November 2015




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Jun. 2nd, 2015


[Bucky B, Sharon C, Tony and Selina (sort of, not really)]

[After a week without contact. He's stolen clothing and some food from a campsite he ran across several days earlier. Somehow, amazingly, his journal has remained in his pocket, even through size changes. Maybe a little worse for wear, but functional. And thankfully untraceable.]

[Bucky B (addressed to James B)]
I figure you're my best bet for honesty in how much damage I did. Property and people.

[Sharon C]
[He maybe also wants to pretend things are normal.]
Are you aware there are some places you can't get a decent burger?

[Tony and Selina]
I'm sorry for [...]
[Nothing posted. Yet.]

[Additions likely to come.]

May. 31st, 2015


Phone Call: Steve Rogers, Locked: Tony Stark

[Phone Call - Steve R]

[Right After this]


[Tony S]

Hi, Tony.


[locks to sharon c, steve r, tony s, peter p]

[Sharon C]

Hey. I don't know if you still work for SHIELD, but I need to know where they would lock down something dangerous and alive.

[Stever R]

Do you know where SHIELD would keep something like Carnage?
[Struck out when he hears from Sharon and there is no response.]

[Tony S]

Gwen's dead. Wanted to tell you, in case no one had yet.

[ETA: Peter P]

Working on finding out where Carnage is now. Do you know anything?

May. 27th, 2015


Locked: Gwen S

[Gwen S]

Hi, Gwen. How are you?

May. 26th, 2015


[Sharon C., Sam A.]

[Sharon C.]

Are you alright, Sharon? I don't think I care for this hotel.

[Sam A.]

Hello. Did you have a dream, too?

[And after some thought. James B.]

James. I had a nightmare you fell.


Peggy C, Sharon C, James B, Tony S, Flash T, Gwen S, Matt M, Natasha R, Avengers+

[After falling asleep in the middle of all of his previous conversations, and just after seeing Selina's post (and the news).]

[Locked to Peggy C]
Did you make it through okay?

[Locked to Sharon C]
Well. That was fun.

[Locked to James B]
Hey, how was it?

[Locked to Tony S]
I was going to ask you about your dream, but maybe I should save it.

[Locked to Flash T]
I'm sorry I lost you in that conversation. Are you doing alright?

[Locked to Gwen S]
How are you doing, Gwen?

[Locked to Matt M]
That was the hotel.

[Locked to Natasha R]
Doing okay, Nat?

[Locked to Avengers+: Tony S + Bruce B + Thor + Natasha R + Clint B + James B + Peggy C + Sharon C + Wanda M + Billy K + Peter P, ETA: Teddy A, Bobbi M]
I hope everyone made it out the other side alright. You might've heard about the Hulk. We're looking for him now.

May. 12th, 2015


Locked: Steve Rogers

[Steve R]

Hi, Steve.

May. 10th, 2015


Locked: Tony S

{Tony S]

I'm returning your car later today. Complete with new license plate frame, courtesy of 20 year old Sharon Carter. I really think you'll like it.

Apr. 28th, 2015


Tony S + Bruce B + Bucky B + Peggy C + Sharon C + Natasha R + Clint B

[Operation HYDRA Decapitation Lock]
HYDRA is active in S.H.I.E.L.D. and beyond. They're working on something called Project Insight, conceived by Dr. Arnim Zola and Alexander Pierce. It's a program to eliminate all threats to HYDRA, or "freedom," as they see it, with the help of a predictive algorithm, that is meant to draw on past actions to determine future ones. S.H.I.E.L.D. was working on the same, HYDRA having grown from within like a cancer. Director Fury thought it would help ensure safety in this uncertain world, a gun to the head of everyone. We disagreed on this point. Where I come from, HYDRA then tried to take out Director Fury by employing an assassin called the Winter Soldier.

That's Bucky. He goes by James now. He's with us. He's broken off from HYDRA and has made it his own mission to finish stamping them out.

Fury lived, but the Project still went live, pushed by HYDRA within S.H.I.E.L.D., until the façade fell. Myself, Natasha, a man named Sam Wilson, and Maria Hill worked to take down the hellicarriers they programmed to feed from satellite information, to determine their targets.

Unfortunately, here, in this world, it seems that never happened. Though we're missing key people, like Alexander Pierce himself, Director Fury, Sam, Maria—the plan still seems to be in action, just more underground. HYDRA has been splintered, but they remain in sleeper cells scattered throughout here and the rest of the world, in enclaves, still working hard to bring Project Insight to fruition.

We need to stop this. I don't know how deep HYDRA is in S.H.I.E.L.D here, which is why, Sharon, Natasha, Barton, you're all very important in this aspect. We need to know what's going on on the inside.

