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Posts Tagged: 'will+zimmerman'

Jan. 8th, 2019



8 January | Will Zimmerman

Is it follow people around day?

I don't like it.

I don't like it at all.

Jan. 3rd, 2019



netpost: Clarke griffin

And they say you can’t go home again.

I don’t have to tell any of you how much I don’t want to go back to Mount Weather. I know none of us really wants to, but I will tell you that a lot of the people going are people I would trust with my life. They’re good people. If we have to go, I’m glad we have that much, at least.

It means a lot to know I’ll have all of you there in this. Thank you.

I know we haven’t had much time together yet. I’d like to see about changing that when I get back from this mission. If I haven’t said so, I’m glad you decided to stay.

It looks like Mordy and I are both off. Will you look after the furball for me?

Jan. 2nd, 2019



2 January | Will Zimmerman

Whoever decided I needed to hear bad music all day, thanks for that. It's somehow even worse when I change.

Shit. Willingly changing.

What's life coming too.

Happy New Year.

Dec. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who wants to annoy neighbors and people we don't know with caroling tonight? I've got a feeling, oh oh
Wait, that's not a Christmas song. Well, we can wing it. Anyone in? We can do traditional, I'm flexible.

Dec. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

While I always appreciate extra clothing, I don't think my outfit appropriate for the public, let alone for winter. Plus, I don't think the Qunari would approve of a Hawke wearing it.

Declan, Solaire and I have been planning food for the entire week! You're all invited to share with us, if you'd like, there's going to be more food than even I can eat, coupled with a generous amount of alcohol and movies and stories.

You don't have to come every night but it's an open invitation for all of you! The most magnificent feast is being planned for Saturday, and will more than likely leave us in a coma on the floor.

Dec. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

December 8

Alright, alright, don’t eat me. I’ll make it quick. )

Dec. 4th, 2018



4 December | Will Zimmerman

Brown socks aren't the worst thing.

Charred and holey ones are.

Dec. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Why are all my socks brown? I didn't actually own any brown socks but now that's all I have. I mean, I don't really care that much but brown sports socks are not a good look when you're going for a run.

Nov. 21st, 2018



21 November | Will Zimmerman

21 November - Superpower!
will zimmerman + narriative/open
PG-13 | narriative/open
If you'd like to tag it head over HERE
Please tell me I'm going to wake up now. )

Nov. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

Damn, I'm glad it's the weekend. I woke up yesterday to find a bunch of hiking gear in my wardrobe yesterday and I just had to go out and see how good it was. I hiked for hours and had a great time, especially as the weather was actually pretty nice, unlike today. I haven't actually hiked for no reason for ages. Really cleared the mind. Left me a bit stiff today but I feel good anyway.

Nov. 15th, 2018



Log: Fred & Will

november 12

There's that saying about early birds and worms, but in this case it's danishes and strong coffee. )



15 November | Will Zimmerman

I would have been perfectly happy to never seen a nubbin again.

Least we know more about them this go around.

Nov. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

Day three and apparently this is my life now. If anyone wants to console me with belly rubs and strips of bacon, I won't turn my snout up at them. Better yet, please take me for walkies. I'm bored out of my giant skull.

Nov. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

If anyone sees me wandering around making weird noises at the blinds, that's normal. For my cat. NOT ME. Switching bodies with Mittens, really? Atlantis, can we not have one day of semi-normalcy? Is that so much to ask? At least I don't have to wear pants in public. Being a cat is terribly comfortable in that regard.

[ Filtered to Close Friends + Breckenridge Bros ]
If any of you had a very clear delineation between this part of your life and that part of your life, you probably know why I hesitated to say anything when I first arrived. And then Breckenridge happened, and a few days turned into a few months, and I didn't say anything once we turned back to ourselves because it had been such a long while, and maybe it didn't matter, really. But the threat of potentially turning younger made me realise that it's not fair nor safe to say nothing, and --

Well then, all right, that's a lot of words. So I'll just try to salvage this and be brief: I wasn't always as I am now. Human, specifically. My father was the King of the Gods and I the Ruler of the Storm and god of War. There was a great deal of war growing up - against the dragons, against the witches, against anyone who my father labelled a treacherous enemy. I obeyed him up to a point when his true wicked nature was revealed to me, and thereafter refused to use my power or my army to support a particularly cruel and vicious battlefield decision of his. In retaliation, he stripped me of my title, power and kicked me out of Anor Londo, and I became what you know me as now.

Which is to say: I was never a bad person, nor vicious, but nonetheless a younger version of myself in possession of my full powers and convinced that I was being kidnapped or played a cruel trick on by a bunch of humans could be... destructive. I'm sorry I said nothing earlier. I honestly don't like to think much of the before, because I very much like my life now. I hope you can forgive me for my silence on the topic.

Also, I'm a cat now. I don't know why that's happened. I hope it doesn't last long.
[ /Filter ]

Nov. 4th, 2018



04 November | Will Zimmerman

So... This is an interesting development.

PLOT - ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH sees King Tut today, and when you d see him you are blessed with 12 hours of flashbacks of your youth, either your whole body flashes back, or just your mind! It's up to you!

Oct. 30th, 2018



30 October | Will Zimmerman

I'm still finding TP around the house.

How the hell did it get into my closet?

Oct. 24th, 2018



[No Subject]

From what I've heard, we're staring down a holiday new to me - Halloween. I think I have the basics - it's a playful wink at honoring frightening things, is it not? A candy-coated shell over true fear? I think it sounds a great deal like fun, even if I'm not entirely certain how best to celebrate it save the half-dozen pumpkins I've put about the flat (sorry, housemates). Trick or treating is a tradition for children, yes? And if I wish to skip out on putting toilet paper on an enemy's domicile, I can do so and still celebrate the holiday? Also, I'm sorry, but candy corn is an abomination. If you wish to duel over it, I accept.

Many of the things that the holiday heralds are just the way of the world back home - witches, skeletons, talking cats (I am very disappointed that cats here do not talk, by the by). I'd like to think that Halloween will help with the spot of homesickness I have. Something familiar and bright, you know?

[ Filtered to Bethany ]
Have you quit your mole form at long last?

Oct. 21st, 2018



18 September | Challenge - Claire + Will

18 SEPTEMBER - challenge
Claire Temple + Will Zimmerman
pg | comomete

You think you can catch it or what? Aren’t they supposed to be… pinker? )

Oct. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

So, I'm pretty pleased to know that the leather pants still fit like a glove. The tassels on the legs and the red poet shirt might be a little much, and the hat definitely is something, but I'm feeling more myself than I have in years.

I've spent the last few days searching the Internet for myself, because I'm a narcissist. I acknowledge this outright because most things I found do too, and I found that part amusing.

Oct. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

We've returned from New Orleans and I've already fallen asleep during briefings (most likely to my brother's amusement) so at this point I just need a good solid two days of sleep. I apologize for not being the most attentive, especially to new arrivals. Once I've had a great deal of food and sleep I'll be much less cranky or prone to falling asleep in a word, I promise you.

Anyone who received healing from me after the battle last night should be fine for normal activities, but I recommend taking it easy for a day anyway. Don't just drink all night, Garrett.

If anyone needs me, you may have to poke me awake. And hope I don't set you on fire (I promise it won't be on purpose!)