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Posts Tagged: 'marcus+cole'

May. 10th, 2019



Jyn Erso (Atlantis)

I never saw a pinecone before I came here. I hope I never see another one and if I do, I am not touching it.


Where are you? I know you're patrolling somewhere and might not see this right away but I need to get out of here and do something.

[Alex Belikova]

I can't tell you how glad I was to see that you were okay when I woke up here. Did you get a puzzle piece too?

May. 6th, 2019



6 May | Sharon Carter

ALPHA TEAMS (Phil Coulson, Marcus Cole, Kára Calrissian, Shania Andor, Katie Bell, Marcel Gerard, Rey, Mia Rinaldi, Bobbi Morse, Antoine Triplett)
You have your assignments. I don't need to tell you how important this mission is. I know it's not easy. We've all got people we care about in there. We're down some team members and LCDRs, but no one patrols alone.

If any of you have questions, now's the time.

Apr. 24th, 2019



Network Post: Marcus Cole

Methinks I saw the strangest sight! Twas a pig turned merchant, hawking blankets. I thanked him, but went my way for fear I would find myself waking next in a sty!

[Alpha and Bravo Field Agents]
'Tis a brisk and fair morn for a mock battle. I look forward to the day!

PLOT: One character each talks like a Shakespearean character today. It had to be Marcus. Alpha vs. Bravo is on the regular training schedule.

Mar. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

Well, at least nobody woke up today as some kind of weird aquatic animal. At least not that I've heard of so there is that.

[Alpha 1. Teams 1 and 9: Peter B. Parker, Marcus Cole, Kara Calrissian, Jesse McCree, Keith, Shania Andor, Katie Bell]

I'm Natasha Romanoff, your Lieutenant Commander. One thing that I believe in is communication. If you're having a problem, you need to let someone know because you can't fix something if you don't know what it is and our teams are small enough that if something is wrong, it can really screw up a mission.Talk to your team leader and if that doesn't resolve the problem, come to me. I believe in teamwork and I want us to be able to trust each other because without trust, someone can end up hurt or even worse, dead, when we're in the field.

Since I don't know all of you, I'd like us to have dinner together Thursday night if that's good for everyone. I'm not a very formal person so by dinner I mean pizza and beer at Stone. If that isn't a good time, we'll figure something out. Welcome to the team.



Network Post: Marcus Cole

Even after so much time planetside and with the memories of Mark Collins, real water showers feel like a luxury. Mark, at least, knew how to swim, although it seems to come with this form, as well.

Although, now I'm hungry. Could someone point me to the stables?

OOC: Marcus is Two-toed Tom, a giant (possibly demonic) alligator that can withstand dynamite and eats - pretty much everything. Slightly backdated because it has been a Monday.

Mar. 11th, 2019



Log: Matt Anderson and Marcus Cole

20th-25th January [fear plot]
Matt Anderson + Marcus Cole
Scifi Violence | Complete

You don't have anything capable of creating a singularity, do you? )

Feb. 21st, 2019



Log: Jyn Erso and Marcus Cole post-fear plot

Roughly 25 January

You are not allowed to scare me like that. )

Feb. 3rd, 2019



February 3 | Matt Anderson

This place starts to feel like home more and more every day.

We have a problem. Have you seen the alarm?

Jan. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

So uh

anyone else seeing the almost naked ghost things floating around, or have I lost my mind?

[ ooc; he's seeing desire demons from thedas! ]

Jan. 8th, 2019



08 January | Tommy Mcconnel

Clean desk. Bath filled with bubble shit.

Trying to tell me something?

I'm going to put in a request to the kind of person we want to fill the now empty slot from Flint.

Anything you want me to add?

Jan. 3rd, 2019



netpost: emmeline

Filtered to Friends & HP'verse (friends)*
Hey guys, just giving you a heads up that my team is heading out for a mission.

Be good while I'm away.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

* It doesn't have to be everyone obvs but Marauder friends, family, etc. People she's close to! If you aren't sure, just ask!



Network Post: Marcus Cole

I decided to wait for this until everyone was over their fruitcake cravings:
When a fruitcake contains a good deal of alcohol, it can remain edible for many years. For example, a fruitcake baked in 1878 was kept as an heirloom by a family (Morgan L. Ford) in Tecumseh, Michigan.[12] In 2003 it was sampled by Jay Leno on The Tonight Show.[13] Wrapping the cake in alcohol-soaked linen before storing is one method of lengthening its shelf life.[14]

A 106-year-old fruitcake discovered in 2017 by the Antarctic Heritage Trust was described as in "excellent condition" and "almost" edible.*

You're welcome.