There are a couple locations we're planning on hitting. There's an old S.H.I.E.L.D. base, probably one of the first, set up at the camp I trained at a long time ago: Camp Lehigh. Inside of that base, there's a secret HYDRA hold, and it holds the mind of Zola on thousands of feet of data tape. Natasha and I were attacked there before, the base destroyed by HYDRA when they learned we'd infiltrated, but not before we spoke with Zola. I am fairly certain, if it's still intact here, Zola and all, we'll trip an alarm going in, and they'll know we have them in our sights.

Second, there's a bank vault where B James was being kept by HYDRA, a place likely vacated quickly, where we might be able to find clues as to their next moves.

Bucky has more information on possible locations. We need to figure out how to split and tackle this best, and we need to remain in communication. When Natasha and I did this the first time, there were only a handful of us. It was enough, but barely. All of you are integral. We need to finish this before they try to. [Whew.] Okay. Questions or thoughts? [...] Introductions?


[Locked to Sharon C.]

Dear Sharon,

You've been such a kind host. Thank you again. I can't tell you what it means to have family in an unfamiliar city, especially when things change so much from day to day.

I've cleaned out the freezer for you, and stocked the cupboard.

Perhaps you will come by the new place for a drink, when you're older.

[Her address, a small room in a larger building, with a shared kitchen. Nice but not too expensive. Sensible when income is limited. Thank you rent control.]

Most affectionately yours,

Aunt Peggy

Apr. 25th, 2015


Phone Call: Gwen Stacy/Sharon Carter

[timeline fuzzy - After this, probably after, or in the midst of getting sidetracked by this.]




Who: bb Sharon and grown up Sharon Carter
Where: Lost then The Sharon Carter Hangout Pad in Brooklyn
What: Sharon wakes up from a long stint doing hard time as a younger version of herself
Warnings: Pantsuits in a garbage sack and an opening run on sentence so long you might die from it.

Welcome to New York, Welcome to New York )

Apr. 24th, 2015


Peggy C, Sharon C, Bucky B, Tony S, Selina K, Gwen S, Pepper P, Avengers+, Preston R

[After this, in a flurry of locks.]

[Locked to Peggy C]
[...] Peggy? Are you [...] really here? Please b

[Locked to Sharon C]

[Locked to Bucky B]
Hey, Buck?

[Locked to Tony S]
I think [...] something happened. I'm [...] back?.
ETA: You lost the symbiote?
ETA 2: You didn't notice you lost the symbiote?

[Locked to Selina K]
Selina, are you okay?

[Locked to Gwen S]
Gwen, [a little uselessly] it's Steve.

[Locked to Pepper P]

[Locked to Avengers (Bruce B, Clint B, Natasha R, Tony S, Thor) + Wanda M + Peter P]
[...] Can I get a roll call?

[Locked to Preston R]
Are you okay?
[Crossed out when it bounces back. He even thinks at him, hard, but to no avail.]

Apr. 12th, 2015


Phone Call: Gwen Stacy/Sharon Carter

[Phone Call]


Apr. 8th, 2015


Sharon C, Flash T, Matt M

[Locked to Sharon C]
[After delivery of this.] "Better not tell you now."

[Locked to Flash T]
I'm stopping by the market on the way home from school, and I'm buying green things that I can pulverize into an unrecognizable smoothie, which you then will be required to consume. Spinach or kale?

[Locked to Matt M]
Are you doing okay, sir?


Delivery - Gwen S

[Delivery to Gwen S Via Amazon Prime]

[It comes in a regular Amazon box - you know the ones - too big for what's actually inside of it. Which is a Magic Eight Ball Keychain

Printed on the Gift Receipt is a note from Sharon Carter

"Outlook Good. Xoxo, Sharon"

Apr. 1st, 2015


Public and locks


Okay so in the past four days I've seen The Lion King, Newsies, The Book of Mormon and and Wicked. What should be next? And I don't know any of these bands playing at any of these clubs - anyone with a clue wanna give a girl a hand?

[Peggy C]

Yo, Aunt Peg - I moved to Brooklyn - you should join me. I've got like 297 channels which is like 297 more channels than they had in 1991.

[Gwen S]

[New address in Brooklyn - new phone number - new everything] So. Feel like introducing me to anyone? Just don't do it as Ms. Carter, I'm begging you, Ms. Stacy.

[Max M]

Hey, Max right?

Mar. 24th, 2015



Whoa nelly.


LOST: Sharonarrative

Who: Sharon Carter
What: Visiting the Heart of the Island
Where: LOST
When: Over the last week - and then today.
Warnings: Nah

The door said Namaste )

Mar. 12th, 2015


Sharon C, Neil D, Harry O

[Immediately after this, from the ER waiting room at Bellevue Hospital.]

[Locked to Sharon C]
Ms. Carter, I'm sorry to bother you, but Flash was badly injured. We're at Bellevue Hospital, and they're asking about the cause of injury. Can you cover and say it was something top secret?

[Locked to Neil D]
Mr. Donovan, do you have resources in Marvel?

[Locked to Harry O]
Are you still at the apartment, Harry?

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