November 2015




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Oct. 27th, 2015


destiny ; batfam+

[She returns home, blinking right back into her apartment where her pets have been fed and looked after, and that postcard is still waiting for her. Gotham, she can tell even now, is in shreds. To the journals she goes.]

[locked to destiny]

[Assuming:] Thanks for looking after them.

[locked to batfam+]

[A long cursor blink, and then:] Hi. I'm guessing I missed a lot.



I got someones shoe box full of junk. The chick is cute though if you like nerdy girls.

Oct. 26th, 2015



Someone missing themselves some green goop in a vial? It don't look FDA approved, whatever the damn thing is.


Public as Mingmei

Um. I have someone's something. A book! It has lots of names in it. Is anyone missing it?


[Irene A.]

[Irene A.]

[She doesn't bother changing her name.]

Let's have a talk, Irene.



[Posted anonymously.]

Have a collar for someone. Came in a package.


[James B.]

[James B.]

Let's do a checkup. Come armed. (Ha ha.)



[Public, but anonymous.]

Is this where we're doing the lost and found?

Glowing buzzy green and turning gears that like to pinch fingers if you're not being careful. I'd really appreciate its return. Really a lot. Please.


[Tony S]

Please tell me that this is just a backup reactor!

[Public, just in case. Anon.]

I'm looking for somebody who knows Tony Stark. [Struck through after not-dead Tony shows up.]



I have--um, blood? Is anyone missing [...] blood?


Call: Sam A

[After this.]

[Call to Sam A]


Selina K

[Blood definitely present, not in quantities enough to be concerning.] Help


she devil ninja beast



I received a really, really pretty pair of strappy red heels. They say Sam Edelman on the sole. I would like to give them back to whoever they belong to.

[...] And I think someone has my wedding rings. My husband's working a job out of town, and I haven't seen him in a few days, and I'd really like my rings back, please. I miss him lots. I can pay for the rings, if whoever has them needs money.


Cris M

[Locked to Cris M]

[During this.] Cerise, she acting real funny with you any?

Oct. 25th, 2015


text: cris m, cerise s


need you need you
need you






[She's downstairs on Cris' couch when she gets the hotel's idea of a Halloween trick. It's a photograph, one of an old man she doesn't recognize. She takes a picture of the picture, and she posts it to the journals, with some writing beneath it.]

Does anyone know who this viejo is? I got his pic today, and I got no idea-

[The writing cuts off messy. Seconds later, the photo is abandoned on Cris' couch, and Sam (young Sam) is nowhere to be found.]


Oh.So.Public. - LOST DOG

Oh.So.Public. LOST DOG - Image Heavy )

I also got some ring delivered. If it's yours describe it. But mostly. The dog. Please.


[Halloween Deliveries]

[On Sunday, parcels are delivered to hotel residents. Wrapped in black and orange, some are big, some are small. They are delivered to work and home, to mailboxes and post offices. They come special delivery from the hotel, and none of the parcels belong to the recipient. There are no cards, no names, nothing but a note on the journal explaining the rules of this particular trick or treat.]


locked to clem m

[After this, she copies Martin's suggestion word for word. There is punctuation and everything.]

Don't wanna be alone right now.

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