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Posts Tagged: 'shamara+andor'

Feb. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

I don't think I've got the same way with words that Dr. Malcolm has (why mess with perfection, am I right?), so I'm not going to try.

What I do want to know, though, is what's your favorite wetland animal? Or plant? Or insect? I know what you're thinking. "But Trip, how could I ever decide? They're all so fascinating and beneficial to the environment!" I hear you. But I've been talking so much about what I think is cool, but now I want to hear about what everyone else thinks is cool, too, and maybe we can all learn something from each other.

Or I could just keep going. I know so much about beavers, y'all.



[No Subject]

Hey friends. This morning, Iโ€™m going to get all educational up in your asses, hope youโ€™re ready.

The topic today (which youโ€™ll probably ignore because humans are dickbags when it comes to the environment and anything to do with actually keeping the world running effectively) is the wetlands.

So. Who likes water? Well, the wetlands help fill the sources of 82% of your drinking water (if you live in America on earth, that is). Boom: save the wetlands.

Who likes not drowning? Wetlands help store floodwater to keep it from breaching into towns and cities along waterways. Boom: save the wetlands.

Who likes not swimming with garbage? Since (again) humans are dickbags when it comes to the environment and anything to do with actually keeping the world running effectively, pollution is a big deal. Wetlands have natural filtering capabilities that help keep waterways clean. Boom: save the wetlands.

Who likes food? Wetlands provide food like cranberries, blueberries, fish and rice. Boom: save the fucking wetlands.

And that brings me to the most important reason: these cute assholes live in near wetlands. You may not care if the world comes hurtling to a fiery end, because life is a mystery and time is an illusion, but those little things deserve more.

Feb. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

I can't stop flipping people off! It's like my fingers have a mind of their own, I'm sorry everyone. I swear I don't mean anything by it. My mom taught me better and my dad would have this really disapproving stare, it's like I can feel them being disappointed right now. But I can't help it!

Pay no mind to the hands! I think I'm just going to stay above Atlantis as much as possible today, so I can avoid people. This kind of sucks. And today had started off so nice with that e-Card.

Feb. 2nd, 2019



February 1 | Shamara Andor | Texts

OOC: Backdated because I thought today was 02/01!

[Cassian, Mara Jade, Shania]
โœ‰ I don't know think this will necessarily change anything but I am bringing a date to the wedding tomorrow.
โœ‰ Her name is Anissa, she's lovely and she got really hurt saving Shan (that's not the only reason why I'm bringing her). Just thought you should know! Love you.

โœ‰ Hi! Have you picked a beautiful, lovely, wonderful outfit? ♥

โœ‰ Tangeriiiine. Marshmalloooow ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก
โœ‰ I have a date for the wedding and I'm kind of super excited about it. I don't know why I didn't tell you before.
โœ‰ I guess I wanted you to have some time back on the waking world before inundating you with news about me.



log: flowers in medical

January 25

'Weโ€™re certainly hanging out now, by definition.' )



[No Subject]

Shouldโ€™ve figured thereโ€™d be a literal interpretation of Groundhog Day.

Does anyone want me to predict if we have 6 more weeks of winter?

Jan. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

I take mild comfort in knowing I am not the only one left to wear nothing but this wrap of bubbles today. However, having to wear multiple layers for the sake of decency has made it rather difficult to move around comfortably. Now I must weigh the joy of popping the bubbles against the need to apologize for noises when I sit.

[Team 18]
I will need you all to train without me today, as I am unable to properly cover myself. Reinhardt, please take charge.

Jan. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

Boy, you should not have told that girl about hearing the bird. That was a mistake.

[ ooc; Kratos does not know how to filter. He is unbothered by this. ]



[No Subject]

Sabrina? It appears I spoke too soon. I'd planned on filling today with any magic I could think of that might help, but maybe not.

I'd not thought this was part of my repertoire before, and perhaps it isn't permanent but it is delightful for the moment. Leviathan seems rather amused by this development.

Jan. 19th, 2019



January 19 | Shamara Andor

[Cassian & Mara Jade]
Do you guys need anything?

Can I come over and cuddle?

Jan. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

Since I've made the decision to stay, I have a proposition: if any of you lovely individuals with an interest in swordsmanship could do me a favor to keep me fresh, I'd very much appreciate it. No need for magic - I learned in the traditional way of Grey London, for fun (so no charms, defensive spells, etc etc). I won't claim to be among the very best, but I'll give you a good workout, and I'd be happy to recompense your time with either payment in coin or goods.

Much obliged.

Jan. 14th, 2019



log: chocleeeeeet

december 17
Shamara Andor + Antoine Triplett
PG | Complete

'Sometimes I feel like itโ€™s akin to being preserved in amber,' )

Jan. 12th, 2019



net post: katie bell

[OOC: pretend this was posted MUCH earlier in the day]

I wonder if I charmed my hair red would Atlantis give me a cool kiss me shirt?

EDIT: If you haven't already signed up for quidditch, now that the holidays are over, we'll be selecting captains and splitting you lot into teams soon! For those of you who've missed the earlier announcements, practices are held on Saturdays at the Quidditch Pitch near the village. If you don't already know how to play and want to learn, just show up or see me, Benjy or Oliver Wood for a lesson!



January 12 | Shamara Andor

My top used to be just the woodland fae-like graphic but...

picture cut )

I guess Atlantis thinks you should kiss a ginger. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Jan. 11th, 2019



netpost: luke skywalker

At least I've reached a point where I have some control over these, uh, chocolate powers, but I'm still not fond of the voice in my head. How long do you suppose this is going to last?

PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH ends up feeling strange today, perhaps there is a voice in your head? Yes. You've been inhabited by a god! This lasts for 72 hours. You'll find you have some of the powers of that god as well, but not nearly as powerful as the god is normally. Luke is inhabited by EK CHUAH.

Jan. 10th, 2019



Net Post: Mara Jade

I don't know why I've never spent any time shopping at the nursery, they have some beautiful things.

[Shamara and Shania]

I dropped off a plant for each of you. They told me that they were called air ferns and didn't have to be watered. Apparently they trive on air. Let's see if they're right.


Yes, I left a plant on your desk. Please try not to kill it. I love you.

[Luke Skywalker]

Have a plant, farmboy.

Jan. 9th, 2019



Network Post: Raksha Keller

Flowers weren't so messy, aside from having to keep picking them. Indoor tornadoes are a problem. Although, they're strangely cute

[Housemates: Daisy Johnson, Lauren Strucker, and Marceline Proudstar]
I'm trying trying to clean up, but they keep getting in the way We have plenty of whipped cream.



[No Subject]

Please don't spoil this for me, but I'm feeling pretty lucky today. I told someone to have a good morning and he won a free coffee not five minutes later. Another lady said that she stopped to look at my hair and if she hadn't, she would've stepped out in front of a cab that had lost traction for just a few seconds right where she'd been about to step. And since the third time seals it, I gave another person a quick hug because it looked like they were having a rough morning and she said it really made her morning so maybe that one's lucky for me.

Good morning, Atlantis!

Jan. 8th, 2019



netpost: cassian andor

While I normally like an orderly workspace, I don't usually force my neatness on others. Today was apparently an exception. To my fellow field commanders, I am sorry. I'm not sure what got into me.

[PLOT Cassian was compelled to clean desks today. He's very sorry if a clean desk offends you!]

Jan. 6th, 2019



january 06 :: poe dameron

My X-Wing is here!

Today is the happiest day of my life, or at least one of the happiest.

Me and BB8 will be up in the air for the rest of the day.