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May 6th, 2014

[info]notawarlock in [info]rooms

Log: Billy K/Laura K

WHO: Billy/Wiccan and Laura/X-23
WHAT: SADS and a goodbye
WHERE: The apartment they share with Gwen
WHEN: After the mandatory evacuation
RATING: Just feels

Careful was relevant. When you could heal from even death, what was the fear of death? She'd had her neck broken, she'd been burned, she'd taken a nuclear blast that left her more skeleton than girl and each time she came back. Careful meant saving others.  )

[info]captmarvel in [info]rooms

log: carol d./jessica d.

Who: Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew
What: A reunion.
Where: Carol's apartment
When: before this
Warnings/Rating: TBD

Carol didn't consider herself a religious woman, but she was pretty sure she needed to thank some higher power for this. )

[info]cheerhappy in [info]rooms

Public as Claire B

What the heck was that?!

[info]supraliminal in [info]rooms

Marvel: mental/mutants

[It's not a conversation. It's a wave of sudden silence combined with a man's voice - angry and panicked and somehow present even if the man himself is not. Loud. Very very loud. And completely and utterly unintentional]

Would you all SHUT UP!

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

log: steph/eddie (2/2)

WHO Eddie and Steph (pt 2 o 2).
WHAT Trying to wade through what happened.
WHEN Recently.
WHERE The "Farm", AKA their apartment.
WARNING ptsd/anxiety, sad things.
There were tons of things Eddie did that made her love him more and more every time he did it. Like the way his mouth screwed up when he worked on a programming issue or the glee in his eyes that he got for certain things. )

[info]pythia in [info]rooms

journals: public, as barbara g

Space is both exactly, and not, what I thought it would be like.

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms


Has anyone else experienced dreams/nightmares that are more vivid than they normally are?

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms

[locked to gwen s]

[After this.]

Hey. are you hiding out with some weird creep who thinks he's a scientist How's it going?

[info]foundling in [info]rooms

Thor + Tony S + Bruce B + Natasha R + Clint B, All Avengers + Peggy C + Bucky B + Sharon C

[Group locked to Thor, Tony S, Bruce B, Natasha R, Clint B]
[A link to this.]

[Locked to All Avengers+]
It's time to pull together a roster, folks. The more organized we are, the easier and quicker we can respond to threats. We know Loki will be returning and we best be ready. I know there are those of you who are unwilling participants in this, or those who prefer to work alone, and that's fine. So long as you don't take on the world alone, we can make it work. I'd like it if everyone could respond here with whether or not they'd like to be part of the first line of defense, so we know who we have at our disposal when the time comes, as it inevitably will. If anyone would like to stay on as consultation or for training purposes or any manner of support, that would be appreciated as well. There's no shame in hanging up the cape, if that's what you want to do. For some of us, this is a choice and a duty, an obligation, yes, but one we walked into. Then there are those of us who had no chance to do anything else. Now's your chance.

We should come up with general procedure too for how to handle situations and fires that spring up outside of our own world, so we don't leave this one unattended in the meantime.

[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms

[Steve R.]

[Left at Steve's door, in a reused shoe box: epic socks.]