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Posts Tagged: 'sirius+black'

Dec. 20th, 2018



Dec 20

I am pleased to announced that I, D'Artagnan, have completed all the necessary requirements for staying in Atlantis. I have even been assigned the job of Combat Field Agent to Team 12. I cannot imagine doing anything else, and I hope to serve proudly.

Team 12, I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Dec. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

I'm not very good at... expressing my feelings. I'm sure you all know that, although I sincerely hope I've gotten better at it by the time you two are around, Hope and Eliot. Your mother reminded me that I needed to say what's on my mind instead of just assuming everyone knows what it is I'm thinking about, so I'm going to try.

I know Teddy being here is going to be an adjustment, so I wanted to make sure everyone was okay. We've only got so much time together, and it's nearly Christmas. I really want us to all be okay. Each of you, and Teddy as well, gave me hope that I could have something that I'd honestly given up on, and it doesn't matter to me how we got here, what matters to me is that we're family and I love you. That's never going to change. So ... that's what I wanted to say.

Dec. 18th, 2018



[No Subject]

Soo. Any tips on introducing yourself to a dead parent? If I start reading now and skip a few meals, I should get through all the books here in about...

A millennia? Good thing I learned that speed-reading spell.

Hi. I'm Teddy. I hear I've been here before but I don't remember it, so hopefully you lot are alright with reintroducing yourselves. If not, well. I don't blame you.



[No Subject]

[ Other Unexpected Parents ]
So... anyone else having the experience of having a child who is way more badass and impressive and wonderful than you could ever hope to be? Or is that just a me thing?

[ Allison & Oliver ]
Can we plan something for Christmas day? Are you guys up for that?

Dec. 15th, 2018



15 December | Sirius Black

Marlene McKinnon! Why is there a disco ball in my bedroom playing "Dancing Queen"? And when is the 'welcome back, you're a dad' party?

Dec. 14th, 2018



netpost: dorcas meadowes (npc)

Bloody Atlantis! If I didn't trust Emme, I'd swear this was all a dream or a prank, but it's been about 36 hours and I haven't woken up yet, so I suppose that's evidence enough to suggest I haven't gone mad.

[No Subject]

I'm Alice Longbottom, and apparently my husband went on holiday without me. Since Frank is somewhere around here, Marlene was nice enough to meet me in Intake.

After we hugged for an hour She let me know there's a few other people I'd be interested in seeing, but be gentle. I'm a kind and frail woman who doesn't know how many more surprises she can handle today.

[Andrea with #6! Info is HERE for Order people. ♥ Please err on the side of NOT tell her the bad future for Longbottoms? Tyyyy]

Dec. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

I am no longer a horned, winged horse. But I still have a broken device.

The Bug Lady of Mud has has been rescued by kind words for Lady Lavender and Commander Shepard. She was freed from the mud herself and was able to return us to normal. Our grand adventure is coming to an end, I believe. She claims our missing friend has been found? We are being flown back to the beach, it will be good to see you all again!

Dec. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Dear person I kissed because of this damn mistletoe leaving Snoozle, spilled coffee on and ran away from: I am so sorry I should not be allowed out of the house. I've learned that it's easier to get it over with but not really how to do that part elegantly.

Snoozle owners, if you want me to come do community service to make up for making a mess, just ask.

[Anybody at all works!]

Dec. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

Okay, this isn't fair. I'm allergic to fucking everything these damn ponies eat.

I do have wings, though.

Dec. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]




Challenge Log: Wanda & Sirius

early december

You wield magic too, don’t you? )

Dec. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]


I hope you've been having fun, you wretch. )

Dec. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

As squad leader of 18, it is my honor and duty to recognize the advanced age of one of the finest soldiers I've had the honor of serving with. May you have the happiest of birthdays, Reinhardt! I will be buying rounds of ale and any of the strongest of beers at the Dive and Lightning Brew this evening. Come join us in celebration!



[No Subject]

Time for your resident Hufflepuff to try and be adorable. Brace yourself, okay?

I was talking with Emmeline the other day and, given we've got a lot of folks with magic and we're more or less separated into 4 separate 'houses' ... what do you lot saying to getting an intramural Quidditch league going? We can make it safe, spell the brooms, build the Pitch if needed, and get all involved.

That way, I get to see you all more often too. Your options for this proposition are Yes/Yes.

Dec. 1st, 2018



Network Post: Molly Weasley

I do remember saying I'd like a vacation somewhere soon, but I expected to have enough warning to pack, and I expected to have my family with me. I'm told some of them are here now, and that had better be the truth! Charlie, Ginny, where are you? Harry? I don't believe half of this!

Nov. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

I just found out about the wine tasting tonight. Not going to lie, if anything is going to make me wrap up even warmer and head out in the cold, it's those two words. Wine. Tasting.



Netpost 02: Myka Bering

Back in Lawrence it often felt like my days were never-ending and there was little joy to be found. My family attributed this to the 50 years that I spent in hell. What they didn't know is that I had felt that way from the moment I had arrived. Hell had simply just made an occasional feeling an everyday feeling. Not even the knowledge that we had won the war or cuddles from my son could put a smile on my face. All I wanted to do was to close myself off from everything; something I found myself doing here.

You are probably wondering why I'm sharing this with you today. And the answer to that is that I came to a realization the other day. Actually, no, that's a lie. I realized this shortly after Claudia left but chose not to accept it. Until now. My realization was that in not making an effort to get to know all of you I'm only hurting myself. I can't guarantee that I won't close myself off every so often. It's so easy to fall back into old habits but I will make an effort not to do so.

So, I propose that we play a game. Let's all share with one another something about ourselves. And I'm going to take a page out of Claudia and Pete's book and say that there are no restrictions on what you can share. So, share whatever you like.

Even though I've all ready shared a little bit about myself, I'll still go first. My name is Myka Bering, I'm 81 years old and I have an addiction to twizzlers.

Separate Filters: Housemates + Team 20
I apologize for not being more present

Nov. 28th, 2018



28 November

I’m making hot buttered rums who wants it.

Nov. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

I've been here since the weekend, and it still feels quite like a dream. You see, I thought I was going to grow dull and old in a little town called Greendale, and that I'd never get to see the great wide world again. I've spent the last few days wondering if I inadvertently wished myself into existence here, but all I'd been wishing for was to be able to leave the house again, not to leave for a world I didn't even know existed where I'd be separated from all of my friends family. A fate even more troubling as being trapped in that bloody house for eternity.

Well. Here I am. I might as well enjoy it while I can. My name is Ambrose. Ambrose Spellman.