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November 2019



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Oct. 27th, 2019



netpost: reyna pevensie

Well, Atlantis, Edmund and I would like to introduce you to:
Helena Beatrix Pevensie )

She's healthy, with a full head of hair and a healthy set of lung. Ed and I couldn't be happier.

[Friends and Family]
Yes, you can come visit.

Oct. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

Great matches today! Congratulations to everyone, you played really well.

[Roger Davies]

I should probably be doing this in person but I'm afraid that I'll lose my nerve if I'm looking at you. We've been friends for a long time but since we've been spending time together here, I've realized that I'd like to be more than friends. I know things have been crazy with the war and the rebuilding and the Quidditch so we haven't had much time to talk. Which is also why I'm doing this here.

So this is coming off like one of those notes people pass in school "Do you like me, yes or no, check the box" and that's not my intention. I just wanted to tell you that I really do care for you and that's part of why I'm having such a hard time deciding if I'm going to stay or go. You'll be there if I go back but it won't be the same and I'd kind of like to see how things go here. But if you don't feel the same way then I understand.

And I'm going to stop writing before I sound any more nutters than I already do.



Network Post: Dash Parr




Network Post: Mordecai Roberts

Well played, Falcons.

[Royal Starlings]
A valiant effort, Royal Starlings. Drinks on me tonight.




26 OCTOBER 11:00 )
26 OCTOBER - 14:00 )

Oct. 25th, 2019



Network Post: Mia Rinaldi

I have discovered hot apple cider with salted caramel ice cream, and my life is forever changed.

[Peter Pevensie]
Join me for a cup?



[No Subject]

One advantage to being pregnant at Halloween is that there are all sorts of costumes out there that work with a large belly. I decided to keep things simple though and bought this. A little nod to my past life. I could have just gone with a pumpkin suit but I can't see me dressed as an entire pumpkin.



[No Subject]

The decision many of you are making is an easy one for me. I'm staying.

Here? I live.

Oct. 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

As much as it pains me to think about never seeing my mother or Tauriel my many cousins again, or the sunset in the Blue Mountains, or the way that the early morning mist clings to the hills in the Shire, it was an easy decision to stay, in the end. Atlantis offers many more opportunities and much more freedom for us than our home.

I hope we'll have just as many sweets next month as we've had this month.

Do you think I'll I wish T And perhaps you'll even find a wife here.
I thank you, again, for your company the other night.




📱rumor has it there's a wine tasting at Cava tonight

Oct. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

I have no idea what to do. I've been thinking about whether I should stay or go and I can't decide. If I go home, I'll go back to the same job I was doing which I liked. If I stay, I'm not sure what I could do. I don't feel like I really helped that much in the fight but I tried my best.

So I'm still undecided. I won't be going anywhere until Quidditch is done, I do know that much.



Post InstaDates | Josie Saltzman

I guess we're doing the random dates with a random someone thing again. Okay, cool. I'm sure that wasn't at all awkward for anyone, right? Right.

I know some people are planning to leave and some are planning to stay and I'm sure there will be some good Atlantis-sponsored big hurrahs, but I was thinking a bonfire on the beach could be a lot of fun. You know, s'mores and snacks and drinks whatever. Just like a really chill and fun night. Who's in?

I feel like we've both been so busy with all the rebuilding and other things going on and I'm missing our bonding time. Maybe we could do something, just the two of us?

Pegasus riding? The zoo? Go for a hike?

Oct. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

Well, friends, it's been real. But I was in the middle of something back home? And I need to have seen it through myself, not Aubrey Prime or whatever I'm not. Also, there was a girl. Cryptid. Energy vampire? I think? Don't worry about it. We're all monster fuckers deep down aren't we? She cares for my bunny when I'm off monster hunting and is all earthy crunchy granola and reminds me of Laura Dern in Jurassic Park and I miss her.

I don't really remember what they said about what happens when we go home, if the same time passed or if we go back to the point we split from but hey, whether I fall back into the beginning of the fight or if we lost and my world(s) aren't there then uhhhhhhh wish me luck?

I won't leave right away though. Kinda curious what Halloween is like around here. After that I'm out. Thanks for everything guys. Sorry about all the fires.

(Dr. Harris Bonkers PhD would like to thank everyone who cuddled him by the way)

Oct. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

With all the various hellos, goodbyes and pronouncements ... I just have to do things thing. And I'm not even sorry about it. Is there anything someone wants to get off their chest? Do it here. Tell us about your one true love. Tell us about your crush. Confess your unswerving devotion.

Spill! That! Tea!



log: Final Battle

September 26
Anissa Pierce + Shamara Andor
"best way to win a war"
Base | PG for violence
Read more... )

Oct. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

FRIENDS (*feel free to assume):
I've talked about this a bit, going back and forth, trying to talk things out, but now I'm going to make it official. I've decided that I won't be staying in Atlantis permanently. Earth still needs me, we have a lot of work to do and a lot of pieces to pick up, and I would feel more comfortable if I were actually there myself.

I won't be leaving right away. For now, I'm planning to stay on through Christmas, maybe through New Year's Eve. I owe it to everyone here to see us through some of this rebuilding period and to do what I can to make my absence easier to take.

And that's that.



[No Subject]

With all this talk of plans for the future, it got me thinking of what I want to do here. I know some of the things I'm good at, but one of the things that kept nagging at my brain was the possibility of starting a flight school. I know we have a bunch of pilots - probably some of the best across universes - along with engineers and mechanics. And flying a plane is different than flying a suit or a broom or a pegasus, but it's what I used to do back before I got promoted to command jobs.

So, any interest in something like this?

Oct. 20th, 2019



October 20 | Karen Page

After a lot of thought, I've made the decision to go back home. It's not always been easy, actually there have been moments my time here has been incredibly hard and painful, but I'm glad that I was pulled here randomly almost a year ago now. I didn't get to know as many of you as I would have liked, but to those that I did, I hope some part of our time together sticks with me once I go back. There's still a lot I want to do and work towards at home, and I know it's time for me to get back to doing it. I'm planning to leave after Halloween because I'm betting this place puts on an awesome Halloween bash, and I need to see that.

I hope you both understand why I need to go. I know it sounds weird since you'll both be there in New York and who knows if I'll remember any of this, but I'll miss you.



October 20 | Rebecca Logan

This place either wants to turn me into a barge with all of these cookies every day or thinks I need fattening up. I'm not a fan of either option.

I don't know about the rest of you, but half of these cookies I've never tasted anything like them before in my life.

So, after the end of the month, I've decided that I'm going home. I'm horrible at this kind of thing, so it was, you know, nice meeting you all or whatever. Don't break the city after I'm gone.

*assume away
You're staying, aren't you?



20 October | Tommy McConnel

Is Atlantis trying to get us addicted to sugar?

How many more days of damn cookies are we going to wake up to?