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Posts Tagged: 'phil+fitzsimmons'

Oct. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

Gods, you people think loud. To whichever one of you dumbasses has the theme song to Friends stuck in your head - thanks, I hate you.

Cut for S3 Magicians spoilers )

[OOC: More spoilers in comments as well.]

Oct. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

It became increasingly obvious through this morning's training session that I seem to have come down with something. If Mr. Tharkay is a willing host or available for a few hours, Aerial training may still take place, but I am unfortunately not able to stay upright at the moment.

I apologize to anyone that was startled by Temeraire and his affinity for sticking his head through open windows and doors without warning in Medical. Neither of us are fond of illnesses due to a rather nasty brush with one in our past. Please pay him no mind if you hear him going on about the possibility of a "human plague".

Sep. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

Well, that was better than the last alternate universe I was in. And in terms of retaining skills, baking is much more useful that making soap. (Don't ask.)

Which is to say... I might have gone overboard making pies and cookies, and pumpkin bread. Feel free to come over if you want some. There's more than enough to go around.

[Former Cole Family+]
I still have the urge to feed all you. Any takers for dinner.


That was a hell of a ride.

I think I need a case of scotch.

Holding up?



[No Subject]

I've been trying to figure out how to phrase this without being completely awkward, but my head's swimming so I'll just throw it out there.

My name is actually Claire. If anyone knew Em in that other place, please let me know. I remember faces, but I don't know any of your real names.

Sep. 24th, 2018



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons (Simon Durand)

Punctuation should not be optional Please pay attention when you are writing reports

What is wrong with this

Is anyone out there who can read this


They got Bee somehow and Mom

Sep. 23rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Okay, is anyone going to explain what’s going on around here? People have been talking about how things make more sense now, which is great for them, except things have gotten more and more confusing for me and I’m getting real tired of feeling like we’re the only clueless ones.

Aug. 31st, 2018



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons (Simon Durand)

Following up on the Labor Day Weekend reminders: if you're out at the lake, please take care. Don't mix alcohol and boating - it's no safer than drinking and driving. Watch the weather, if you plan on going out, and please wear your life jackets

Jul. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

The cheesecake festival is amazing. None of it's as good as Mum's cheesecake. But, it's still pretty amazing!

[Future Three]
I know we were talking about going on. I say we do it tonight. Grab some food, and then go dancing. You guys in?

Jul. 23rd, 2018



IC/OOC: Philinda Wedding.

Who: All of Phil Coulson & Melinda May's friends and family. (if you want to have your char there, it's fine to say they were)
When: Sat, July 21
Where: Atlantis
What: Phil & Melinda invite their friends for dinner and Melinda makes an honest man out of Phil.

It took them long enough )

Jul. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Philinda Friends and Family]
(ooc: If there's a question, feel free to assume your character is included.)

Anyone have dinner plans tonight? Cancel them, because Phil and I want to take you all out. Nice attire required.

(ooc 2.0: SURPRISE! It's a wedding.)

Jul. 15th, 2018



Backdated Log: Daisy Johnson and Phil Fitzsimmons

Who: Daisy Johnson and Philip Fitzsimmons.
What: House call - Phil visits Daisy after she gets out of Medical.
When: Late March.
Where: Daisy’s apartment.
Warnings: References to kidnapping and the aftermath and the COS-controlled future, but nothing graphic.

I still wake up amazed by what it’s safe to do in this time. )



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons

[ooc: Sometime in the evening of the 15th based on the plot. All of Phil's family and friends should have gotten one.]

I found this pattern in a craft store the other day and thought I'd try it. I might have gotten a little carried away. They're kind of cute, though.

[Mom and Dad]
I made an extra for the baby just in case I get, even thought I know it will be awhile.

[Phil Coulson]
How are you doing?

[Danny Walker]
Is there anything I can get for you?

[Future Three]
We need to do something together soon.

Jul. 8th, 2018



July 7th | Backdated

[To people who consider themselves friends of Peter Parker]

So, it's Pete's birthday. I think I wanted to throw him a surprise party at ours tonight, seeing as he isn't technically legal to drink yet, so. Other kinds of party fun.

Jul. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

[Medical Staff and Magical Healers]
There's a situation I'm going to need help with. I'm pretty sure, that it's going to need a mixture of modern medicine and magical healing. But, we need to act quite quickly or the patient will die. And, at this point, I am unsure whether that will be in hours, or days.

I'll give you a proper briefing when you get here.

[Doctor McCoy]
I'm going to take point on this one. It's Coulson, he got a memory update, and it came with some....side-effects.

But, I would very much appreciate your assistance.

Jun. 27th, 2018



Network Post: Phil Fitzsimmons

The canoe was an enjoyable project. I don't usually finish something like it in one day, but then I'm not used to having the time. If the lake is calm again this weekend, I'd like to take it out. Would anyone like to try it out with me?

Jun. 15th, 2018



Backdated to the 14th

So, guess I'm going on my first mission from the past. It's almost as nerve wracking as my first mission with the resistance.

[Friends and Family]
Don't get in too much trouble without me, guys.

Jun. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Medical]
Hera won't wake up. Adult Hera, I mean. I've tried everything I can think of to wake her up. But, it's not working.

May. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hmm, I seem to be exhibiting all ten of these warning signs...

I guess I need a break.

Anyone up for a burger at Brew? I can't actually remember the last time I ate real food.

Apr. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

Do I want to go and make shrimp scampi or not? Is anyone else going along?

I am so glad you're back to normal now. Not that teenage you wasn't cute but I much prefer my wife to be adult.

Apr. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

[OOC: Set after my thread with Hannah which will be posted later]

I know where Angelus is hiding, and I need medical attention. I've lost about half a liter of blood.


I'm returning to London with Rosie as soon as I'm done helping to catch that bastard vampire. I hope that for those of you who love him as much as I do, Leonard comes back. If he remembers me, please tell him I'm sorry. The attack and dealing with it alone is just too much, and I don't think we'll be lucky a third time since Atlantis has made sure we're not together again. I can't hold out hope like he did. If he doesn't remember me...please don't tell him about us. Let him be happy without me and Rosie, whatever that might mean. I'll miss you all and I hope you're successful in taking the bastards down.

[* If you've ever considered Molly a friend, this filter applies!]