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Posts Tagged: 'thor+odinson'

Jan. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

I take mild comfort in knowing I am not the only one left to wear nothing but this wrap of bubbles today. However, having to wear multiple layers for the sake of decency has made it rather difficult to move around comfortably. Now I must weigh the joy of popping the bubbles against the need to apologize for noises when I sit.

[Team 18]
I will need you all to train without me today, as I am unable to properly cover myself. Reinhardt, please take charge.

Jan. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

This month sucks. I would request a do-over, but that would mean going through the suck all over again.


Hey Boss Lady? Can I get a few days leave, maybe a week? Ianto is not taking Jack's glitching away well and he needs some extra support.



[No Subject]

Now that I've had a chance to get my feet under me...

Hello Atlantis. Name's Howard Stark. You may have heard of me.



netpost: katie bell

QUIDDITCH TEAM 7 (Bella Hartley, Kaylee Frye, Thor Odinson, Allison Argent, Quentin Coldwater, Charlie Weasley, Julia Wicker, Armel Chevalier, Gwen Stacy, Jim Kirk)
We had a clear majority on Black and Gold as our colors, but a dead tie for our mascot, so one more poll for you lot!

Poll #8074 Team 7 Mascot
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Which animal should be our mascot?

9 (90.0%)

1 (10.0%)

Not an IC cut - Images Inside )

Charlie and I would also like to have the full team out for a group dinner sometime soon! Check your schedules and let us know what night is good for you!

Jan. 21st, 2019



katie bell: team 7 quidditch poll

FILTERED TO QUIDDITCH TEAM 7 (Bella Hartley, Kaylee Frye, Thor Odinson, Allison Argent, Quentin Coldwater, Charlie Weasley, Julia Wicker, Armel Chevalier, Gwen Stacy, Jim Kirk)
Alright, you lot, I know there's a lot going on right now, but I could use the distraction and we've got to make a decision here. I've created a poll to decide on a team name and some colors. Please answer with your thoughts so I can go to our illustrious recreation director with the results!

Open to: All, results viewable to: None

What team color(s) do you like? (the top two will be our team colors)

2 (18.2%)

5 (45.5%)

3 (27.3%)

7 (63.6%)

8 (72.7%)

Other (Explain in a comment)
0 (0.0%)

What should our mascot/name be?

3 (27.3%)

2 (18.2%)

1 (9.1%)

Other (please give your idea in a comment)
5 (45.5%)

[OOC Note: Please fill the poll out IC. If you have more than one character on the team, please do it once from each character's journal.]

Jan. 20th, 2019



19th January

I fear I may have underestimated COS.

If there is anything I can assist with from the hospital, please tell me. My magic is as powerful as ever, even bed-bound.


I would warn you not to become complacent with your abilities and strength. I am sure you and I are both aware that Asgardians are stronger than humans, yet despite this, my shields and my abilities, I have returned with broken bones. That's less the point - I will recover from this, but I do not want to see you hurt because you have underestimated the enemy. Please be careful when you are sent out.

[Backdated because Loki is on the Fear plot and will be unconscious tomorrow.]

Jan. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

Oh, wow! This is so great. I've seen a lot of snow before, but I've never been on an island, and these communications are just- this is so great.

Hi! Hello. I'm Atreus, of Midgard. My father and I are here to help! Or, at least, help as much as we can - we've been pretty good so far at being problem solvers in multiple realms. That this adds to the realms is just- wow. I never expected something like this.

Is there a blacksmith here? Or a place to make arrows? Are we allowed to explore the forests? Or the mountains?

Jan. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Katie Bell and I’ll be your captain!

First order of business if picking a cool name, some colors and a mascot. I’d like this to be something we come up with as a group, so don’t be afraid to speak up with your ideas! We’ll start practices this weekend!

Hey there, co-captain! Breakfast tomorrow? We can go over some plays and strategy!



[No Subject]

Uh. Sorry for vanishing. I was absolutely not appropriate to be seen by human eyes for the past few days, but, uh. Anybody else been feeling weird over the past week?

[Jim was really goddamn horny thanks to his God and because I was ill for those few days this seems as good of an explanation as any lmao]

Jan. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

I don't know what was goin' on yesterday but I had somethin' happen that ain't happened to me before. I had a valve blow off and hit my hand and it hurt like a gorram bitch crazy.

