November 2015




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Mar. 5th, 2015


Public to all.


No. Vita Eiga Beina. This smíð mikill. Big. Will someone come? I tíða know. Help me?

Feb. 22nd, 2015


Valentina Anon

[Voice to text.]

[Secured channel to "Valentina"]

Thank you.

Feb. 16th, 2015



Oooh. Love is in the air in both the big city doors. Got a little tingle in my jingle.


Well, thank you, wish grantor, for however you managed this.

I should still, however, look into a job. Anyone have need for a fighter in their world?

Feb. 14th, 2015


Wish: Evelyn T

[A box appears on the counter wherever Evenlyn takes her breakfast at. Inside, a pendant. Black and white on a long silver chain, it is indeed a beautiful piece, but what it does is far more interesting.

Whenever Evelyn wears the item, she will exude an aura of trust, of open-mindedness. Those around her will instinctively want to trust her, to be more open to what she has to say. Perhaps this new found trust and open-mindedness will help mend the long-standing distrust of those with magic in her world.]

Feb. 11th, 2015


[so very public]


Is anyone else having second thoughts about what they've wished for?


Who: Evelyn and Solas
Where: Thedas, briefly Downton Abbey
What: Going to a world without magic or elves
When: Nowish.
Warnings: Some brief body dysphoria.

Perhaps they would need pants. Perhaps ballgowns. )

Feb. 4th, 2015



I am curious how so many cultures managed to decide the proper way to venerate a martyred religious figure was with chocolate and lingerie. Is this common?

Does this hotel press its will upon us often? It is most [...] disagreeable.


Evelyn T

Your name is quite pretty. Has anyone ever told you that?

Feb. 2nd, 2015


Open, but locked away from Solas

So, anyone know Solas?

Jan. 31st, 2015


Oh so public - as per usual.

Now, if we can just take a break from the self loathing, abandonment issues, homicidal tendencies, and the broken hearts club for a tiny second and bring it back to my point about fairy tales...

Everyone's hearts are a little dark, a little charred I guess you could say. I don't think you'd all want to just sit back and let the worlds call you wicked. You all deserve to live happily ever after, there's more wicked here than there is good and there's more want here than there is anywhere else too. More desire, and passion, and horror. What does Snow White have that you don't have? I'll tell you. Snow White doesn't have [...] life experience. She was a sheltered little shit, you know. Nosy, bossy. An only child. And a princess.

But sweet in her own way. I took a shine to her right away. But her father not so much, he was old, I was a teenager, what did I want with that? I was in love already. Passionately. Forbidden love. All I wanted in the world was to marry my stable boy and live happily ever after. But no. I was, instead, forced to marry the King, become a mother to a child that wasn't mine. And when I went to tell my lover that I couldn't see him anymore Snow White overheard us and TOLD MY MOTHER WHAT SHE HAD SEEN.

Well. Imagine how well that went. And what happened to my lover.

So. There you go, there are two sides to every story, and I'm sure there are even more than that. One day I'll introduce you to my huntsman, he has a tale to tell of his own. And a heart as black as the rest of ours.

So. While I don't think half of you even know what you want, or what your deepest desire actually is. I do hope you get it. Before you kill each other.

Jan. 27th, 2015


evelyn t

[locked to evelyn t]

A moment of your time, Herald.

Jan. 24th, 2015


Who: Evelyn and Solas
Where: Thedas, the Hinterlands, the Crossroads
What: A romcom approach to a new home
When: After a talk about living arrangements.
Warnings: Totally inappropriate romcom flirting

then her cheeks turned a rosy pink, barely covered as her hand rose to obscure her mouth )

Jan. 23rd, 2015


A question for those who are better versed in this matter.

This [...] hotel: Is there any time constraints as to how long one might linger in its halls?


Public from E. Jarvis (backwards ok.)

[Public. But he doesn't know its public. or that anyone can see this at all. Not yet.]

Well. I'm in a place called Stark Tower, which makes sense. What doesn't make sense is why it looks like all of my worst nightmares about what Mr. Stark's greatest dreams look like. Everything is shiny and blinks. I'm very uncomfortable and am either dead and have been sent to my own personal hell. Or I'm in the future.

Given activities as of late.

It could go either way.


E. Jarvis.

[Edited to Add:] Eggs. Borax. Lemon zester.

Jan. 18th, 2015


Log: Evelyn and Solas

WHO: Evelyn and Solas
WHAT: Checking out the Marvel Door
WHERE: Central Park
WHEN: IDK RECENTLY, right after this

Thedosian elves weren’t like the ones found in most of human fantasy. They didn’t frolick in meadows and sleep in grassy knolls for the sheer love of nature. At the height of their empire, he’d seen in dreams their sprawling cities of crystal that glittered and floated in the air. But even that paled in comparison to this. New York was monolithic on a scale Solas had never considered in the past. )

Jan. 17th, 2015


Narrative: Gotham, Zatanna + Bruce W + Public + Alfred P

The runes were charcoal pressed with thumb on skin, the blood spilled over wood )

[Bruce W]

What do you know of magic, here?


[As Zatanna Z]

I seek the ones disturbed by things that are impossible.

[Alfred P]


Jan. 16th, 2015



I am missing time.

I am missing time and my hands are bloody.

My hands are bloody.





log: evelyn and solas

Who: Evelyn and Solas
Where: Thedas, the Hinterlands
What: A second first meeting
When: After this.
Warnings: None

he power of the mark was harder to disguise from anyone who was attuned to the magic )

Jan. 13th, 2015


I'm not complaining, per se, as this is much better than the last time I time traveled, but finding the way home is far more difficult. If I could figure out what sort of magic is at work I'd have an easier time with it. Is the book the key? Will the right glyphs appear eventually?

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