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Posts Tagged: 'jemma+fitzsimmons'

Jul. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

Whilst working with the Team (way to make the bread happen, ladies), I ran across an issue of Popular Mechanics. It wasn't something I necessarily thought to find in Atlantis of all places. Fitz always managed to find an issue and give it a thorough scouring so he could rake the commentators over the coals. I may not ever see him again here and I'm quite through with feeling sad about it.

I'm going to read this magazine and then I'm going to make a mound of grilled cheese sandwiches. You're welcome to one of you'd like.




Did you know Superstition says it is bad luck to turn a loaf of bread upside down or cut an unbaked loaf.

Neither did I, just one of the fun things I was told while picking up bread for a fun training exercise, there is bread everywhere.

Sara, Jemma, get ready, today's training is going to be AMAZING.

Jun. 23rd, 2019



netpost | Billy Kaplan

It's about time I learned to dance properly. Anyone up for tango night at Trocution? Promise I can play damsel-in-dance well.

Jun. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

Someone who feels the desire to juggle things today, this request is for you. Please go to Trocution for tango so that I can watch.

Jun. 12th, 2019



Log: Phil Fitzsimmons and Jemma Fitzsimmons

12 June about lunchtime

It was also possible that Atlantis had decided this spot just needed a little more color - or perhaps that a reenactment of Sleeping Beauty was in order, in which case Phil might find himself battling a dragon in order to get back to Medical. )

PLOT: Prick your finger on one of the magically appearing rose bushes and give a rose to the first person you see. Comment for access to the gdoc.

May. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

When one is on covert mission, it seems that one misses many comings and goings in Atlantis. I'm glad to see that we've all been safely returned and that departur ...

The name is Jemma FitzSimmons. I'm a former S.H.I.E.L.D (insomuch as there is no organisation by that name here) agent and a current field agent in Atlantis. I've got a few degrees to my name and all the more curiosity but my specialty is bio-chemistry. My favourite James Bond character is Q and I like my eggs poached.

What's the going rate to get a girl caught up? Do say hello and tell me something about yourself. And if we're friends already, tell me something that makes you happy to be here right now.

May. 4th, 2019



log: mccoy & jemma

Leonard McCoy & Jemma Simmons
"You can keep me anytime, especially if you’re bribing me with fresh coffee."
Base Medical Lounge | RATING: PG/Low
Read more... )

Mar. 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

Still knocking about as a woman?

Okay. I've moped and questioned my worth here in Atlantis for far too long. I'm quite ready to make a change and I want you to be a part of it. I am quite possibly one of the weakest field agents on the team. Of course, I can use espionage and act as a field medic. But, also I've been thinking of switching to medical where I can be of better use to Atlantis.

Being open is so h Weigh in for me?

Mar. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

Have you seen the notifications? I’m sorry, I don’t want to come right out with it if you haven’t received yours yet. And well, if you have, I understand not wanting to say much of anything.

I’m going to be a very bad girl tonight.

Before you ask ... I’m fine.

Feb. 17th, 2019



january mission log

january mission - team 21
Clarke Griffin + Peter Quill + Jemma FitzSimmons +
Reyna Pevensie + Hope Mikaelson
--- )



netpost: leonard mccoy

At least you idiots managed to avoid any serious injuries while you were flying around on brooms this time.

You settling back in okay?

Hey, you.

Feb. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

I don't think I've got the same way with words that Dr. Malcolm has (why mess with perfection, am I right?), so I'm not going to try.

What I do want to know, though, is what's your favorite wetland animal? Or plant? Or insect? I know what you're thinking. "But Trip, how could I ever decide? They're all so fascinating and beneficial to the environment!" I hear you. But I've been talking so much about what I think is cool, but now I want to hear about what everyone else thinks is cool, too, and maybe we can all learn something from each other.

Or I could just keep going. I know so much about beavers, y'all.

Feb. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Oh, I do love ice cream!

It's quite clear to me that we were closely connected before my lapse in time and lack of memory in Atlantis. Because I find your methods to be quite admirable, I was hoping you and I could talk through someone with one another. If that isn't too bold, anyway. It's not quite something I want to chat about with people from my world.

How are your gauntlets holding up?

Are you recovered as yet?

Jan. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”

You're going to see this one day. And when you do I want you to know that I think you brave and fearless. You went back home knowing the COS was waiting to destroy everything you ever knew and you fought hard. Every ripped photograph was ...

Look, Clarke. I know the team coming for you will not lose you. There's so much left to fight. We need you.

Let's keep up with one another. Share any information as you get it, please? And let me know if you need anything at all.

You know what? Fuck the COS. There. I said it! Fuck them for thinking they can kidnap us, battle us, try to erase us and rob our worlds of creativity. I will not stand for it. I'm ... well, I'm not standing too much right now.

Tiny little hairline fracture where I got smashed in the leg by an agent. It's splinted and I'll be fine but I'd like to put you all on high alert because your friend Jemma is quite done with politely begging pardon.

Daisy, any word on our kidnapped?

I know it's not my place, but if you need a hand after the battle with the COS, I am available.

Jan. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

antoine triplett + jemma simmons
ice skating!
PG (for a couple cuss words?) | complete

You can triple lutz in twenty minutes -- I’ll bet you a beer. )

Dec. 8th, 2018



netpost: phil coulson

[Agents of Shield, MCU folks, etc] (children & plus one's included)

Seems about time we had a family dinner. May and I can host, but any help with the cooking would be appreciated as I don't have all the skills I had in Breck. Some come on by to Body 12 whenever.

Avengers - yes, you're invited too. Extended family. Besides, Trip is the grandson of one of the Howling Commandos.

Dec. 1st, 2018



netpost: clarke griffin

I forgot how fun these Advent Calendars were. Who's up for a game night?

I think we should get together as a team and try to get to know each other better before we end up in the field. Tomorrow night at stone? If that works for you guys.

Nov. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

I never quite thought I would say these words but er, here we are ... hello, Atlantis. My name is Jemma Simmons(Fitz) and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I've been here before (in one form or another) and though I don't have memories of my time here, I'm familiar with multiple realities and universes. So, what I will say to you is this ...

If you knew me before, I would very much like to be friends with you again. Please feel free to say hello. If you didn't know me, well. We're on the same page and that's really lovely.

Field Agent Team 21 - I'm with you. And I'm staying in Heart.

All right, you lot. We need to catch up and I'm not about spoilers unless you want them. I've got some memories kicking about in my head and I want to know what you think about them.

Hello, Phil. Please tell me a bit about yourself? I am so happy to get an opportunity to know you.



log: daisy and jemma :)

27th November; 5:05pm
Jemma Simmons-Fitz + Daisy Johnson
PG | Complete
I’m more likely to enjoy giant waffles and Care Bears than evil Kree slavemasters. )

Aug. 31st, 2018



Netpost - Tom Durand

I can get behind most drink flavors but marshmallow is just weird in coffee. I won't be having that one again any time soon.