Couldn't go to work today 'cause it's all bandaged up. Guess that's for the best since it's snowin so much.

Jan. 11th, 2019



January 9 (backdated) | Valkyrie

(during this)

Kára seems to have lost her memory but is keeping coy about it, please keep an eye on her and help her as I can't.

Jan. 10th, 2019



09 January | Kára Calrissian (backdated sorry!!)


This is cool.

Do I like chocolate or vanilla better?

PLOT: Kára has lost her memory of who she is. This started probably mid-morning and she would have been seen walking around looking at things oddly and completely confused. She'd play off like she was fine, but she is pretty clueless. She'd also not really admit outloud how confused she is.

Jan. 9th, 2019



netpost; ray palmer

So, Wednesday is hump day. Time to celebrate it being midweek. I intend to, anyone is welcome to join, more than welcome..

(Ray is currently possessed by HUITACA the South American Goddess of Happiness, Pleasure and Drunkenness. She's amoral but popular ;) and when she came to town, it was always party time.)

Jan. 3rd, 2019



January 3 | Valkyrie

Right. I'm off on mission tomorrow. Don't you dare have too much fun without me. Nobody die, nobody disappear, I'll be back.

Edit. Someone please take care of my dog and ladybug while I'm out there. The dog needs at least some power walking and food, the bug needs food. The plant is fine though (probably) since it retains water.
Edit 2. It's settled, between my housemates and friends they will be fine, thank you all.

Jan. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Farewells are never easy, even when one is well-used to them. I’m forever grateful that Atlantis gave Bethany and I a chance to meet Declan. The future is a funny thing, isn’t it? Something - someone - that a month ago I did not know has become so important to me in such immediacy that I am twice as excited to meet the coming year.

I’m sorry to see him go, but goodbyes go easier with plunging into freezing abysses - which is why I encourage all of you who are feeling bittersweet by the departures of your family and friends to join me in the Polar Bear Plunge! Diving into ice-cold water seems to be a great way of taking your mind off of things, and what a pleasant way to wake up and face the New Year! And now that I know what polar bears are, the title makes a great deal more sense.

I’ll see you at the water, happy New Year, and praise the sun!

Dec. 31st, 2018



[No Subject]

New year, new me. I'm starting early with my resolutions.

The first one is being more open with people.

Anyone else feel like sharing their resolutions for the coming year?

Dec. 30th, 2018



netpost: brent hartley

I've met a few of you already, but for those I haven't, hello. My name is Brent Hartley. My sister Bella has been here for a long time now and I've spent most of the last few weeks catching up with her. I have to say, whenever I imagined Atlantis, this wasn't what I pictured.

Are there any other surfers here? This isn't the weather for it, obviously, but I'm told it should warm up eventually.

[OOC: Anyone close to Bella would have been introduced in person by this point and since mistletoes are starting to disappear, we should probably say those mistletoe encounters I had planned for him happened as he was exploring Atlantis!]

Dec. 29th, 2018



mistletoes! lena & mattimus

December - Various
Lena's Charactrs + Matt's Characters
Various Times & Locations
mistletoe drabbles )

Dec. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

It’s my birthday so you’re all going to tolerate me being sappy for a moment, thank you.

The last few years have been a roller coaster, to say the least. A lot of highs that took my life places I never expected, and a lot of really low lows that did the same. More lows than anything else, the kind that spiral and you feel out of control. And then I came here and got to meet all of you (or see you again), got to have my mom meet all of you, got to spend the holiday with people I care about instead of staring at the walls of a hospital like every other year (which I didn’t hate, but this was a nice new normal, too), and that is a gift I’ll never take for granted. I feel really lucky to know all of you, and so I wanted to say thank you for making Atlantis one hell of a place to be.

Okay, I’m done. Carry on.

Dec. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Close Friends*]
I did not wish to speak of it too soon, for fear that it was a cruel trick or perhaps even a dream. Or perhaps it had something to do with Valkyrie's gift? But the magic of this place has returned something to me that I thought I would never see again. But it has been nearly two days and I still have it with me.

Mjolnir has been returned to me. Luckily, I am proficient with dual-wielding, but having the means to channel my abilities so thoroughly is an interesting feeling. It also feels as if a part of me has been returned. Perhaps I am Thor, God of Hammers (though yes, Stormbreaker is also an ax).

Ah, this has been quite the holiday!

[ooc | *If you're not sure, ask, but if you think you are, you probably are]