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Posts Tagged: 'saoirse+shepard'

Mar. 10th, 2019



March 10 | Clarice Fong

Cool. Cool cool cool. This is definitely the time to be stuck on the rainbow road with fucking Luigi making evil eyes at me. Whoever else is here, I'm pissed off enough to not shy from throwing shells so watch yourself.

PLOT: ONE CHARACTER EACH wakes up in Mario-Cart today and must race! When the race ends you are free. (This is what she means by Luigi making evil eyes.)



march 10 :: steve rogers

I know we're not in the best moment to celebrate things, but happy birthday, Buck. You didn't think I would forget, did you?

Mar. 3rd, 2019



03 March | Capt. Becker

The dogs have thumbs.


PLOT: ♆ - ONE CHARACTER EACH, if you've got a pet they have thumbs today...

Feb. 24th, 2019



23 February | Evie Frye

it appears my good friend Sara Ryder and her "complicated beau" have departed. I don't believe she would have left without telling me beforehand so I must conclude it wasn't by choice. Either way, this saddens me. I shall miss her. I daresay I shall miss her frustrating Mr. Vidal as well.

I suppose people have a drink in these times? I'm not too opposed to a glass of Port by the hearth in honour of dear Sara, if anyone cares to join.

Feb. 21st, 2019



netpost: D'Artagnan

Musketeers )


Right then. Who wants to explain Quidditch to me? I've heard a lot of chatter about it around Atlantis, and I am interested in attending a game were one to occur sometime soon.

Feb. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

Colleagues, you ought to feel blessed. I usually don't show off my zombie scars 'til at least the third date.

Way to be a freak, Atlantis. I'm sure I haven't been here long enough to have earned the nudity-at-work badge, but here we are.

Feb. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

A man runs into a bar. Panting, he tells the barkeep, “Give me ten shots of your best whiskey—quick!” So the barkeep sets them up and the man knocks them all back in seconds.

“Why you drinking so fast?” asks the barkeep.

“You’d drink fast too, if you had what I have,” says the man.

“Why, what do you have?” asks the barkeep.

“Only twelve cents.”

Hey, I'm Ethan Winters. I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but consider this my 'could be worse, finger guns, happy to help' response to this new brand of crazy?

Jan. 28th, 2019



Netpost: Logan Howlett

Folks here sure know how to welcome a fella.

The name's Logan. Just arrived on Saturday. Don't think I know anyone, but figure that's just a matter of time.

Got some training lined up for this afternoon if anyone's interested. Fair warning, I don't hold back.

Jan. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

I have never particularly sought leadership positions, but I must say it is quite heartening to be in a place where a man with a name and color such as mine can be called Commander. I shall, of course, do my best to rise to the occasion and serve both my department and the people of Atlantis well.

I am simultaneously pleased to have my skills recognized and feeling a great deal of pressure as chief diplomat across multiple universes.

Jan. 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

Everybody gets to have ridiculous banana and rain powers and I just get clumsy.

I broke my foot today, and I'm on "no weight on it for a week" at the moment. I heal fast, and I can get a boost from medical if I need it. SAM gave me a three-day-estimate. If anyone needs me, I'm hanging out at Reyes place until Friday. Maybe Saturday. Probably Friday though, because he keeps roping me into stupid board games and I can't punch him from my place on the sofa.

Oh! Er- Sorry, Heart 13, Goliath is nosy af and I didn't want to leave him alone since Reyes insisted I stay. If he bugs you, let me know or just tell him to shoo. (he likes bananas, I suggest stealing some from Hawke)

Porthos, you're free to just stick with the Musketeers the rest of the week.

Jan. 1st, 2019



netpost: christopher pike

I certainly didn't drink enough to have this sort of headache. Not your best move, Atlantis.

As much as I enjoyed having people here, even knowing it was temporary doesn't make their departure any easier.

How are you doing, love?

Dec. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

At least I was awake for my arrival in this new World. Universe. Galaxy. Dimension? Place. Except.. except Intake says that my sister is on a mission and may not be back for a while (believe me, I get it - not the first time). But Reyes is here and on that mission. Which... I have questions. And apparently Commander Shepard is in this world too... and also on that mission.

So I guess I'm on my own? Wait, no. Sorry, ignore all of that. I've got a map of the place now and somewhere to go. And loads of gossip to sift through, apparently. Wow, this is one hell of a sync up, SAM.

Oh, right. Scott Ryder. Hello, world.

Nov. 18th, 2018



[No Subject]

An Ouija Board that doesn’t do anything. That’s kind of a letdown, I half expected to be contacted by the great beyond. Really would’ve helped the hangover.

Nov. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Every time I swap genders, I end up with this strangely obsessive urge to ask somebody to a dance I've never heard of before. It's a little strange that people are being all but forced into asking somebody to dance with them when they'd likely do it anyway, given the option.

Nov. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

Commander Jack Morrison, reporting for duty. Heard you've got a war to fight, figured it couldn't hurt to lend a few extra hands.

I've got a lot of intel and documentation to read through over the next few days, but I'll be reporting to the base security office as Head of Security tomorrow. Looking forward to meeting everybody here and adjusting, always welcome advice.

Already pretty adjusted to military life, I lead a peacekeeping organization back home called Overwatch, been career military. Doubt I'll have any trouble fitting in around here.

Reinhardt, heard you've been staying out of trouble. That true?

Nov. 4th, 2018



Network Post: Raksha Keller

Sadie Hawkins, really? I thought this was the future.

Is anyone actually doing this?

The peppermint mocha sounds good, though.

[Bella Hartley]
We should get some.

Oct. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Team 22, where are you?

Guess who got moved up to Jr. Field Agent?

Oct. 20th, 2018



5pm Oct 20 - Sara Lance

I knew that black cat stalking me yesterday couldn't be a good thing.

I'll be at Dive drinking a toast to Len and Wally if anyone wants to join me.

Oct. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

I thought I'd done enough saving the world for a lifetime. Looks like this place had other ideas in mind instead of letting me enjoy my damn retirement.

Name's Herc Hansen. Anyone know if there's a place to get a drink around here that's dog friendly? I don't plan to leave my dog behind just yet.

Oct. 14th, 2018



Net Post/ Oliver Queen

When I was a kid I thought it would be awesome to go into space. I didn't expect to literally find myself sitting on a star yesterday. The weird thing is that I didn't die and I should have because people aren't meant to just live on stars like that. Anyway it was pretty amazing seeing what things look like from up there.