November 2015




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Jan. 17th, 2015


Narrative: Gotham, Zatanna + Bruce W + Public + Alfred P

The runes were charcoal pressed with thumb on skin, the blood spilled over wood )

[Bruce W]

What do you know of magic, here?


[As Zatanna Z]

I seek the ones disturbed by things that are impossible.

[Alfred P]


Jan. 16th, 2015



I am missing time.

I am missing time and my hands are bloody.

My hands are bloody.




Jan. 10th, 2015



It's a startling moment when you find yourself craving human contact but there's no one to call.

And now I have to wonder when, precisely, did I find myself so alone with my own thoughts? They're horrible company lately.

Jan. 2nd, 2015


[public, locked to thor]


Your present wouldn't fit in a stocking, I'm afraid.


Three hundred and sixty five days. Do you celebrate because you know there are so few years left in short lives? Or to mourn what's gone? Happy holidays.



Another year gone by. Feels like they slip by faster and faster every year.

Dec. 24th, 2014


Quicklog: Seven and Liam

Who: Seven M & Liam R
Where: Liam's apartment in Manhattan
When: Several hours after this.
Warnings/Rating: TBD

Jesus Christ. Between the two of them, Seven was pretty sure that several years had already been taken off his life. He should send them matching invoices for the blood pressure medication that he was undoubtedly going to need. )

Dec. 22nd, 2014



As nice as it is to travel, coming back home is always something to look forward to.

The city looks nice this Christmas. Cheerful. I almost feel like it's the holidays.

Dec. 20th, 2014



[As Neil D.]

Just in time for Christmas. Lovely.

Dec. 2nd, 2014


quicklog: st. john and liam

Who: John and Liam
What: a meeting in the woods
Where: Tales world, near the Nightmare Before Christmas Doors in the woods
When: nowish
Warnings/Rating: TBD.

Traveling was on the menu. )



I never realized how invigorating a change of scenery could be.

Nov. 11th, 2014


Hotel: 'Betty S'/Liam R

[The hotel was quiet when he stepped through, empty and silent, but he supposed he preferred it that way. No one to bump into, no one that might ask questions that he couldn't/wouldn't answer. People around here seemed to have a hard time taking 'no' for an answer as of late, and he just didn't have the energy to deal with that.

He was dressed simply in a dark suit, hair slicked back, wings carefully concealed beneath the well-cut suit. He had no idea what Betty looked like when she wasn't at one of the parties, so he parked himself against a wall just down the hall from the Marvel door and he waited.]

Nov. 10th, 2014


public, xavier

[Public as Kevin S]
I like this question game. Let's play! Heck, we've already seen each other's torrid memories (if you partook!). Ask a question, get an answer and a question back~

I'll start wiiiiith: what are your Thanksgiving plans?:)

[Edited Private to Xavier]
So with all these new traumatized people loafing around, I'm going to get a job to help, you know, pay for things. If I need a reference, can I put you?? You don't know me well here, but you can read my mind, so I am an A+ worker. Or something. Anyway. Thanks for letting me stay in your house is the point???

Nov. 6th, 2014



The man who begged for his life: I'm calling.

Sep. 29th, 2014



[Public as St. John A.]
What's that adage? Third time's a charm?

Sep. 18th, 2014



[She never posts publicly. But this is fucking important.]

Happy National Cheeseburger day!

[Gwen S.]

Hi, Gwen.

Sep. 8th, 2014



The sun's too bright today.

Sep. 5th, 2014


[Telepathic link: Marvel.] (Closed to new connections.)

[Marvel. Preston isn't searching, but he is nearly up from a formless dream that was, surprisingly enough, rather innocently pleasant. One is left with... something like tangible clouds of cotton candy in the mind. Sweet, obscuring, blank.

It's strongest nearest Stark Tower.]

[ETA: Closed.]

Sep. 6th, 2014



[As Annabeth M]

Any other mutants out there?

Sep. 3rd, 2014



[As Jenny S, after she's been around for a week or so.]

Can't say I'm surprised.

Aug. 30th, 2014


[Oh so public]

Why does everything smell like its been on fire? Did aliens attack again? Why aren't I in London? Did I teleport? Am I on a different planet that just looks like Earth? Jane is this your fault? I bet it is. You really need to make up your mind. New Mexico, London, Asgard, Hotel/Previously on Fire New York City Planet.

Soooooo what's happening on the magical social network?

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