November 2015



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May 5th, 2014

[info]newhorizon in [info]rooms

peter wants to use a cell phone for its intended purpose

[Private to Gwen S.]

Hey, so. I heard there's this thing kids used to do with cell phones where you "call" someone. I thought it was just for texting and candy crush, but apparently they have other uses. Would you be interested in giving me your number to try this "call" thing out?

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms


[Locked to Death]
[Immediately after this.]

You need to leave. Now. If you aren't in the hallway in five minutes, I'll contact the Bat and have him bring you out.

[info]thisisprogress in [info]rooms

hotel, closed }

Who: Nikola Tesla & Gisele Laurent/Chloe Murphy
What: First meetings.
Where: Passages Hotel
When: May 5
Warnings/Rating: None yet!

Nikola had adjusted nicely to the new state of things. )

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

[news: marvel]

[A few hours after this.]

[With cleanup and recovery from the Marauder invasions still underway in both New York and Boston, the hospitals remain filled to capacity with the injured and ill. Monday morning, one of those patients (pneumonia exacerbated by smoke inhalation, recovering from malnutrition and dehydration) checks herself out of a hospital in Boston. It happens against the advice of the hospital staff, but the law and their heavy workload prevent them from keeping her against her will. They release her (with several perscriptions and promises to return if her condition worsens at all) into the care of her sister. The paperwork in order, they leave, and her bed is immediately given to someone else with very little fanfare.]

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

death, selina k

[After this, locked to Death]

Are you all right? Where are you? They said you checked out.

Added: I got the explanation for what happened. I'm sorry they did that to you. I need to know your status. Selina is aware I'm contacting you.

[Locked to Selina K]

I know you're mad at me right now but there's an emergency, Em's gone. She was much too sick to go anywhere, do you think one of the people who wanted her dead could've found her?

Added: Selina Kyle you answer this damn message right now or I'm going to show up at Gatsby immediately. Or I'll find you. DON'T IGNORE ME. RIGHT NOW.

[info]venomblasting in [info]rooms


[Public, as Jessica D]

I'm not sure if it's good or bad that even alternate universes end up with the Avengers fighting off aliens. Or maybe just a resounding sigh and "typical."

[info]aneternity in [info]rooms

wren h., evie s., gwen d., adam w., mk r., j bly.

[locked to wren h. & evie s., separately.]

I'm okay. We [...] found Jack.

[locked to gwen d.]

[Once things have settled.]

Hey, Gwen. Got a minute?

[locked to j bly.]

Hey. You're still good at making stuff, right?

[locked to adam & mk.]

Are you guys [...] doing okay? When are you taking back your ki I can't keep making excu

[info]crimsonstar in [info]rooms

Log: DC Door, Kitane, Aubrey and Mingmei

[Mingmei was super excited. Ridiculously super excited. Her best friend Kitane was ready to be here and they were going to catch up after a long time of having not seen each other. From what she knew, they were going to meet her here in Metropolis and then head to this place called the Talon that she'd heard about through the office grapevine. Small town coffee shop, but Mingmei was eager to try it.

She paced anxiously in her apartment near the Daily Planet, eager for her friend to arrive. She didn't know Aubrey that well, but they were on fairly familiar terms, at least. Kitane she knew much better. This would definitely be an adventure to remember.]

[info]described in [info]rooms


So. Those of us who aren't here of our own decision... where was home for y'all before you ended up in these crazy ass doors?

[info]anything1 in [info]rooms

Gwen D, Ella D, Jack C

[Locked to Gwen D]
On the bright side, I don't think I'm going to set any new furniture on fire at this point. Did you manage to get anything on whoever was conducting the experiments?

[Locked to Ella D]
El, I'm going to be away. If anyone from work comes looking for me, tell them you haven't heard from me, alright?

[Corvus' room, X-Mansion]
[The door creaked open slowly.] Hey, you awake in here?

[info]greasemonkey in [info]rooms

Ford C, Marina S

[Before this]

[Ford C]

kid, don't go fucking hitting anyone else in there. going to help Sam out in another fucking door.

[Marina S]

we got shit to work out.

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

Jude M, Jake R

[Locked to Jude M]
Next time you feel inclined to dream about me, I'll make sure it's somewhere with a real nice couch for sitting and talking. Maybe someplace with mint juleps and a real cool breeze off the bay.

[Locked to Jake R]
You settled in good? Reconsidered talking to your daddy?

[info]fornothing in [info]rooms

twd, prison; joey/maggie

Summer was coming on thick and cloying. The journals functioned as a kind of calendar for those that were stuck in a world without access to television or radio or civilization. The days could bleed together, sticky and tough to stomach, ultimately scabbed over by loneliness so that a week felt more like a month in the end. The journals were a window to the rest of them. Them, Joey had come to think of the others as similar but separate. They were all cast into the same circumstance, but everybody else seemed to have an upper hand while those that were stuck at the prison were quite literally stuck. He'd stopped looking for a way out of the zombie apocalypse and acceptance was beginning to take root. He'd told Ella that he wouldn't give up, and he wouldn't stop trying to get out of this place, but even when he'd said it, it'd been a lie.

