight (Cara Coburn, Sam Winchester, Jaina Solo)]

Listen up. We are set for deployment soon, but prior to that I want to make sure you are set on equipment. Looks like we've got some serious work ahead of us, and some very serious hostiles to contend with. We'll meet up prior to departure and run a last minute check of all gear.

Oh, an offer has been extended for training with the mobility device. It's mandatory, and a valuable experience, so make sure you schedule time to get in practice. Should any of you require anything else do not hesitate to reach out.



Looks like we lost two team members, and gained a two new ones. I'm not yet familiar with what the new guys can do, so till I am I'll be counting on you to keep an eye out for their well being. If things go south in the field teleport yourselves away and get to higher ground.



[No Subject]

Everywhere I look there are men in kilts.

Well done Atlantis! This is by far one of the better twists of fate.

It is also why Xander was late for work today. I won't even pretend to be sorry. So men of Atlantis. By all means keep it up. It's not that I'm objectif...

Well, a little. But healthily



[No Subject]

Looks like I'm pegged for this mission. Should be interesting.

[The 100]

Anyone else going? Think I saw that Clarke was heading out this time, too.

[James Rogers]

Hey, pretty hero boy. Heading out on this next mission. I won't get eaten. Promise. Besides, who would want to eat something half broken anyway?



[No Subject]

[Home Base Team]

To those of you who may not know me, my name is Tenel Ka Djo. I have been asked to lead the Home Base Team for this mission so should like to get to know those of you with whom I will be working.

The parameters as given to me are that we do what we are able to help this world rebuild in whatever way they need, help them find footing enough that they can continue to rebuild after we have gone, help them to protect their history and culture from the enemy, further to that we are to act as to be the medical centre and base camp for those who will be venturing out.

Because a team should know and trust their leader, I am Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium of which comprise 63 worlds. I understand factions, I understand politics. And I am also a Jedi who knows when talking has ceased to be helpful.

I will lead but I will do so by example. I know you are all willing and more than able to help this world and I look forward to being a part of it.

I would like to know what skills you all bring so that we may gain a better understanding of each other and come up with a plan of action and hit the ground running so to speak.


It has been a while.

I will miss you my love. And our daughter.

Try not to adopt anything poisonous while I am gone