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Posts Tagged: 'teddy+lupin'

Feb. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

I feel a little bit like I was asking for something like this to happen by "retiring" from superheroics (can you ever really retire from that???) - like the universe is laughing at me, all you thought you were done? SURPRISE. But I guess if the multiverse has to surprise me like this, at least it also brought my fiancé here AND this is a place we've never been before. Atlantis is so cool.

Oh, right. I'm Teddy. I would've said hi earlier but I missed Valentine's Day and had to make it up to Billy. 😏 (Billy Kaplan, he is the previously mentioned fiancé. I really like that word.) What else am I supposed to say? I like Pokémon and A Song of Ice and Fire, I'm a weird alien hybrid and my families hate each other I grew up in New York City, and since we're staying, I guess I'm going to get a Real Job (!!!) and actually have time to learn how to cook more. Watch out, world.

Feb. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

Today seems like an excellent day to stay home or find somewhere to hide quiet to work. Somewhere with a door to lock.

I’m going to the library. I hope it’ll be less tempting to sing in a place where I’m not supposed to make much noise at all.

Feb. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]


I’m so glad you’re here when I’m tired, feel exhausted, and look worse. )

Feb. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

So, uh. Hi. My name is Eliot, most people call me El, and in the future version of Atlantis I run a weekly D&D group. I figured I should extend an invitation to anybody who wants to give it a go or anything here and I know it sounds bizarre, considering a lot of people are actively going on missions and scenarios where they have to fight monsters and shit like that, but it's an escape from life that a lot of people back home really enjoyed.

I would want to start with a small-ish group at first, but I can maybe stretch to running two groups a week if there's a huge amount of interest? I want to be able to give everybody and their characters as much time and attention as possible without stretching myself too thin as a Dungeon Master.

For people from other worlds who don't know what D&D is: It's a tabletop roleplaying game where basically you build a character based in another world. We essentially put that character (in a group) through different scenarios, battles and tell a story that everybody builds together. If you're still lost (I'm used to people having a vague understanding of D&D existing which some of you might not have) there's a link here that covers the absolute bare-bones basics, but if you're interested I'll teach everybody how to play and explain a lot more in depth in-session. I also know a few other people here know the core mechanics and can help teach you all.

It would either be at my house or held at Coffee Me Better with free coffee provided by yours truly either way. I promise it's a really fun time and I'm willing to work with anything you throw at me as your long-suffering DM.

If you're interested, either drop me a note or sign up on the sign up sheet pinned up in Coffee Me Better!

Feb. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Oh, my goodness. I've... two things to apologize for, it seems? I've been unable to keep from showing my middle finger to people all day, and it seems my frustration has impacted those around me. Forgive me, please.

[ ooc; Anne's Trouble makes people talk gibberish when they're around her and she's annoyed, which she has been all day. She's also flipping everyone off today, due to more Atlantis shenanigans. Sorry, friends. ]



[No Subject]

[Filtered to people working the Troubles]
I regret to inform you that there is a second victim of my Trouble. One of our interns, Penelope, was the unfortunate soul who told me that the coffee maker in the office is broken and there is not a drop of the stuff to be found anywhere in the building. I am walking her to Medical now and encouraging her not to cry, as she presently has her eyes sewn shut.

[Filtered to Will Laurence]
I trust all is well on your mission thus far?

[Filtered to Diplomacy Department]
If any of you have not yet heard, I am taking Penelope to Medical. I expect to return by luncheon. If anyone would like me to acquire a coffee on their behalf, please let me know, as I do intend to drop by the shop on my way.

On days such as these, I devoutly hope that my mother's belief that how one spent the first days of the New Year would dictate the tone of the entire year was incorrect.



February 7 | Duke Crocker

I always knew this place seemed a little too much like home for comfort.

[Trouble Teams/APD]

With new troubles popping up more re regularly, I'll be at the station all day today with my family's journal. It has a listing of hundreds of different troubles, tendencies, and sometimes how to keep them controlled.

Some normal Atlantis events might get confused with some of the troubles. There are a a couple of ways to verify which it is. The sure fire way is one I'd rather not have to do unless it's absolutely necessary, but the other way is to test them out on me. I'm often immune to the ones that effect other people. Now, if a another psychotic stuffed bear comes around weidling a knife, I'm not immune to being stabbed to death, but the others I probably am.

[Claire Callahan]

This is getting out of control.

[Charlie Montgomery]

You haven't been feeling strange lately, have you? Nothing weird or unexplainable going on? Even if you'd normally write it off as typical Atlantis shit.



[No Subject]

Can someone please tell me who is I need to know who is investigating the strange goings-on. I believe myself or Sara to be affected. This morning, Sara and I noticed that whatever I was telling - small, large, serious or joking - she would do. Sara has many beautiful and alluring qualities, but her obedience is thankfully not one of them. We are not certain if it is a problem with me or with her. A volunteer could likely solve this issue.