The only thing to do was push forward, to persevere, and to make sure that those around him were well. Shane and Graham seemed to always be out on supply runs, and the prison was quiet in the afternoons when everybody seemed to be waiting with wringing hands to see if as many people came back as had left that morning. Joey'd never been able to sit around and wait for things to happen though. He'd spent most of the morning out in the yard, gathering sun in the dusk of his skin and repairing a part on his bike. He came back in and cleaned off, swapping his grease-streaked clothes for a fresh t-shirt plucked up from a dwindling collection.

"Hey, you.." He thought the blond woman's name was Maggie, but it seemed safer not to go there in case he was wrong. "You're on laundry duty," he said while rubbing a dry rag over the wet sop of his hair, then tossed it onto the small mound of bloodstained, dirt smeared, grease-streaked cotton and denim that had accumulated in the prison over the last couple of weeks. She didn't seem to be doing anything, might as well make herself useful. Normally, Shane would have been the one delegating all of the shit that he wanted people to do while he was gone, but Shane wasn't here. And as gruff as Joey's tone was, it was about ten times nicer as any way his brother would have said it.

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

TWD, out: Clem & Tess

Who: Clementine and Tess
What: Going on a run
Where: A town a few miles off
When: Current to when it finishes
Warnings/Rating: Probably gore

Clem was done with wearing men's pants held up by Graham's belt. She was done with a shirt tied at the small of her back, too big by half and covered in gore stains that she couldn't wash out, no matter how she scrubbed at them. Maybe it was frivolous, but there had to be something like home left in this life of theirs. She was real sure voicing something like that would cause a ruckus, so she kept it to herself mostly. She told Graham, but she knew he wouldn't go telling Shane about it, even if they were thick as thieves, him and Shane.

But she decided to watch and wait, and when the opportunity came, she pounced on it. They needed some supplies, and she volunteered. It was Tess going, and Clem figured it would be easier to pop her head in a store with clothing if there was another woman with her. She wasn't real worried about that being sexist; she'd grown up on crinoline and rouge and women being real different from men.

One of Graham's guns tucked under that too-big belt, and a real nice machete tucked at her hip, and she followed Tess out to one of the cars they'd managed to scavenge. "There's a real quaint town a few miles out," she said, climbing into the passenger's seat. She was from the state, after all, now that she'd figured out just where in Georgia they were.

[info]ichorous in [info]rooms

Gatsby: log Jake R and Lyra V

Who: Lyra V and Jake R
What: Jobs and double-dealings
When: Recently!
Where: the Vega

Jake was sufficiently accomplished in everything that he pursued, well every venue but one really, but he put less of an emphasis of importance on relationships than he did with baseball or books. Besides, the truth stretched like boardwalk taffy for professional liars, people wholly invested in the makebelieve of art and reaffirming self-importance.  )

[info]captmarvel in [info]rooms

log: marvel, carol d./anyone/everyone at the tower

[It had taken a while, but Carol realizes eventually that she can't put it off any longer. She's pushing people away for the sake of not revealing her secret, but maybe Parker has a point. Maybe it really doesn't make her a terrible person.

And it's not like she has anything to lose, right? ...Well, she has a lot to lose, but she's pretending she doesn't.

She had elected to take to the sky rather than the ground. Touching down on the walkway, the Captain Marvel uniform melded into her usual casual wear--in this instance, a Red Sox baseball shirt, jeans, and her Air Force cap. Shoving her hands in her back pockets, she takes a deep breath.] Hello? [She's calling fairly loudly, but she's staying rooted to her spot for a few reasons: One being that she doesn't know what kind of security system is in place.]

[info]original_snake in [info]rooms

LOG: HP Door/Harry & Draco

Who: Harry and Draco
What: Talking/Preparing to explore
Where: HP Door: Draco's shop
When: April 27
Rating/Status: PG/Complete

I don't want to be stuck here anymore. )

[info]iascaire in [info]rooms

Dair D

[Dair D]

I may or may not have been kidnapped and dragged to Metropolis against my will.

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

Who: Cult!NPC and Nightwing
What: Fight
Where: Gotham
When: nowish
Warnings/Rating: violence

News of a strange murder and the shadow that rose out of a dead man's mouth made Gotham more afraid of the night than it had been in years. The city went quiet and even the brewing gang war from weeks ago seemed to be a self-extinguishing flame. A man outside of his local church, a large beautiful cathedral that was as old as Gotham itself, joked that the cult was the best thing that happened to his city in a long time.

Five seconds later, he ate his own words.

The stained glass window from above shattered into a kaleidoscope of color and out jumped the flaming form of a medieval warrior. Dressed in plated armor with a red billowing skirt and a headdress made of chain mail, Joan of Arc herself swung her giant sword as if the Gotham citizens around her were demons to be chopped down in the name of God's army. Yellow flames licked her body, setting fire to anything they touched and the woman screamed holy words before slicing her victims into pieces.