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November 2019



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Posts Tagged: '%2Amary'

Sep. 5th, 2019



september 05 :: aleksandra belikova

tai & mom.
I think I'm gonna break things up with Brent. It's not fair for him. I feel like I'm cheating, even if they're just feelings.

We need to talk.



september 05 :: steve harrington

Cheese and pizza. Together as one. Perfection.

You'll find me stuffing my face at Atlantis Park today.

[ EVENT :: ☆ - Cheese Pizza event in Atlantis Park! Try loads of different kinds of cheese pizza. ]

Sep. 4th, 2019



log :: betty bayer & danny walker

aug 31/sept 1
betty bayer & danny walker
"you better not do anything crazy again"
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Sep. 3rd, 2019




I now wear hats.

image under cut )

PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH decides to go for a completely different look today from their normal style.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



netpost: tobias eaton / four

What's with all the rhyming today?

I'm not usually a fan of big parties, but it's my birthday and I thought maybe we could just grab some drinks of something to celebrate.

Stone, 7:00?
[*feel free to assume - if you want your character to be friends with Four, I'm happy to say they are!]

Sep. 1st, 2019



September 1 | Netpost | Danny Walker

Hello again. I'm sorry I left. I didn't mean to, but I guess y'all probably worked that one out for yourselves.

If you don't remember me, I'm Danny.
Hey. I guess I've been a terrible kind-of big brother, disappearing on you like that. Can I make it up to you?
Antoine Triplett, Tobias Eaton, Valkyrie
I've been told I'm your new roommate and that we all live in houses now. I'm going to be in Medical until tomorrow but I look forward to meeting y'all when I get out.
Alpha 3
Captain Daniel Walker, U.S. Army Air Corps. I've been assigned the role of Field Agent this time round and I'm fixing to join Team 11 once the doctors are happy I'm fit and ready. I'm not gonna lie, I'm best when I'm in a plane but I do know how to fight and I'm not a bad shot either. I hope I can be an asset to your unit.



log: pierce & emilia

April 2nd
Pierce & Emilia
"So, what are we drinking to?"
Pierce's Apartment | G
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Is it customary for the devices to just change shape?

My finger nearly got caught when it changed earlier.

PLOT: ♆ - All devices turn into rotary style phone for an hour today (up to you when it happens).

Aug. 31st, 2019



texts :: charlie mills & steve harrington.

>> Just saw that Wendy left.
>> You okay?



august 31 :: aleksandra belikova

taisia belikova.
Danny's back.

I think I need a drink. Or 20.



august 31 :: betty bayer [after 5pm]

I'll be in medical until futher notice, if anyone needs me.

He's back! Danny's back!

I'm going to spend the night with him, until he wakes up and feels better. I figured he would like to see a familiar face.



[No Subject]

So this is totally inconsequential, but I kinda wanna make a timeline of people's 'worlds' and see how much they differ and if we can find some kind of...splitting point, I guess. Obviously this place proves the whole 'many worlds' thing true, but I kinda wanna see how far it goes?

I mean, somebody might have already done this, but I wanna know what kinda things are constants and what aren't in places where we all have an Earth. Like, is Jack the Ripper someone that always appears in the 1800s? Stuff like that.

Aug. 30th, 2019



august 30 :: angelina johnson

I just blew up some apples while I was trying to get some with a simple fetching spell. That's not normal.

Sorry about the mess. It'll take a little while to clean it since I won't be using magic. I don't trust it right now.

[ PLOT :: ♆ - Powers aren't working normal ]

Aug. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

Sometimes you just wake up, look out of the window and decide you really do not have the mental capacity to care that the clouds happen to be a nice shade of jade this morning.


We should set up an attempt at having a weekly date night or something. Is that too domestic? I feel like it's too domestic.


Maybe we should just put everything from before behind u

[ PLOT :: ♆ - The clouds are bright green today, and for some reason, if you feel like you should forgive someone today, you can't help yourself from doing so. ]



[No Subject]

I don't know why the clouds are green today but it's been very hard getting Ivan to do anything but but watch them. And ask if we can take him up there. I agree they're very pretty but sadly I can't fly.



august 29 :: aleksandra belikova

Yesterday was... freeing in some ways.

But I'm glad all my underwear is back. I paid A LOT of money for some of it.

[ AUG 28 PLOT :: ♆ - Uh.... Where is all the underwear? TWO CHARACTERS EACH can't find any of underwear... anywhere. ]



august 29 :: nick stokes

Is it normal that the clouds are bright green? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but I just wanna make sure I'm not juse seeing things.

And completely unrelated and probably weird to ask... Where did the underwear go yesterday? Or was it just an Atlantis prank?

[ AUG 28 PLOT :: ♆ - Uh.... Where is all the underwear? TWO CHARACTERS EACH can't find any of underwear... anywhere. ]

[ PLOT :: ♆ - The clouds are bright green today, and for some reason, if you feel like you should forgive someone today, you can't help yourself from doing so. ]



august 29 :: armel chevalier

Look at these two good boys. Fred has George now. The circle is complete.

Thanks for helping, PJ!

Aug. 28th, 2019



Netpost | Bilbo Baggins

Hullo. I believe I have reasoned out how to use this strange contraption. My name is Bilbo Baggins. I would say it's a pleasure to be here, but I don't rightly know where here is, other than a place called Atlantis.

Has anyone heard of Gandalf? I imagine he must be why I am here, because lately it seems I go places because of him.

Is anyone here named Harley and Rocco? Quite unique names, but then, every name is unique to the one who bears it. I suppose Bilbo is just as unique to everyone else's ears. It seems I find myself equally at a disadvantage a second time, I'm afraid. I'm learning to make new friends and learn about new places all over again.

Right. Now, to find my pipe, because what better a way to relax and learn?



august 27 :: harley quinn

Sorry not sorry for spending most of yesterday sleeping on a hammock. It was a very comfortable one!

clarke & madi.
Family dinner tomorrow?

[ AUG 26 PLOT :: ♆ - Hammocks appear all over Atlantis today. TEN VOLUNTEERS can't help themselves from falling asleep in them. ]