I'm skipping training until this is resolved; it's difficult enough to write without an implied command. I doubt I would be so cautious in-person.

[ ooc - Reyes's Trouble is that whatever he says to do, whoever he is speaking to is powerless to resist doing it. ]

Feb. 6th, 2019



february 6 :: armel chevalier

As much as I like to remember the good days where I was a teen, I don’t appreciate being back in that body.

Feb. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

I said I missed that nice, slow rain we get in Maine that makes the forest so deep and green. Then it rained just like that! I SWEAR I didn't do it via magic ... or, my magic? It isn't me!!

Feb. 3rd, 2019



3 February | Becker TROUBLES

Burke, we've got a problem. Something called 'Troubles' have gotten out into Atlantis, we're not sure how many but they're likely to affect some people.

Duke Crocker and Claire Callahan are headed towards the station now, I want you to head up the problem. They'll brief you, I'll also be sending a few extra bodies to help out.

Get all of your detectives there as well.

Report to the Police Station.

You've been tapped to help with a situation, you'll be briefed when you get there.

Feb. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Okay, there's a lot to be said for a lack of constant environmental dangers. Being able to leave this little house and not immediately get attacked by some kind of irradiated something or other? I can handle that.

I'm Ellie. I'm usually Nick Valentine's secretary, but here I'll be the secretary at the police department in general. I'm very organized and a little particular, but I'll make sure you get your paperwork done (correctly) which helps everyone involved. Hello.

What things would you recommend a gal experience here?

Jan. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hidden lands and ancient legends! This is my kind of knock in the head! Surely it bruises my ego a bit to know that there are places that even I don't know about - although I did know of a tale of a beautiful woman rising from the sea form to beckon one to a maze of marble palaces buried under the waters, palaces that once formed the skyline of a vast and unknowable continent. Although, pity - she only appears to those about to drown.

Either way - I can't drown! Know that now. I'm Mimir, a fellow traveler with the big fellow and the brave lad. They'll be employing me in with the library sorts, looks like - I'll be imparting my knowledge to the wee next generation. Oh, and don't let my appearance concern you - all's well.

Jan. 29th, 2019



January 29 | Leanne Mao


Hello friends name's Leanne I'm not from around here and I'm kind of unsure why I was selected to participate in a war, not very creative or very war oriented to tell the truth but I guess I'll do my best.

(In the event that this is some kind of curse or I've fallen into a state of complete delusion please disregard the above message. And get my ma, I suppose. If you're real.)

Now. Peeps who know me, where're y'at? Show me around!

Jan. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare everybody.

Jan. 24th, 2019



netpost: julia wicker

FILTERED to Magicians & Potterverse + Future 1 Next Gens
They're home. We've just gotten notice from medical.



[No Subject]

You. You're brilliant. Everything about you is a bright light in a dark world. You matter. Right now, someone is thinking about you. You have a wonderful personality. Sonnets should be written about your beauty. If there were an attractive personality contest in Atlantis, you'd win. There's no better person to know than you. On a scale of 1 to 10, you're upwards of a 12. You are an amazing friend. You are enough. You are better than you realize. You inspire others; they are better for knowing you. If you were right here in front of me, I would give you a hug. Your presence is wondrous and appreciated. All that and, as they say, a bag of crisps. You're more fun than popping bubble wrap. Your potential is unrivaled! Colours are brighter when you wear them. Your tenacity in the face of challenges is encouraging. You're something special. Thank you for being you.

[ooc | ♆ - TWO CHARACTER EACH can't help but compliment everyone they talk to today. ]



[No Subject]

So, hey. Longest nap in existence. The nightmare/fear thing held true on our end, too.

And waking up, mine feels kind of ridiculous. I've had a pretty longstanding fear of not being good enough, or being rejected by everyone. I can't fly, I'm not the most brilliant at magic, I grew up under a shadow that I blamed a lot of people for - and that wasn't fair of me. It isn't my parents fault I felt inferior to bloody well everyone. They've never been anything but brilliant at home - and here I've got loads more family to get to know. I've got the world's best mate, there and here, and I'm - I'm good. I'm lucky.

So from now on I'm gonna try to be more open and honest and less down on myself. If you catch me doing it, nudge me or something.

Still not going to play Quidditch. But I am gay, so if you need help designing outfits... Don't ask me, I only like green and grey.

Jan. 23rd, 2019



Network Post: Aurora Sinistra

Thank you to everyone in Medical, officially or otherwise.

I don't need anything.

Except I would rather not do that again.

[Callie Spinnet]
Thank you.



Filtered to Spinnets and Friends

Is there any news about Alicia?

Also apparently I have good timing.

I missed you all.