Jan. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

I knew it wouldn't last forever but I'm grateful for having the last few weeks with my mother.

Also, I knowm part of my life is a science fiction movie but I certainly hope the music is better than what I've been hearing all day. I hope that anyone else that's hearing it got a better soundtrack.

Dec. 27th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello, Atlantis. My name is Jyn Erso and I realize that I've been here for some time now so I shouldn't need to introduce myself but stars, there are so many more of you that I feel like I should!

I didn't meet my future children but I got a very special gift for my birthday which was about two weeks ago. My mother. She was killed when I was a child so getting to spend time with her has been amazing. I know Atlantis does a lot of really bizarre things but this time they certainly got it right.

Dec. 23rd, 2018



netpost; ray palmer

I woke up this morning with a Family Tree on my bed. It's beautifully done. But it's more up to date than I am because my stupid brother, Sydney, is married, with kids!

I hope everyone here in Atlantis has a great Christmas!

Nov. 11th, 2018



Network Post: Marcus Cole

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place, and in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead; short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe!
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high!
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae

Unusually appropriate in Atlantis, but certainly no less worthy of a toast for anyone who'll be at Dive this evening.

Nov. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

I should have learned my lesson not to enjoy these events, but today is The Best Day because I just scratched Hawke’s ears and he kicked at the ground with his foot.

So. With the very present danger that exists in our lives here (you know, of turning into foods or pets), I’ve decided what I’d like on my grave marker should I die. In keeping with the noble tradition of the Dirty Limerick, I present my epitaph:

Here lies a pirate called Izzy
Who could make man or woman feel dizzy
She had a great rack
And could lead an attack
And nev’r passed up a chance to get busy.

What’s yours?

[ooc; the one about the epitaph]

Oct. 30th, 2018



netpost; ray palmer

I know it's Halloween this month but I naively thought Atlantis wouldn't be so cruel as to have us chasing ghosts of loved ones. Daring to hope that they'd been brought to this world. I was wrong, of course.

Sorry for going off the grid. Is anyone else considering returning home? Or is it just me?

*the people who replied to his post last week are included in this

Oct. 23rd, 2018



Network Post: Marcus Cole

not what i meant about being planetside

[OOC: Marcus is a mole until 6:02pm.]

Oct. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

I wanted to thank all of you for your kindness in my introductory post, as well as the kindness shown to me in the days since. It isn't easy for me to take fantastic things on faith and you, as well as where we live, are all quite fantastic. I am lucky that my siblings have faith enough for me and those of you who conversed were quite patient with my pseudo-philosophical questions.

The longer I have been here, however, the longer I understand that it is all too real to be make-believe. And I do not want to waste any more time when, it seems, I have been chosen to support a goal. So, in case you were wondering, I will tell you a bit more about myself:

My name is Susan Pevensie. Edmund and Peter are my brothers, the poor things. But where I'm from, I'm getting ready to read Literature at Oxford. I love William Blake and Spenser. In fact, a copy of The Faerie Queene came with me from home. I've been to one of Mrs. Woolf's talks at school and I feel very strongly that we may find some equity amongst the sexes in my lifetime. I want to be a Professor and I want to write about moments of artistic or religious ecstasy.

And yes, Narnia is r This is not my first time hopping world to world, either. I spent many years as one of four rulers of a land called Narnia. I'm no longer a Friend of N We had Talking Animals, Dwarves, Fauns, Satyrs, Tree Spirits and other such subjects that we loved very dearly. It was a wardrobe (that was in a house, in the English countryside) that we traveled through. A wardrobe made from two trees from a sacred grove. A wood between worlds. I also met Father Christmas and he gifted me with a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The bow rarely misses. And I think it may be magic, not me. There's a horn somewhere, too. And it will bring aide to whoever blows it - but the horn has been in the hands of others for ever so long.

All of this to say, hello. You and I are very real. I am at University continuing my study of Literature and I would like to get to know more about all of you. Mightn't you share with me your name and something you love about our new home? I would very much like to hear it.

Can we get supper together tonight?